[V] The Buddy Project 11th April 2013 Written Update

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[V] The Buddy Project 11th April 2013 Written Update by Khushii

[V] The Buddy Project 11th April 2013 Written Episode

Avantika ties Piddi up, making him furious. She’s back to her antics. She asks him info on Jaitley sir as he knows him from before. But he says he won’t speak a thing. She says she simply wants to know what he likes and what he can do. Piddi says to not mess with him as his Junglee mode is more than scary. When he doesn’t say anything else, she tickles him. He tells her case will be sad if she messes with Junglee. At the end, he does end up tell Avantia about JJ.

She leaves, without untying him and giving him a forehead kiss and sticking gum on his shirt. Piddi says he’ll never say a word, w/o realizing he just had!!

Everyone gathers around, wondering what’s going on. JJ makes his entrance, in a way confusing them all further. He tells them since they love fighting, he’s done something to broaden that. Then he whistles and the cover on the board is dropped, revealing a score board. He tells them now the real war will begin to see which one is the best. D’s or C’s.

When they give blanks stares, JJ says it isn’t rocket science. Then the goes on to explaining the two ‘gangs’ they’ve created. Laughing, he asks who came up with the names? Then he explains further on how their life revolves around fighting and planning for it. A never ending competition. So JJ has simply made it official. Whenever they want, however they want, they can compete and no college authority or dead won’t say anything either! The princi gives JJ permission to do as he wills.

JJ instigates Avi and Omi to be more vicious and modernize their fight. It’ll be great fun! There will be no punching. But just compete in academics, cultural activities, musical, dramatics, socials, etc.

Avi accepts it and Omi too does. JJ says they’ll earn scores with each win and they’ll find the real champ. He explains the rules to them. And if they don’t do that, points will be taken away. He shows them the rulebook He questions their mardaangi and that does it JJ again leaves the way he came… jumping

Piddi wonder why JJ is telling everyone to fight. Panchi hears, confused herself. Everyone else stands opposite to each other, tashan mode. Panchi runs to JJ and he asks if she’s running Olympics and he tells her he knows what she’s thinking. JJ tells her that others will think the same thing and that is exactly what he wants them to do. They accepted TBP without knowing what it was. And once again, she can take this as TBP2. He asks if he trusts her and she says yes. He asks for help and to get Avi and Omi’s signature on the contracts.

KD wants water but is deadly in pain. He remembers him and RV’s run on the beach and when they discussed how college will be with them together. Same with RV, who’s sitting in his bed. Them thinking how different things are now and what could have been…

Precap – JJ explains the contract to Avi and Omi. Avi and Omi sign it without wanting to hear the rules.

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