[V] The Buddy Project 13th November 2012 Written Update

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[V] The Buddy Project 13th November 2012 Written Update by Mais

Episode starts in the canteen. Samar and Piddi (SaPid) are checking out the Delhi girls. Samar gets all emotional that he is being overwhelmed because of all these feelings. Piddi comments that he can take out his feelings in the washroom. Samar stares at him and Piddi says that it wasn’t a PJ but a DJ, dirty joke. Samar goes to the girls and introduces himself. Piddi just stands there doing his monkey antics. Samar gets all flirty with the girls but they pay no heed at him and just raise their eyebrows. Samar says that his father knew he was going to be very hot when he grew up, that’s why his father named him Samar Pratab Singh. Girls don’t get this and he explains that Samar as in Summer which is hot, like Winter is cold. The girls get the joke but aren’t impressed. Piddi presents himself. The girl comments that his father must’ve known that he would be short even if he grew up that’s why his name must be Chotu and Piddu types. Samar laughs with the girls and says that his name is Piddi but the girls pay no interest to him.

At the stage area, Juhi gives something to Panchi and asks him where is her “Nonu” and giggles. Panchi requests her not to call RV Nonu as only she can call him that. Juhi says okay and adds that it’s so cute how only Panchi calls him Nonu out of affection and asks again about his wheareabouts. Panchi says that she doesn’t know nor does she care.

SaPid still with the girls. Samar says they are RA students and will serve the girls in anyway because they are on the PR team. Piddi says he was to do “PR” (pyaar) and gets out of control a little. Samar makes him sniff black pepper. Samar takes control and says he means that they would serve them in anyway. The girls give each other some signals.

Alien with her friend at the stage area. Juhi recognizes her and tells Panchi that she is the girl with whome RV was caught. Panchi is silent. Juhi is a little excited. Panchi goes to Alien and says that only authority is allowed here so they should kindly leave. Alien comments to her friend that there are some people who only use their authority at useless places because they don’t have any power on someone they want to control. She is taunting Panchi and Panchi is a little hurt. RV comes there and Alien gets all lovey dovey with him. She apologizes for the previous night. RV says he was worried that she was mad at him but she says for that, there are his classmates indicating Panchi. She takes him away from there to take a round around the campus.

The girl takes Piddi to her dorm and drags him inside. Piddi is shocked and nervous. She asks him to feel free and Piddi says he is here to be free. He says to her that whatever she wants him to to, she should do it soon else he might not be able to do it later. She says she would but first…and points at the bed. Piddi gets excited. She shows him a top and asks him to wait for a while. Piddi closes his eyes and is anticipating something big. She is taking out clothes and throws them at him and asks him to open his eyes. When he does, he sees her struggling with some clothes in the wardrobe and gets mad. She asks him to take her clothes to the laundry. She says that he got mad so easily, he is so touchy and pokes his cheek. Piddi likes it and she pokes again. Piddi also caresses her cheeks and Vats passes by there. He comes in angrily. He is polite with the girl but mad at Piddi. He tells him that it’s a girls dorm and boys aren’t allowed. Piddi whispers to him if that’s the case, what is Vats doing here. Is he also a girl? Vats gets mad. Piddi says that he is just here to help a friend. Vats says he knows that girls today are very self sufficient. Even his wife is so self sufficient that she doesn’t even need him. Piddi mumbles when someone would have a husband like Vats, what choice does she have?

KiSha arrive at some place where rehearsals are going on. They say they were waiting for Kiya. Kiya is surprised that they know her and the guy says who doesn’t know Kiya Gujral? He requests her before the rehearsal, Kiya should sing a song for them because she has a nice voice. Kiya agrees. She keeps glancing at KD who is not making eye contact. She sits down and guitar plays. She sings “Iktara” from Wake Up Sid.

Iktara sequence. It has scenes between the studio and school. In studio, Kiya keeps glancing at KD. In school, Panchi is crying and RV is with Alien and gang but he is not so interested and is faking interest. Panchi has FBs of happy RaHi, Alien and the birthday fiasco. KD has FBs of happy KiSha moments. The song ends. Everyone except KD applauds.

HiMa moment with the camera where Juhi says she is interested in photography and a promotion scene of Nokia India Fest 2013.

Kiya after finishing the song goes to KD. Before she could say anything, the guy asks her to introduce KD. Kiya does and he asks her if he is her boyfriend? KiSha stare at each other for a while then Kiya denies it. The guy says that he is sure Kiya would rock because she has a wonderful voice and asks her to come to a side because he wants to show her some chords. KD says to the camera that Kiya’s voice is the reason she is famous, rockstar and egoistic. So he would get rid of her voice. That’s the perfect justice for her. Kiya comes there and KD smiles a little at her.

Precap – KD mixing something in Kiya’s drink and says that now Kiya will get the lesson of her life. RV sees him and asks him what is he doing at Kiya’s shelf?

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1 Comment

  1. Kriya
    November 13, 14:38 Reply

    Kd by doin this u wk ruin all d efforts of ur team…don’t do this..dats not d way 2 publically humiliate anyone..dis wl harm ur team’s presentation in alpha+..
    N throw this aisha otta here..she is such a ****..her actng oops overacting is lyk hell…makeup KIT..!!

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