[V] The Buddy Project 17th December 2012 Written Update

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[V] The Buddy Project 17th December 2012 Written Update by sweetshine

[V] The Buddy Project 17th December 2012 Written Update

Epi begins with Piddi all excited and Samar tells him he seems to be having loads of fun collecting numbers of the girls and reading poetries and asks if he forgot Bobby saheba
Piddi tells him how could he do that he is just following the trick he thought him of doing all these stuff to bring Bobby closer and closer to him and he moves towards the buddy caf gate, right then someone on the motorbike stops outside near the school, Piddi looks at the person and tells Samar it’s the same person who gave him lift to stop JJ, he runs off to thank that person
Piddhi reaches the person who parks the bike and he reminds him that he is the one whom he gave lift to, the person gets off the bike and opens the handgloves, Piddi says he couldn’t thank him properly and praises him that he drives mind-blowingly, Piddi moves his hand forward thanking the person and the person shakes in return, Piddi feels his hand and says his hands are quite much like a girl like the ones they saw in the first traffic signal, he then gets zor ka chata from the person
Piddi holding his cheeks looks in horror towards the person as she takes off her helmet, Piddi becomes shocked to see its Bobby and then goes back to his ‘Kaho na Kaho’ daze with flower petals over him
Piddi then comes out of his daze and realizes it was Bobby who gave him lift and jumps in fear saying out Bobby’s name looking around, he then tells her he was looking at those girls just like that, and tells her Samar told him if he would see girls like that then Bobby would come soon to stop him, but she’s too late now and pulls her into a hug saying where did she go and why didn’t she say anything why she went where she went
Bobby pushes him off and Piddi says no problem now she’s back in his life his life is set and tells her he missed her soo much, he then runs around the ground dancing balle balle that Bobby has finally arrived, KD, Samar and Juhi reach and say hi to Bobby as Piddi goes on dancing, Juhi takes Bobby’s pic to post on fb
Piddi dances hugging Bobby who pushes him and tells him to stop dancing like a fool and tell her like a human what all happened
At Banga’s office Banga tells JJ that he is highly educated but an unemployed man so he has loads of time to waste but he(Banga) is the principle of the school and he cannot waste his time and tells him to leave as he is in no way going to hire JJ back as he can bring Royal to no1 himself on his own
JJ tells him he can bring it in no.1 position for sure but right now his intentions are not to bring Royal to no.1 but to take out his personal grudges, he tells him the things he did to Banga as Junglee he took revenge of that from him and now the things he taught those students as Jaitley he wants to revenge for that
Banga shouts out Yes, and says he is glad JJ took out this topic as he loves to talk straight to the point, he tells him yes he is doing all this for revenge from him as he hates him and will never allow him to return back to Royal, and he sees him(JJ) in those 8 students also
When JJ was a student Banga couldn’t do much because he was protected by his favorite Rama Sir, but these 8 students now are under him so he will handle them on his own and he tells JJ to watch out as he will make an example of them
JJ tells him please not to talk like that as he is a teacher and a teacher never brings in their personal grudges in between their duty, and if he does like this then the word teacher will loose all the respect that people have for them, JJ joins his hands and begs Banga not to do this
Banga laughs out looking at JJ, he says Anirudh Jaitley is begging him, he tells JJ that he really loves those 8 students, he tells him his life is in those 8 students and now he will see how he(Banga) will torture those 8 and the person who will be hurt is JJ
JJ folds his hands and tells Banga he is going wrong now, he reminds him of a proverbial Idiot where a person goes to a zoo and sees the tiger behind the cage and hits it with a stone from outside the cage ad feels so much brave about himself, but when the cage opens and tiger comes out, he then starts whistling as Banga makes a serius face, JJ tells him that time you get to know who is weak and who is strong (Yo Yo JJ ne kya bola hai damn luvd this scene of him it was jus too Fabulousdats JJ style)
JJ leaves the office whistling, Banga screams out after him that right now his 8 idiots will come to know how strong is their new principle, JJ immediately opens and door and comes back in and Banga jumps, JJ tells him to say it softly as everyone can hear him outside and goes out again whistling his bg tune
Bobby and the others are all sitting in the buddy caf, Bobby says so that’s the story, Juhi tells her Panchi is still in the hospital, and Piddi says and Banga is behind their backs, Bobby asks whats the plan now, KD says there is only one plan now, Hope they can only hope that JJ comes and save them from Banga’s evil plans
JJ comes there saying I’m sorry guys, all get up and JJ tells them he is sorry but he cant do anything for them now, he notices Bobby and says its good to see her back, he makes them all sit and sits beside them and tells them that Banga has refused to take him back, all get shocked and KD asks how could he do that, JJ tells him Banga is the Princi now he can do anything, Samar tells JJ Banga is not allowing him to come back so that he can take revenge on them, JJ agrees and tells them Banga is going through a major ego trip now and going through this trip he will make their lives a hell
Piddi tells him to stop showing them the future and pleads him to save them all, JJ tells him he wish he could do something but right now this war they have to fight alone, right then Banga passes by and sees them all together with JJ and calls out JJ, everyone looks at him in horror
He goes to JJ and asks how dare he come here to his school when he is not part of it, he asks JJ if he wants to go himself or should he call the security, JJ tells him there is no need for security as he knows the way out and leaves
He stops and turns to Banga and tells him he even knows the way in back, just in case
Banga turns to the others and warns them if anyone of them are in touch with JJ then he will make their lives so miserable that they will be nothing but laughing stocks, he looks at Bobby and says she came after long time and tells her he hopes her to see back to school tomorrow continuing her classes and warns her to stay out of this mess pointing towards the rest
He tells the others that Rama Sir and now JJ has finally gone, their bodyguards have left and asks them what will they do now, and tells them all the best coz they are gona need it and laughs and leaves
At the hospital, Samar tells the rest Banga is very serious this time, Piddi tells RV JJ is out now and Banga will do their mother sister together, he tells KD he thinks they should leave school now, KD tells him no if they go ask for transfer certificates Banga will surely write such remarks that other schools will not give them admission
Juhi says then that means, Samar tells her it means they are all trapped, RV asks if JJ cant do anything, Piddi tells him he is gone now there is nothing to do, RV says everything is going wrong now, Panchi’s condition is not recovering and there Banga is behind their lives
Bobby goes to RV and tells him why is he being so upset, Panchi is a tough girl and will be totally brand new, and about Banga this is how games are first they had their goal and now its Banga’s turn, she tells him there is no need to be scared as they will get their chance too
Panchi’s mom arrives and sits with Kiya, Panchi’s hand move slightly and nurse notices and calls for the doctor, seeing the doctor rush in all move towards the door and peek in from the glass as the doctor checks Panchi, he tells nurse to raise Panchi’s bed who opened her eyes, doctor asks her how is she feeling she nods and everyone outside become happy to see Panchi become alright
Panchi’s mom meets her first, Bobby tells RV she told him Panchi is a tough girl and tells him to come out of his sissy avatar now, Doctor comes outside and asks if they are her friends, they say yes, doc tells them they can go meet her now but tells them not to disturb her much, Piddi tells RV not to cry anymore and wipes his own tears and says lets go meet Panchi, RV tells them to go ahead and he will join
KD asks Panchi how is she feeling and tells her she will be fine soon and everyone tells her to become alright soon, Juhi hugs her and Panchi asks her why is she crying now as she is alright, Juhi says JLT, everyone looks confused at her, she tells them just like that, everyone laughs, Juhi tells Panchi they missed her soo much
Panchi calls out to Bobby and asks her when did she come, Piddi excitedly says that Bobby’s arrival made Panchi alright now ad says Bobby is lucky for her and for him and goes on saying but then stops looking at Bobby’s expression to him, Panchi smiles and tells him when will he sudhrofy
Juhi tells Panchi’s mom to take a pic of them all and tells them all to come in the frame, and tells them her fb status is up already that Panchi is back and she will make this pic her dp, KD asks if they all are in the frame, Panchi’s mom says yes but notices RV missing and says RV isn’t here and ask where did he go
RV in the washroom washes his face and remembers all his moments spent with Panchi and the fights and the accidents, he says sorry to Panchi

Precap: KD holds Kiya and tells her in front of everyone that they have been ahting each other from a long time and have so many misunderstandings between them, and to clear off all the mu he will do anything, Kiya tells him fine and asks him to get down on his knees and rub his nose on the floor and say in front of everyone ‘Kiya Gujral I’m sorry’, everyone looks at them in shock

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  1. sara
    December 20, 23:41 Reply

    i think each of them should be respectful to each other.

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