[V] The Buddy Project 1st October 2012 Written Update

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[V] The Buddy Project 1st October 2012 Written Update by sweetshine

Epi begins with the trustee saying abt Royal being one of the trusted best school and now they have to bring the standard back on the top, and if they both Princi and Banga cant handle then they have to look for other options
Banga tells them Royal needs him and begs them to give him the chance to do that and he will bring it to the top for sure
JJ cuts in that if in this condition they handover Principal-ship to Banga then there might be too much pressure for him (GOO JJ haha) so he suggests that under Princi’s guidance things can get back on the top for Royal, Banga laughs sarcastically and asks him how would he do that and who will do dat, JJ replies he will do it, everyone gets surprised
Banga again laughs and tells JJ has lost his mind and asks him mockingly how will he do it taking support of gundas like KD or the eight loosers, JJ replies tactfully that is his plan, he tells Banga the eight loosers he is referring to are one of the best students of Royal and they will be the one to bring Royal’s prestige back and the only thing they require is the right guidance and he will show them all.
Kiya stops KD in the corridor and tells him sorry, KD tells her she doesn’t need to be coz the mistake was his, Kiya asks him wat mistake did he do and he replies that he trusted her again…he forgot Kiya Gujral will always be Kiya Gujral, selfish untrustworthy and betrayer and he leaves Kiya upset
Banga tells the trustees that JJ is talking abt those hooligans who brought down Royal and who has done such humiliating things with him, JJ again cuts in saying those 8 students are mischievious but they are very talented and they are just misguided, he explains them that under his training and Princi’s guidance they will change for sure and bring a change to Royal also, he just needs the chance
Banga reminds him he is not even a teacher here and how does he expect to do this, JJ says that’s right but Princi has always seeked his help in any such matters of school and he is familiar with the eight students and their behavior so Princi can easily appoint him as a teacher, he asks them to give him this one chance
Juhi tells Samar he thinks she is not gud enough so how cud he do such a thing with her, he asks confused wat did he do, she tells him first of all he didn’t do anything but then he was the one who left Bobby with her and told her to take care of Bobby, Samar explains her there was a problem but she made the problem much bigger by posting that video online and all of them are in a mess now, Juhi argues back he is blaming her for everything, he calmly tells her fighting among themselves will not solve anything and they should all together think of a way to get out of this mess
Back in Princi’s office one of the trustees asks Princi if he wants to hire JJ, Banga tries to say sumthing in shock but in vain(Banga ki Bolti band), Princi says yes and that he can hire Jaitley as the Personality Development teacher here, he further asks Banga to get the paper work done
Banga tells him he cant do this and he tries to explain the trustees that all of his experiments have failed in the past and they just cant do it again, but Princi tells them Jaitley deserves a chance as he was the one who during KD’s case got the proofs for KD and got him released from the jail, trustees get satisfied and tells Banga that they agree with the Princi and will give Jaitley a chance
JJ thanks them and asks for best wishes and support from his seniors and asks Banga wouldn’t he wish him luck, Banga sarcastically smiles and wishes him and JJ thanks him and tells him its all possible because of him
JJ tells the trustees he wud like to start his mission first with the eight students and asks if its ok with them, they tell him that he has got three months to accomplish his mission
In the school atrium the super 8 cums together thinking wat to do…Piddi tells KD usually there’s headache till the morning aftr the party night but this party has created a headache for them for the rest of their lives, he asks him wat will they do as this problem has brot his mom and maasi together, KD tells his to shut up as there is so much problems and he is going on talking
Ranveer retorts he wud have shut up if only he had some commen sense, pointing towards Piddi, he tells him u always get trapped in KD’s plans and then ask him only wat to do, he tells Piddi to be so retarded he must be putting a lot of effort…RV tells them all that he warned from before not to listen to KD and his plans and today because of him they are in such a mess
KD replies back to him saying those whose houses are made of glass they shud shut the F* up…he asks RV he didn’t understand then he will explain him better…he tells RV they are in this mess because they messed with Banga but he is messed up with a really stupid reason (here they go again), RV gets angry, while KD goes on that he is rich he could have gone to a hotel room why did he come to school for adventure, everyone is annoyed with their argument while RV gets super pissed and slaps KD, KD fights back and they both get into ugly fight while everyone is trying their best to stop the two
Princi, trustees and Jaitley reach the fighting scene and get shocked while Banga smiles, Jaitley screams at them to stop, the two finally stop and everyone looks at JJ Princi and trustees shocked and scared
Banga mocks them all telling the trustees Jaitley’s boys are already doing so much to bring up the Royal’s standards…he asks them if they think these Junglees would ever be civilians, he tells them there is still time and they cud change their decision, but trustees remind JJ he has got only 3 months and leaves
JJ goes upto KD and RV and asks are they done and screams at them they have no idea how much humiliation Princi is receiving because of them, he blames them that because of them Royal’s future is at stake and they are busy behaving like animals here, he tells them off they don’t deserve to be here and that they are all finished now, he informs the eight of them to come tomorrow and take their rustication letters
Everyone gets schocked, Kiya, Panchi and Piddi pleads him not to rusticate them and to give them some other punishments, JJ refuses and tells them they will be rusticated and this decision will not change be it whatever they do, he then leaves asking Princi to come too while Princi stood there in shock looking at all of them more disappointed
Princi and JJ enter Princi’s office and he asks JJ wat does he think he is doing taking such a decision and saying so much in front of the trustees, promising them so much just to expel the eight of them…he asks JJ wat is going on in his head
Jaitley tells him nothing, he has no idea wat to do right now, he knows he has to achieve his mission and will definitely do but doesn’t know how, he tells Princi he needs sometime to think of something to bring in a change in the eight of them, he tells him the expulsion matter was just to buy some time
Princi hopes he knows wat he is doing and that he and the whole school is depending on him, he gives JJ 24 hrs to come with a plan and that too with a very good one, epi ends showing JJ

Precap: Panchi is worried how she will inform her mom abt expulsion, Kiya talks to JJ on phone asking him why did he threatened her to say KD’s name and dragged her mom also, KD tells Piddi he got into the school thru scholarship and with his record no other school will give him a chance to enter, he tells Piddi atleast he cud inform his parents, at Piddi’s house Mom screams knowing he is expelled and kicks Piddi out of the house with his stuff

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  1. Pari
    October 02, 09:34 Reply

    Plz add pics……..

  2. buddies
    October 01, 21:57 Reply

    OMG…. awsm precap waitin fr tm epi…… 🙂

  3. KSG!!
    October 01, 18:59 Reply

    Uhhh!! I want the “buddy” part to start!!:)

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