[V] The Buddy Project 24th October 2012 Written Update

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[V] The Buddy Project 24th October 2012 Written Update by Mais

Piddi is outside the office, looking nervous. He says to the camera that if his phone rings, then it will only mean major trouble for him. He wonders how will he go inside? Banga is talking to Vats. He is confident that his team will defeat JJ’s. Piddi enters without permission. Banga scolds him for this. Piddi lies that his gold ring got lost. It was with him when he had come to give the sweets and now it’s lost. He wants to find it as he belongs to a middle class family and losing a gold ring is a big thing for them. Banga tells him to come later but Piddi doesn’t pay heed and starts searching. Vats start helping and so does Banga. When they are crouching on the floor, Piddi replaces his phone with the Dictaphone. He apologizes to Banga for wasting his time and escapes from there. Banga says to Vats that Piddi was lying. Vats agrees that yes, Piddi didn’t seem like someone whose gold ring was lost. His silver ring must’ve been lost Banga says no! Piddi was here for something else. Maybe JJ had sent him to spy on Banga…

JJ with Princi and saying that to tackle this situation, these 8 have to form one unit. And how are they going to it, that is something they have to figure out by themselves. Princi says that these 8, whenever they do something together, they mess up big time. JJ assures him not this time. Because this time their unity will be the key factor in defeating Banga.

Alien gets a call from RV but she doesn’t listen. RV enters her room from the window and patches things with her by giving her a teddy bear. Alien tells him that she is also participating in APC and since RA is hosting it, she can spend time in RV’s school legally without problems. She asks RV if he is participating or not since she doesn’t want her BF to be a loser. RV says that he is. Alien leaves from there. RV calls Samar and Piddi but they don’t pick up. He says to the camera that Kiya and KD are no option, Juhi and Bobby are useless. He decides to call Panchi. Panchi is confused seeing RV’s number. She picks up the call. RV first asks how she is then asks her about their strategy for the competition. Panchi replies that first they will work on their personal skills but she overheard KD saying that they have some plan to find out Banga’s tasks. RV says alright and disconnects. Panchi says to the camera that what has happened to RV, calling her out of a sudden? And what’s wrong with her, why is she so happy about it? She says that he seemed a little formal but at least he tried. She seems very happy.

Anya and Kiya in the room and Mrs. G comes there. Anya and Mrs. G start sweet talking. Anya somehow blackmails Kiya again. Mrs. G scolds Kiya for being so unknown Anya says that Kiya is busy with other assignments nowadays. Kiya is worried that Anya would get her in trouble.

Piddi, Samar and KD at TBC. Piddi saying that he was saved at the last moment. He takes out the Dictaphone and says that this small thing is of big use. They turn it on. It has voices from the time Piddi is in the house. There are some random talks like Banga saying to his wife that he will buy the sabzi on his way back Piddi suggests that they spread this recording in the school. There are some other useless talks. Samar says that it’s useless but KD insists on listening the complete recording. Finally what they need comes. Banga says to his team that they are the best of RA and they will represent RA in APC. But before that, they have to defeat JJ’s idiots. There will be four tasks.

Physical strength – 100 pushups in 1 minute
Classical song
Classical dance
And quiz test based on The London Olympics 2012

Piddi gets hyper hearing Banga calling them idiots again and again. Samar calms him down. They have found out the tasks and that makes Banga the idiot. KD says that for these tasks, they have to work as a team but how will that happen overnight? Piddi says not to worry, they will take care of it the next day.

The next day, everyone in the class. Piddi is very happy and Bobby asks him the reason. Piddi says that KD has sorted everything and they know Banga’s plan. Juhi asks about what the plan is? KD arrives and says that they have to make the plan together. We know the tasks. RV asks him how is KD so sure and can RV trust him? KD riles him up by saying that RV doesn’t know the meaning of trust and manners. They get prepared for a fight but Piddi and Samar interfere. RV says that their fight will be sorted out later, right now they have to figure out what to do with Banga. RV offiically joins the team.

KD tells Banga’s plan. Juhi says she doesn’t know classical dance. Kiya says that she is a trained classical dancer so she will take care of it. For classical song, RV says that Panchi is a very good singer. Kiya is surprised hearing this and asks Panchi how come she never sang before? Panchi seems delighted and says that this time, she will give it her best. For quiz, Panchi suggests Juhi as Juhi has a very sharp memory. Bobby says that she has taken part in a lot of training camps so 100 pushups for her is no big thing. Piddi starts praising KD’s body and asks him to show his body to everyone. The girls are laughing at this. KD shuts him up and they all have a group hi-five. JJ sees this.

Bobby threatens Piddi to tell her everything and Piddi spills the beans. JJ overhears this. He is very angry and disappointed. Says to the camera that he had thought this time the Buddies won’t do anything wrong but they cheated again.

JJ is with Banga and Banga is shocked that the Buddies know about his plan. JJ just smiles sheepishly.

Precap – Kiya practicing and KD watching her secretly. Kiya finishes her dance and sits on the ground. KD falls down at the same time as well.

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1 Comment

  1. pinki
    June 04, 18:06 Reply

    Hi kedi i love u plz contact me

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