[V] The Buddy Project 28th March 2013 Written Update

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[V] The Buddy Project 28th March 2013 Written Update by Khushii

[V] The Buddy Project 28th March 2013 Written Episode

The episode begins with Ranveer thinking of ideas in Library but getting frustrated when nothing good comes to mind. He makes an excited noise when he finally gets one. Rukmini, again face hidden, tapps her pencil and motions toward the ‘silence’ board This time, RV walks up to her and says sorry. She gets up and leaves to get a book. He keeps on saying sorry and see her face but only sees different parts, never a full profile.

She writes him a note that briefly says in pure Hindi ‘Seems you don;t know English and can’t understand the board. This is a library. NO talking here.” RV replies back writing to her about how he excited and so is sorry for his actions. He leaves when still unable to see her face, only to get hit by throwing paper. Rukmini has thrown that. He opens it and reads, ‘You were right. All these ideas are ‘bakwas’.’ He gives an amused smile before the scene ends.

Principal seems very happy. A rare sight. He says how busy others are with the competition and no fights! Therefore calm. His assistant tells him that in IC, there can only be two ways of silence. 1. Before the storm. 2. After the storm

Piddi is exercising and doing nautanki. KD tells him to stand on his legs, not head. Piddi lets out his frustration, climbs on tree, hangs upside down, and what not KD just shakes his head and in a way, it gives him the idea! The solution= they’ll do a circus.

KD-Omi together in hostel when Mr. Desai calls. KD tells him he’ll come soon. He tells Omi that he has to go home and will meet him in college. Omi advices him to join hostel. It’ll save him time. KD refuses thinking of what bab will say. Omi says at some point, he has to stand up on his own. So give it a thought.

Panchi is reading in her room when the doorbell rings. She checks it to see RV. He asks her where she disappeared. She asks him what help he needs. He’s surprised she knows and she tells him sarcastically she guessed. RV says he needs her help to write the script. It’s a small event and script is very important. She’s more creative and so she should write. [Panchi is hurt that he remembers the stories but not her singing] She gives a comment on ‘great memory’ but RV fails to notice the meaning behind it.

He tells her he needs a love story script like Romeo Juliet. Panchi says too boring. He asks her for suggestion. She says a story of such a girl that the girl is unconventionally beautiful and so missed lots in life. No one accepts her because of the stereotypes of how a popular person must look like. RV continues saying and that’s why she is sad because no one notices her. Panchi agrees. RV asks, “Where’s the love story?” She says it’s not needed. RV points out that Panchi is saying that? The girl who watch Titanic 79 times? And cried each time at the end.

RV makes a story that she silently loves a person but he never noticed her. Then the girl finds another boy who discovers her talent and she rules the world, even the loser who first ignore her. Then the girl realizes she loved the second guy. He then leaves finding it to be a perfect story. {Let this NOT be a foreshadow of what happens to RaHi!!! } He comes back to give a kiss to Panchi, hugs and leaves in hurry again saying ‘You’re the best’.

Panchi says her story is better and she’ll prove it in the FTS.

Piddi is rehearsing his ‘antics’. He crashes into the professor He yells at Piddi and everyone takes their seats. he gives them the task to write a story on the concept of fight between a girl and a boy. KD and Kiya are passing glances to each other. Everyone writes a story.

Principal is talking on the phone. He has a pleasant surprise. His assitant again asks if he’s retiring he says it’s about chief guest coming to FTS. *Lemme guess. Avi’s dad?* Even assistant says that after.

Precap: KD asks Panchi how their {Kiya, RV, and Panchi} practice is going. She asks KD why he thinks she’s with them? RV asks Panchi is she’s performing from the other team’s side. Panchi looks back at KD and then asks RV, why not? She leaves. Stare off between KD-RV

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