[V] The Buddy Project 3rd December 2012 Written Update

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[V] The Buddy Project 3rd December 2012 Written Update by sweetshine

The Buddy Project 3rd December 2012 Written Update

Epi begins with Kiya screaming at RV and KD that they are gona loose if they don’t get the coin fast as the other teams have already gone, she hopes that atleast Samar and Piddi find the coin and asks RV and KD to put it off, Samar and Piddi appear with the coin suddenly in front of Kiya and everyone jumps happily, Samar tells them that they don’t need to worry since he is there, Piddi starts laughing and tells them that someone gave 25 fils to a Nawab’s son for the first time and that too thinking him as a beggar
RV tells them to hurry up and go to the finish line as they have wasted quite much of time, KD checks his watch and tells them they have to reach in school in 20 min, all head towards their cycles, Kiya was about to sit when she gets hurt on her leg
Panchi looks at it and asks for a handkerchief which KD offers and Panchi ties it on Kiya’s leg, she asks Kiya if she will be able to cycle but Kiya says she doesn’t know but its paining a lot, RV reminds them they have to make it fast to the finish line, Juhi tells them someone has to make Kiya sit and ride her, Samar wonders and tells who will ride the cycle with two people on so fast, Piddi says KD bhai can do it, Kiya refuses and says she will go herself, but Panchi and others try to convince her to sit with KD for Royal, she finally agrees and they all make a move
On a bumpy road Kiya was abt to fall but holds KD and she thinks about their good old times and how KD betrayed her
Suddenly they stop at the end of a road and KD asks why did they stop here, RV shows them a path which if they take they can reach main road faster and go ahead of the other team but KD says its one way, RV tells him this is the one way to win, KD refuses the idea, RV tells him he is scared, KD tells him he is not worried about himself but worried about the girls as it is very risky
Kiya tells him off who is he to decide for them and think that they are weak, Juhi tells them she is right if boys go that way so they can too, Kiya asks KD does he want other teams to win, KD explains that even he wants to win this competition but this road is very risky for them
RV tells them all that he has gone through this road many times and its not risky at all and they have to win this competition and this is the only way, he wouldn’t have taken them all if this road was risky, KD says to think and take decisions as this trophy is not that important that they risk all of their lives, Panchi agrees with him and tells off RV that he is doing all these for his girlfriend not for Royal but RV screams out at her that she is not his girlfriend
RV tells them that he is going to take this road and whoever cums with him can cum and whoever doesn’t want to can stay out but he will make sure that team buddies win this competition, Kiya supports RV and tells them that it’s a calculated risk and risk is always there, Juhi also agrees and asks Panchi to cum, Samar tells the others to come along they will live together and die together
RV starts riding asking the others to come fast, suddenly a car starts coming towards RV who is busy calling out to the others behind him when Panchi notices the car coming and runs towards RV and pushes him off and crashes and bangs her head to the car, everyone is still-shocked and both RV and Panchi fall on two sides of the road, Panchi is hurt badly with her head bleeding, RV sees her and goes running to her
Everyone screams and runs to her calling her out while RV holds her and cries, people notice the driver who hit her and catch him for causing the accident, the guy screams out that it wasn’t his fault as she came from the wrong side, KD speaks up and tells them to leave that guy as it wasn’t his fault, they were the one who were going on the wrong side
KD gets up and asks the driver who hit to help them and take her to the hospital, they all carry her to the car, everyone gets in the car and KD tells Samar to run to JJ and inform them about the accident
Back at school the royal students cheer for Royal while Princi and JJ look worried, the Delhi team arrives first and JJ and Princi get depressed, at the counter the people check on the things the delhi team got and announces them as the winner
Banga smiles and asks JJ that his champions cant be seen, the other team also arrives and runs to the counter, Banga rubs it in saying their champs cannot be seen yet
The runner-up is announced and the person says that the royal team have not been able to come to finish line yet, Banga keeps blabbering that if they don’t even find everything and come then it will be an insult for them all, Princi leaves from there and Banga goes on that Princi cant take it that he has lost, JJ irritated leaves from there
Vats praises Banga that he shut JJ’s mouth he didn’t even say anything, Banga tells him this was just a trailer and the full film will be in front of the trustees
In the car RV sits with Panchi on his lap still shocked about what happened while others try to make Panchi conscious, Piddi starts blaming it on RV and he cries and thinks about what KD said a while back to think and take decisions and about how risky it was to take that road, he thinks about Panchi agreeing, he apologises to her and asks her to open her eyes
Panchi finally opens her eyes and looks around and everyone tells her ot keep her eyes open and stay with them but she closes her eyes again as everyone screams for her to open her eyes
Samar reaches school and runs to the students asking for JJ, Banga and Vats notices him as he runs towards JJ
The buddies finally reach hospital and run as Panchi is being taken on stretcher, Samar reach Princi’s office and Princi and JJ rush to him
The doctors take Panchi to the emergency room and asks them all to wait outside, RV breaks down and sits down, Juhi and Kiya console him and tell him Panchi will be fine, RV prays for her to become alright fast, KD tells them they have to inform Panchi’s parents right away, he tells RV that he knows them so he has to inform them, RV thinks about the accident how Panchi saved him and he tells them he cant do it he cannot face them and pleads one of them to inform them, Piddi screams out why cant he face them, he should have thought before taking the shortcut, KD calms Piddi down and tells him this is not the time to blame anyone
Piddi tells him no it was his fault it was because of RV’s stubbornness they took the shortcut and this whole accident happened, he tells KD that she told him not go for that one way but he was so stubborn and to save him she got in to this accident, Piddi starts crying and KD calms him down and hugs him
RV says Piddi is right, this accident happened becoz of him and he breaks down, Kiya consoles him saying it was unfortunate and he shouldn’t blame himself, Piddi asks who else to blame coz he was the one who is responsible for it all, KD tells them to stop it, he tells them he will go and inform Panchi’s parents and tells them to control themselves and to pray Panchi becomes alright
Piddi still screams out accusing RV but KD drags him away from them and tells them this is not important right now what is important is for Panchi to become alright and explains him not to say anything else to RV, he makes him promise not to say anything anymore, he tells him to look after here and he will go inform Panchi’s parents
JJ and Samar reach hospital and they soon spot the others and JJ runs to them and asks them how is Panchi, Juhi tells him they don’t know as she is still in the ER, JJ asks for KD and Piddi tells him he went to inform Panchi’s parents, JJ then asks how did it all happen
Samar tells him that they took some lane and JJ asks why did they take that lane when it wasn’t their route, Kiya speaks up that they took a decision, JJ asks what kind of decision, Piddi tells him to take a shortcut, he then tells that they all didn’t take but RV took the decision

Precap: Banga tells them that RV Is not responsible for this accident but someone else is and tries to accuse JJ, at school Piddi shouts at Kiya that there are many reasons for loosing the competition and the biggest them of all is her, KD slaps Piddi hard who starts crying

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  1. Monisha
    December 04, 09:55 Reply

    Gd one bt need more ishq wala love scne

  2. payal
    December 04, 01:28 Reply

    Nic 1 I hope panchi will be f9 and soon they will go ahead for another competetion…n also rv will understand his mistake & forgive. panchi….

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