Veera 11th July 2013 Written Update

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Veera 11th July 2013 Written Update by ElmoFuj

Veera 11th July 2013 Written Episode

Ratan has lost her self esteem and is crying and telling Nihaal that Ranvi is the reason she lives and he is the support of her in her life but when he said he doesnt need her anymore, that is when she felt weak and unwanted. Nihaal consoles her and say Ranvi was angry and when one is angry they don’t know what they are saying. Nihaal tells her she is a strong, brave woman and teaches life to live and she can not give up but Ratan says she is now tired and can not fight back fate anymore. Nihaal places his hand on Ratan’s and promises her he will always stay with her, always be her support, he will take care of the kids, the house, the fields and will also take care of her but she has to promise never to take this step again. She promises. They go back home.

Chai ji is wondering where Ratan went when the door opens and Ratan and Nihaal enter the house. She runs to her and asks her where she went and whether she is okay. Nihaal lies to cover her up and says some animals go into the fields when Ratan stops him and tells him she can never hide anything for Chai ji. Chai ji glares at Nihaal. Ratan tells Chai ji she had gone to end her life. Chai ji is horrified and slaps Ratan thrice and then embraces her in a hug, after yelling at her. She says today Ratan has defeated her but Nihaal says neither of them lost, but Ratan’s weakness lost. Chai ji asks her never to do such thing again and never give up. She hugs her again, but glares at Nihaal angrily while he stands there in remorse.

Next morning Ranvi is sewing Veera’s torn frock and Veera asks him why he is doing so. Ranvi says he will do everything from now on but Veera keeps saying let Beeji do it. Ranvi hurts himself with the needle and Veera says he doesn’t need to do it because she likes it like that and takes the frock and runs away.

on the other hand, Ratan goes to a mazaar and prays that Ranvi realises his pain and that Ranvi doesn’t go away from her.

Nihaal is dropping Ranvi and Veera off to school when Veera asks Ranvi whether Beeji does not want to be her mom because she is too little? or because she is too naughty? she promises she won’t be naughty again and never laugh if he talks to Ratan to forgive her. Ranvi says she should never stop laughing and always laugh. Nihaal looks at them sadly. Ranvi says if she stops laughing, he would too. He then tickles her to cheer her up and they both laugh while Nihaal looks on sadly.

Ratan is in the mazaar when an old man comes to her and asks her whats wrong. She asks him why there is so much pain and he replies that there is both pain and happiness in the world but we often don’t realise the happiness so pain seems heavier. he advises her to always stay strong and fight staying happy. he advises her to forget the bad memories and cherish the happy moments. She remembers her happy moments with Ranvi and smiles.

Veera and Ranvi are on the way to school when Ranvi sees a woman tying her daughter’s hair. He quickly tries to divert Veera’s attention so she doesn’t see. Nihaal realizes. But she sees and feels upset. Ranvi takes her to school when they meet the teacher on the way. She tells Ranvi she won’t be there in the first period because her daughter is sick, as the daughter is in her arms. Veera feels upset seeing that as well.

Nihaal asks the teacher’s permission to take Ranvi with him and he would bring him back before she came. She allows but Veera asks where he is taking her brother. Screen freezes on Veera’s questioning face.

Precap: Nihaal is telling Ranvi that we can pray and hope we get everything in the world but its not important we do. He tells him to live life with every happiness and sadness. Ranvi asks him if such a thing has ever happened to him. Nihaal says yes it has because the one he loves, he can not ask her to accept him.

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1 Comment

  1. Sonya
    July 12, 15:50 Reply

    A very nice episode – Nihal has a very nice way of making Ranveer understand. Lovely family story – good acting and cast. I loved it and so did my famiily.

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