Veera 13th May 2013 Written Update

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Veera 13th May 2013 Written Update by seelaks

Veera 13th May 2013 Written Episode

Ranvi is about the go out of the house. He looks back at the foursome, then his father’s picture but finally goes. Baldev and his friend are looking through the window into the teacher’s house. They see Ranvi coming and goes to meet him. Ranvi says he will not be able to do. Baldev asks him not to go back when he has come this far. He tells Ranvi that even though there had been so many fights between them, he wants to do good for Ranvi now (as he will not be able to see Ranvi’s mom and Veera bow down once again). Baldev assures that he does tampering to pass every time. Ranvi says that this will be the first and last time he does and from the next test onwards he will pass by doing hard work.

Ratan is feeding Veera. Chaiji had gone. Nihaal, Ratan and Veera are confident that Ranvi will pass with good marks as he had put so much effort. Veera wants Ratan to give a gift to Ranvi if he gets good scores and wants new clothes for herself to wear during Nimmy’s wedding. She hugs Ratan. Veera notices a lizard far away. She climbs on the stool and starts to shout. Nihaal also does the same. Ratan asks them both to be quiet and not behave as if there is a lion in front of them. Veera runs to inform Chaiji about how Ratan shooed away the lizard. Nihaal is still standing on the stool. She laughs and tells that she has never seen a man afraid of lizard. Nihaal replies that he will not be afraid if lion is in front of him but is scared of lizard as his mother used to take lizard’s name to make him do any work. He asks why Ratan didnt get scared. Ratan tells him that she used to get scared but when Sampooran had gone she had so many difficulties that needed to be handled without any fear. Ratan says she should be strong to protect her kids.

Nihaal just inquires the master who had gone out about he being late today. Bansuri brings milk for Baldev and notices him to be missing. Her hubby comes home to take some money from bank as he will be paying for the hospital. He notices the glass in Bansuri’s hand and goes to wake up Baldev to study. But Bansuri assures that Baldev had asked her to wake him up early in the morning. She is relieved.

In the teacher’s home, Baldev gives a red pen to Ranvi for changing the marks. He tells Ranvi that he will stand outside to look if someone comes. Baldev wants Ranvi to change his marks first. Ranvi enters the house and starts to search for his answer sheets. A phone bell rings but Baldev asks Ranvi not to answer the call as they will get caught. Finally he locates the answer papers. He has failed in the exam. Ranvi is about to change and at the same time Nihaal notices some one peeping into master’s home.

Ranvi remembers the promise he made to his father, Ratan’s words on how Ranvi will look after the college after completing the studies and Veera’s fight with Chaiji for calling him a liar. He tells to himself that he cannot do such a cheap thing and break the trust of his family members. Nihaal notices that something is wrong and asks who it is. Baldev asks Ranvi to come soon and runs away. Ranvi gets hurt while escaping and Nihaal sees him. Ranvi is not able to look into Nihaal’s eyes. Nihaal asks what was he about to do.

After being asked twice, Ranvi says he came to meet Principal to clear his doubts. Nihaal says he knows that Principal is not at home. Ranvi tells him that he also noticed that and is returning home. Nihaal raises his voice and asks Ranvi why was he hiding and running. Ranvi is tears and hugs Nihaal.

Nihaal is not moved and makes Ranvi stand away from him. Ranvi narrates him everything in silence. Nihaal asks him whether he knew the seriousness of the thing he was about to do. He tells him that if he had been caught he will be dismissed from school and how his beeji will be ashamed in front of the entire village. Ranvi confesses the reason for which he was about to change the marks. Nihaal assures Ranvi that he will pass with good marks in the test which life gives him even if he fails in school exams. He asks Ranvi s who instigated him to do such a lowly activity.

Episode ends

Nihaal and Ranvi are back home. Ratan gets tensed on seeing Ranvi’s wound and asks how it happened. Nihaal starts to tell the truth but Ranvi requests him not to do so.

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  1. Sonya
    May 13, 18:49 Reply

    Very nice episode, superb acting by Ranvir and Nihal. Lovely moments – tension – I never miss viewing or reading on this serial. My family loves it too.

    • Avi
      May 14, 00:41

      Indeed! A very touching serial

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