Veera 17th March 2014 Written Update

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Veera 17th March 2014 Written Update by Anam

Veera 17th March 2014 Written Episode

The episode starts of with everyone celebrating Holi in the village. In RanVeera house, Ranvi comes to wish Veera he put colour on her and says he wishes Veera life to full of colours and lots of happiness and wishes her Happy Holi. Veera wishes Ranvi she is not very happy. Chaiji comes there there she says to Veera what is wrong with she is not happy for Holi or jumping around did she played all the Holi yesterday. Chaiji wishes Happy Holi to RanVeera and RanVeera wish Chaiji. Ratan comes wishes both RanVeera Happy Holi and they do the same. Veera says she needs to go and see the arrangements outside, Ranvi says Veera is forgetting to wish someone, both RanVeera put tikka on Sampooran photograph and wish him Happy Holi. Ratan and Chaiji are happy and proud.

Ranvi wishes Happy Holi to Gunjan, she says same to you, Ranvi says he came to find his wallet, it is on the dressing table Ranvi is about to get the wallet Gunjan hand touches the taal and the red colour falls on her maang, she is not very happy. Before she can say anything Chaiji comes there she says its time to go now, she says they have invited the whole pind so they need to be there. Chaiji wishes Gunjan Happy Holi she does the same.

RanVeera and family wishing the pindwaleh Happy Holi, Gunjan comes there and does the same, Gunjan then wishes Veera Happy Holi and Veera does the same both put colour on one another. Ranvi is happy.

Veera is not very happy she leaves from there, Gunjan eyes are on Veera phone she says she wants to get the phone and delete all evidence from it, before she can get the phone Ratan calls her to wish the pindwaleh Happy Holi.

Veera comes there and gets her phone, Veera says she gave Gunjan last chance for Ranvi sake but how shall she tell herself that Gunjan wont betray Ranvi again there is no guarantee of the future that she will change, Veera says I still think she wont change and she is planning something really big.

Ranvi tells Veera not to be upset, they need to accept Gunjan he says Gunjan will change we will need to give her a chance, Ranvi says to Veera she will take his side, then Ranvi says he wants his old Veera back who is happy and naughty always messing around. RanVeera Hug. Ranvi says to Veera to smile and enjoy Holi, he says he is going he wants Veera to come and tells her to be happy.

Veera says to herself she wishes whatever Ranvi said bes true and Gunjan changes and Ranvi life bes better.

Baldev Chamchas are mixing bhaang in the thandaai, Baldev comes there and says what were they doing at home feeding 5-6 kids, they should of done all this at home, if anyone sees everything will get ruined. The Chamcha says they couldnt find any last night they found it in the morning, its Holi its fine, Baldev says which sarpanch brings bhaang he says he will lose his Sarpaanch kursi if anyone finds out.

Veera asks Baldev what are they doing? Baldev says they are coming there, Veera tries to look, Baldev blocks her way, Veera says what are his friends doing over there, Baldev says she invited him so lovingly so he thought he shoudl bring Lassi for everyone, Veera says Baldev has a big heart, Baldev says she doesnt how big heart the whole pind tractor can fit.

Baldev says to Veera she came to find him she wanted to say something to him, Veera says what, Baldev says why dont you say anything clearly that you…loud music is playing, Baldev tells Veera to go he will come after.

Baldev says to himself Holi just started by the time it finishes his Veeras wedding card will be out. Baldev smiles.

Bansuri comes, Ranvi, Ratan, Chaiji wish her Happy Holi, Gunjan wishes Bansuri too Bansuri moves away first then she lets Gunjan put colour on her and she does the same.

Baldev and chamchas comes with bhaang, they give all the guests, little girl asks for lassi Baldev says it is not for kids.

Ranvi asks Gunjan if she wants water or thaandai, she says no she doesn’t want anything, just then pind lady asks Veera if she could use her phone, Veera gives her phone to the lady, Gunjan eyes are on the phone. Veera comes gets the phone before Gunjan can ask the lady.

Chaiji asks Baldev for Lassi, Baldev says its not good its too sweet, Chaiji says so what and tells him to give her the glass, Chaiji says its too cold for her and tells Baldev to bring her one without ice, Baldev is happy. Just then Veera comes there she says she will drink it Baldev says Veera cant drink it, Veera says why? Baldev says to her stop asking questions, he says this is not nice, he will bring another one for all of them. VeeBa are fighting over the glass and the glass falls.

Baldev is happy, Veera calls Baldev a donkey, Baldev says this was the last glass. Just then Veera sees the other tray in Baldev other friends hand she quickly gets the glass from there and drinks it. Veera says see I found Lassi she happily carries on drinking it. Baldev is making faces at his friend to stop her but he doesnt do anything. Veera laughs, Baldev says she drank bhaang Lassi what will happen now?

Precap- Baldev asks Veera how will she confess her love, Veera says without wasting lines she will say with open arms I LOVE YOU!!! Baldev is happy he says he wanted to hear this, Veera says what… Baldev says with open arms he loves Veera too. Veera is shocked.

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  1. anu
    March 17, 22:55 Reply

    baldev is so handsome…..

  2. anu
    March 17, 22:55 Reply

    ohhhhh how cute……

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