Veera 20th January 2014 Written Update

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Veera 20th January 2014 Written Update by Anam Ali

Veera 20th January 2014 Written Episode

The Episode starts of Bansuri emotionally blackmailing Baldev to let the alliance go ahead, she says if the alliance doesnt happen Gunjan life will be ruined, no one will want to marry her, she also says Veera is jealous of Gunjan because such good alliance didn’t come for her, so that why she want the alliance to break. Bansuri says for Gunjan sake Baldev should let this alliance go ahead, Baldev agreed he says the wedding will go ahead he will take care of Veera.

Veera says she will inform Ratan and Chaiji they might be able to help, just then Baldev side kicks come they tell Veera Balwant is in the tabela to go there, Veera thanks them and leaves.

Veera is finding Balwant in the tabela but he is not there, she take sher phone out to ring him, just then Baldev comes there and pushes Veera she falls down. Bakdev covers Veera mouth so she stops screaming, his side kicks say even if she does scream no one can hear her, Baldev says his ears are hurting hearing all the screaming, Veera bites Baldev hand, Veera says to Balden what is he doing? Baldev tells Veera to be quiet he brought her to the right place, he wont let her ruin Gunjan happiness he will let her go after Gunjans engagement is done and when she leaves for Delhi. Baldev drags Veera, she is hitting him to let her go and give her phone back, Baldev tells his side kicks to tie her up, they tie Veera up. Baldev says now Veera will have to stay here, Veera says she was trying to help Gunjan, Baldev says yeah right not help she was ruining everything breaking such a amazing alliance, Veera says it not a amazing alliance the guy is wrong, Baldev says to her to be quiet he knows everything. Baldev tells Veera to stop screaming her throat will get dry, he then says he even made arrangements for that he says as its Gunjan wedding he brought ladoo and water for Veera even a radio to listen to music so she will be entertained, he then says he has made good arrangements for her sos he cant complain now, he switches the radio on then starts dancing and his side kicks join in too.

Veera says Baldev has gone mad, how he can he ruin his sisters life, does he not care about her? Baldev says he does care about Gunjan that is why he is stopping her to break the engagement, he says dont worry once Gunjan engagement is done and she goes to Delhi someone will come and free you too, Baldev then says he will send expensive mitaai for Veera.

Baldev and his side kicks outside the tabela, one of his side kicks says Veera bike is here it of anyone sees it they will start looking for Veera, Baldev tells his side kicks to move it, they move the bike and cover it with hay. They say no one will find out, Baldev says Veera will not spoil Gunjan engagement now, he then says the grooms family have to come now.

Balwant, Ranvi and his friends are welcoming the grooms family,Ranvi smiles at Jagjeet greets the family, Ranvi says he will take their belongings, everyone goes inside. Bansuri brings Gunjan down, Ranvi and Jagjeet are both looking at Gunjan. Jagjeets parents says Gunjan is looking beauitful, Gunjan and Ranvi both smile at each other. Baldev is back he greets Jagjeet and family. Everyone is dancing, Gunjan hints Ranvi to join in to, teh ladies drag Gunjan, and Ranvi and friends to dance too, Jagjeet comes and pushes Ranvi out the way and dances with Gunjan. Ranvi is sad. Everyone in Gunjan family is dancing, Ranvi leaves from there Dalveer notices Ranvi being upset.

Ranvi is serving Laasi to the guests, Dalveer comes there, Ranvi says to him where is Chaiji, Beeji and Veera? Dalveer says Chaiji and Beeji were here, Veera seemed upset. Ranvi says why what happened? Dalveer says I dont know, Ranvi takes his phone out rings Veera, it rings Baldev has Veera phone, Ranvi rings Chaiji she tells Ranvi they came home to get Gunjans gift, Ranvi says is Veera with them? Chaiji says no she is not with them she must be with her friends, Ranvi says he will find her Chaiji says they are coming, Ranvi disconnects the phone. Ranvi says Veera is not with Gunjan and she is not here dont know where she is he tells Dalveer to check outside, Dalveer goes outside.

Ranvi rings Veera again, Baldev gives the phone to his friend and tells him to keep it safe, Baldev goes to talk to Ranvi he tells what is he doing here leaving the jashn, Ranvi says he came to find Veera, Baldev says his Beeji sent Veera out to the shops to buy some things for Gunjan she will come soon. Ranvi says why is she anwsering her phone? Baldev says she must of left it here somewhere he tells him not to worry. Baldev gets Lassi glass and leaves. Ranvi is worried.
Ratan realises Sunny Singh is missing she goes to find him, Chaiji tells her to hurry they are getting late for the engagement, Ratan says he must of ran out of the house, Chaiji says the dogs will eat him if he has gone outside, Ratan says she will find him and then come to the engagement.

Gunjan goes to her room and says she looks good but the lipstick has faded away she put on more lipstick, the light goes off. Ranvi comes there with a candle, Gunjan says to Ranvi he is great he came on the right time how did he know she needed light, Ranvi says he guessed so he came, Gunjan tells Ranvi to bring the candle to her face so she can get ready. Ranvi stares at Gunjan. Gunjan smiles at herself in the mirror. The light comes back on Gunjan blows the candle out. Gunjan friend comes to call her and they leave.

Ratan finally finds Sunny Singh, Ratan sees Ranvi bike, she says what is Ranvi bike doing here.

Precap- Veera hears Sunny Singh, shouts Sunny Singh, Ratan hears her… Gunjan engagement is taking place and Ranvi is really upset.

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