Veera 24th June 2013 Written Update

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Veera 24th June 2013 Written Update by seelaks

Veera 24th June 2013 Written Episode

Ranvi expresses his concern over what would he say to his mother when he asks about him. Veera says to tell that it was she who sent him to get pencil. Ranvi refuses to lie. Veera is happy to get scoldings from mother on her veerji’s behalf as it means loving someone so dearly. She laughs loud.

Ratan is driving the tractor. Nihaal is with her. Both argue on where should Nihaal be unless he is alright. Ratan says its a chance for her to do something for Nihaal as its always she who has been on receiving end. She tells him that he has done so many favors and has taken up all her worries as his and solved. Ratan doesn’t accept Nihaal to go Chaiji’s house as he is weak and wants to take care of him in a good way.

Veera is asking Chaiji to tell some easy way to make her learn how to tie hair. They notice Ratan and Nihaal entering the home. Veera asks Nihaal as why he came in between as she is Sherni and would have fought with lion easily. Nihaal laughs but replies that it was important to catch the tiger alive so that it could be sent back to the National Park. Chaiji tells Nihaal not to say that he hasn’t done anything for their family. Veera asks Ratan to scold Ranvi as much as she wishes as he is sitting scared. Chaiji and Veera get into an argument as she asks meaning of dilwaar.

Ratan and Ranvi share an emotional hug. Veera sees this and wonders why is her mother not scolding her brother. Ratan asks her to leave but she doesn’t. Veera thinks as why Beeji is not showering love on Ranvi. Finally she leaves. Ratan scolds Ranvi and asks why did he go in front of tiger when there were many to save Veera. She tells him that she is his only support after his father left them. Ratan asks whether he didn’t think about his mother even once.

Ranvi says when Veera’s life was in danger nothing mattered to him. He was just thinking about her safety. Ranvi says he wouldn’t be able to live if something had happened to Veera being her anokhi maa. Both hug and cry.

Veera is doing phoo phoo on Nihaal’s wounds. Chaiji brings turmeric milk for him and tells its significance to Veera. Nihaal wants Chaiji to make Ratan understand that it will not be right for him to stay in this house. Chaiji refuses and asks him to give a chance for them to serve him as they cannot share his pain or reduce it. Nihaal once again tells that he hadn’t done anything great but Veera points out that all were just shouting and none came forward to save.

Chaiji sends Veera away stating some reason. She tells Nihaal to stay in the house for their sake. She Chaiji says there is no one for them after Sampooran had left. She agrees with the fact that what Veera said is true though she may not understand as she is small. Veera brings air and blows fastly on Nihaal’s wounds. Both share a cute moment. Chaiji gets emotional on seeing this.

Gurpreet offers lassi to Kartar. She tells him that he must have understood what place he holds in Ratan’s life. Gurpreet is sure that Ratan will never accept him and he has to return back to her. Kartar calls her a selfish woman who cares only about her family and not Ratan and her kids. Gurpreet sarcastically says she is the same but the entire village and Ratan witnessed what the kids meant to him.

Ranvi confesses to Ratan that he didn’t go to school as he was afraid to get scoldings from his teacher for not completing his homework. He also says what all he did. Ratan asks with whom did he go. Screen freezes.

Ratan is dressing Nihaal’s wounds. Balwant, Bansuri and Kartar enter the home. Bansuri and Kartar are not pleased to see this.

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  1. sammy
    June 25, 01:24 Reply

    i want ratan and nihaal to get married and take care of the kids…

  2. Sonya
    June 24, 19:42 Reply

    A very nice episode. I loved it. Superb acting by the children and Nihal/Ratan/Chaiji. A lovely family story and we watch it together as well as I read the updates. A different kind of story, leaves you anxious for the next episode.

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