Veera 24th June 2014 Written Update

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Veera 24th June 2014 Written Update by Tushar

Veera 24th June 2014 Written Episode

The episode starts with Gunjan waiting for Ranvi and Chanchali in her house. After a few hours she gets worried about there whereabouts and wonders if they’re fine or not. She comes out and walks back to her house alone, when she comes face to face with R and CC. Gunjan asks what happened, why they didn’t turn up, CC says that I was stuck with an emergency. Gunjan further sounds anxious and asks the details, to which Sonia says that I was in a patient’s house where I had to tend a pregnant lady.

They all reach to CC’s house on foot and have dinner. RanJan praise CC’s culinary skills. Sonia asks about RanJan LS. Gunjan says everything proudly and she also says that nobody can get the best of families like me. Sonia is annoyed at her, and says that soon all that will be taken away by me. Then our father will get to know what injustice he has done to me.
After sometime they leave.

The next scene in SS house. They are seated talking, when Sonia reached once again, she says that she has to do paintings for the pediatrics ward. Ratan approves of that. When she takes her leave, Ratan suggest Ranvi to drop her. And Ranvi does that. Sonia purposefully does everything and at last she thanks him and his family for their gratitude. Ranvi leaves.

While SS family is planning for the upcoming trip, The music composer comes there and offers a singing chance for Ranvi. Which makes everybody happy. But Ranvi rejects the offer citing out that he has got his father’s dream to fulfill. The music composer says you’re not doing the right thing. He suggests Ranvi to think once again before rejecting and he goes. This makes everyone disappointed. Ranvi goes upstairs and starts playing his music instrument sadly. Ratan pleads him to accept the singing offer, and says that some of them can accompany Veera to Poland. But Ranvi refuses it saying that his dream is not bigger in front his father and family’s dream. Veera watches all this. She comes to a conclusion.

Precap; Ranvi reads a letter written by Veera explaining that she has done something which would be shocking, she has left to Poland alone. And asks him to go and sing for the movie. Ranvi is shocked.

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  1. lily
    June 24, 14:55 Reply

    oye write this long
    always writin veera short ep

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