Veera 24th March 2014 Written Update

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Veera 24th March 2014 Written Update by Anam Ali

Veera 24th March 2014 Written Episode

The episode starts of with Gunjan seeing the earrings and getting really happy, she said its Bansuri love and blessing for her, Veera says to Gunjan to give a holi present, Gunjan gives the earrings to Veera but she says she doesn’t want it congratulates Gunjan by saying happy Holi, Veera says her Veerji love is enough for her its most precious thing ever for her and she doesnt want anything else.

Chaiji tells Baldev to sit down, Chaiji tells Veera enough of her teasing drama, she tells Veera to lets go and make tea for Baldev and everyone, Baldev smiles at Veera hinting her to go and Veera makes a face. Veera and Chaiji go to the kitchen, Gunjan angrily goes inside.

Baldev goes to the kitchen, Veera says what is he doing? Baldev says he came to help them Chaiji says she is making tea only not taking al the kitchen outside, she will make it and tells Baldev to go inside Chaiji says Baldev is a guest they dont make guests to any work. Baldev says not to make him an outsider he is their own, Veera says to Baldev to turn around and leave its not a monkey show here, Baldev says he knows but he wants to see the monkey making tea thats more fun. Chaiji is not very happy, Baldev says he was refering to Veera, Chaiji laughs, Veera is not very happy, Chaiji says Baldev is naughty she was about to touch his cheek and Veera moves Chaiji hand and slaps Baldev, Veera laughs saying she is a monkey so she has right. Chaiji says both VeeBa do a lot of nok jhok with one another both have right to tease one another, Chaiji says to Veera to get use to it. Baldev says yes Veera get use to it, Veera is angry, Baldev laughs. Baldev says to Chaiji shall he help her? Chaiji shows her hand and Baldev says its fine he will go inside.

Gunjan happily adoring the earrings she says Beeji sent her the best gift ever, Gunjan says Veera ruined her day, Baldev comes there, He tells Gunjan Veera was only joking and tells her it was a joke and forget about it, Baldev tells Gunjan not to be angry.

Baldev explains Gunjan to forget the past and be happy with what she has its no point living in the past, Baldev tells Gunjan to be greatful to Ranvi she should be happy and accept Ranvi. Baldev says its festival she should forget everything and start fresh. Baldev tells Gunjan to be friends with Veera again, it will benefit him, Gunjan is shocked, Baldev says he means it will benefit everyone he says they are all relatives now. Baldev says he will be going to the city and asks Gunjan if she wants anything, Gunjan says to bring her poison. Gunjan leaves Baldev says to Gunjan to listen but she doesnt, Baldev says Gunjan has no sense.

Veera brings tea for Baldev, she puts the tea on the table, Baldev says to Veera the tea wont fly to him and tells Veera to bring the tea, Veera says to Baldev to get it himself, Baldev says he is guest and also relative he tells Veera to serve him or else he will complain to Chaiji.

Veera says SAALEH Baldev says what did she say? Veera says according to the rishtha he is Veerji saalahso thats why she is calling him that, she says see how nicely she is doing risthadhaari Saaleh saab. Baldev tells her not to talk rubbish and give him the tea, Veera gets the tea, Baldev tells Veera to check the tea if its hot or not, Veera gets the tea and puts it next to Baldev cheek. Baldev screams. Baldev says what is this? Veera says he was aksing for kisses all that time so now he got them. Veera leaves.

Ranvi comes to the his room sets his bed on the sofa, Gunjan comes there says Ratan gave milk for Ranvi she puts the glass on table, Ranvi says he is going out takes the glass with him and tells Gunjan to sleep. Ranvi leaves.

Veera comes there with the bottle of water, she sees Ranvi blanket and pillow on the sofa she is not very happy, she shouts at Gunjan. Gunjan says its not her fault it’s Ranvi own choice. Veera says this is Ranvi room first before it is Gunjans room, she will have to sleep on the sofa why should Ranvi take all the pain how dare she ruin Ranvi sleep.

Gunjan shouts she says she is not Veera puppet she will do what she wants, she will not sleep on the sofa, Veera says fine then she will have to get out of the house, Veera threats Gunjan she will call Chaiji and Ratan and tell them the truth then they will throw her out the house. Veera leaves.

Ranvi is upset by the balcony, Veera comes there, Ranvi says why isn’t Veera asleep, Veera says how can she sleep peacefully when her Veerji is awake, Ranvi says the weather is nice he is just here he was about to go to sleep. Veera tells Ranvi to stop lieing she says whatever she wanted Ranvi gave her everything, now she wants one more thing will Ranvi give her Ranvi says Veerkari has heever said no to her ofcourse he will give her ,he will his life for her, Ranvi asks what does she want? Veera says she wants Ranvi happiness. Veera tells Ranvi to promise her he wont ever hurt himself, Veera says seeing Ranvi in pain she is in more pain she cant see him upset. Veera tells Ranvi to promise her he wont ever hurt himself, Ranvi wipes Veeras tears and promises her he will try his level best. RanVeera Hug.

Ranvi goes back to his room, Gunjan is sleeping on the couch, Ranvi tells her to sleep on the bed, but Gunjan doesnt reply Ranvi puts blanket on Gunjan and leaves. Gunjan is awake.
Veera is very upset she is talking to Ranvi photograpgh she says she will not sit quietly now, Veera promises herself she will not let anyone hurt Ranvi, Veera cries.

Gunjan is awake she makes her bed on the floor, Ranvi gets up he tells Gunjan she can sleep on the bed he will sleep on the sofa, Gunjan shouts at Ranvi that she doesnt need his favours and tells him to leave her alone. Ranvi sleeps on the sofa.

In the morning Veera comes to wake up Gunjan with an alarm clock, Gunjan tells Veera let her sleep peacefully, Veera says she must have slept peacefully and dreamt new dreams while will never come true. Veera tells Gunjan to get up and get ready she has a lot of work to do. Gunjan says she wants to sleep and tells Veera to leave, Veera says no tells Gunjan to get up she says she is not Ranvi who listens to her, Veera says she knows how to set people like her.Gunjan gets up, Veera tells her to get ready in 20 minutes and come down. Gunjan goes to sleep again and Veera rings the alarm clock again.

Veera comes downstairs, Ranvi is having breakfast, Ratan says is Gunjan awake? Veera says yes she is awake, Ratan says should of let her sleep, Ranvi says Gunjan done a lot of work, Chaiji and Ratan tease Ranvi he is taking Gunjan side, Ratan says Ranvi is a outsider now, just then Baldev comes there he says his Beeji says the same after Baldev wedding he will be the same, Baldev says this is not true. Veera says didnt even say the devils name he has come, Veera says now that Baldev has come something will surely go wrong.

Precap- Veera says Gunjan will be tired making food, Baldev says no she wont she is Baldev Singh sister she can make 100 people food, Baldev says today they will all eat Aloo keh paranthe and Gunjan will make it.. Gunjan is not very happy.

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  1. Sonya
    March 25, 19:54 Reply

    Love to see Gunjan make Aloo paratha. She is being so snobbish.
    Veera is trying to get her on the right track but she is adamant.
    Guess she does not know what she has. Beautifully acted by Veera
    and Ranvir. Inspite of all this he is taking up for Gunjan.

  2. Sonya
    March 25, 19:43 Reply

    The tea making seen is very nice and enjoyable.
    Baldev has changed so much its unbelievable. Now
    I am beginning to like him. Agree Guljan has no sens
    A very nice episode. Love the 4 youngsters and Chaichi
    and Ratan – a very nice cast. My family loves this show

  3. paridhi
    March 24, 23:58 Reply

    hahah…Baldev done good job….Now Gunjan Will Learn 😛

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