Veera 27th September 2013 Written Update

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Veera 27th September 2013 Written Update by nabiii

Veera 27th September 2013 Written Episode

Episode started with Veera’s seeking pardon from Ranvi for doing misbehavior with elder..Ranvi fondled her saying he wants to see veera as always modest but with slight cheekiness.
Ratan asked forgiveness on behalf of veera to Ashok’s kids..Elders tried to convince them but they were adamant not to hear anything..doing altercation with elders they went out from home…Ranvi ensured Ashok, he will convince them. Therefore, Ranveera followed them.

All kids came in Jungle..Ranveera tried to stop them going in deep jungle but nobody heard them.
Veera scared to see the deepness of forest therefore she asked Ranvi for going back..But Ranvi didn’t agree to go back without taking another kids.

All kids gathered before muddy’s made a small hole.. Baldev said its snake’s hole..Delhi’s kids want to click snake’s pic but Ranvi advised them not to nag animal for own benefit..Moreover, they didn’t hear ranvi’s advice rather by a stick Amaar poked that snake’s hole.

Abruptly a snake came on that place n was about to bite Ashok’s elder daughter but veera saved her taking snake’s bite.

Ashok’s daughter understood for saving her veera took this dangerous step..These siblings started to feel sad n sorry for veera.

Ranvi became anxious n crazy to see veera’s agony for snake’s venom..Ashok’s elder daughter found out the initial treatment for snake’s bitten patient from internet..according to her instruction ranvi did every primary treatment for veera even amaar n pinky helped them a lot.

Ashok’s elder daughter phoned to her father about veera.

Everyone came to veera from home..Ratan sucked venom from veera’s leg..Baldev’s father took veera to doctor along with everyone.

In home doctor gave treatment to veera n praised to Ashok’s kids for giving initial treatment to subconscious mind veera was calling veerji..but Ashok thought its beeji . Ratan said in this critical situation veera can only call her veerji..Ratan made a sign to ranvi for coming near veera..Ranvi fondled unconscious veera but suddenly ran away before everyone b/c he wasn’t sustaining the pain of veera.

There was no precap today.

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  1. rashi
    September 28, 08:20 Reply

    :-C 🙁 :< :-Q :-s XD

  2. Sonya
    September 27, 18:26 Reply

    A lovely episode. Feel really sad for Veera. Ranvir is so such a lovely brother. These two kids are amazing. Wonder Kids. Ratan is awesome too superb actress.

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