Veera 4th April 2013 Written Update

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Veera 4th April 2013 Written Update by -Roshani-

Veera 4th April 2013 Written Episode

Episode starts from where it ended yesterday. Kartar without Seeing Chaiji runs into her, but manages to escape from there.
Nihal sings the same lori for Ranveera, Ranveera laugh hearing his singing, Ratan Joins them.

Balwant consoles a crying horse owner, Moti chaiji tells him Someone intentionally put the fire and she saw a man running from there. Balhtawar comes there, everyone looking at him suspiciously. The horse owner accuse him of putting his horses in danger, balhktawar tries to defend himself. No one is ready to belive him; Motichaiji blasts him of forgetting humanity for the sake of a competition. Balhtawar tells he is against Nihal for sure, but he would prove him self in competition.

Balwant tells it’s disgusting how their villager can act this way, Kartar tells it’s happening because of outsiders entering their village. He further tells that he already told them not to allow Nihal participate in completion but they never listened to him. The horse owner asks Balwant to punish Balhtawar , he further tells he Balhtawar shouldn’t be allowed to participate in competition. Balwant tells they can’t punish a person without having enough proofs against, assures him Justice will be served.

Ratan cries seeing Rv sleeping peacefully, Nihal consoles her. He tells her God would never wish bad things for good people like her. Ratan acknowledges his help to find Rv. She asks him about his identity and how long he is planning to stay in Pritampura. Nihal say there isn’t much to tell about his life, he tells her how destiny was never in favour of his success and how he lost everything in his life. Ratan asks him when did he meet Sampooran. Nihal tells he met Sampooran before going to Canada. Ratan asks him why did he come to pritampura. Nihal answers he came to return the favour Sampooran did to him and since he doenst have anyone to go back to, he is planning to stay there.

Next day, Ranveera, Ratan and Nihaal in Golden temple. Ratan thanks god while RV asks god to find his father as this time he couldn’t. Episode ends with all four standing together holding hands.

Pre-cap : Balhtawar tells Nihal about the incident happened with the horse.

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1 Comment

  1. Ritz
    April 05, 12:17 Reply

    What is nihaal’s secret?

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