Veera 5th September 2013 Written Update

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Veera 5th September 2013 Written Update by ElmoFuj

Veera 5th September 2013 Written Episode

The episode started with a little tiff between Veera and Baldev. The latter wanted to take revenge on Veera for humiliating him in front of class but Ranvi came and Baldev couldn’t do anything about it. Baldev put forward a proposal to see who is more superior amongs them. He said that whoever sells most from their stall in the competition in school will win and the loser has to admit he’s the other’s monkey. They all agree to this.

While Ranvi and Veera are walking home, Ranvi remembers he has to go in he fields to help Ratan. He goes and asks one of the workers to assign him a work. He is about to start when Ratan reaches there an tells him he should be studying. But on Ranvi’s insistance, Ratan agreed to let him work only if he studies well. A man from outside the village comes and offers them Rs. 2000 as Nihaal had predicted for the yield instead Rs. 1800 as the others had. But Ranvi said this year they would sell for Rs. 1800 and next year put up a cost themselves as the field is Sampooran’s and they have all right. Ratan has to agree.

Veera at home questions to Chaiji about Nihaal who ignores her and avoids her question. Ratan and Ranvi come home and everyone starts thinking of wys to win the competition. On the other side, Bansuri is helping Baldev with the intention of defeating Ranveera. Gunjan however laughs at Baldev’s ego.

Ranveera are thinking of methods to win the competition when Ratan comes forward and shows them a sock puppet. This interests Ranveera alot and they decide to keep it in the stall. Ratan promises to teach them how to make it just like her mother had taught her. This excites Veera alot. After this, they decide to keep a special dish on their stall too. Veera suggests Chore Bature that Ratan makes but Ranvi tells her thats too common. Chai ji suggests a dish from Amritsar called Daal Pakwaan. Ratan and Chai ji agreee to make the dish.

Chai ji tells Veera that its her responsibility to bring people to the shop. Veera gives a demo calling out for pople, making everyone laugh at her antics.

Precap: Baldev sneaks into Ranveera’s house at night to find out what they are making for the competition. Veera sees Baldev from the balcony. When Baldev runs and hides in a room, Veera locks the room from outside so he can’t get out.

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