Vighnaharta Ganesh 11th March 2021 Written Update

Vighnaharta Ganesh 11th March 2021 Written Update by Tanaya

Vighnaharta Ganesh 11th March 2021 Written Episode

The episode starts with Mata tells Shri Hanuman that Shridhar’s Pooja will succeed & I’ll make it happen for him of nine girls invited by him will reach his house while Shri Hanuman wonders asking her how & Mata converts herself in a girl but Shri Hanuman asks her you are only one what about eight but she tells him to wait as nine girls will definitely go to his place.
Mata calls Devi Vishalakshi & she arrives likewise she keeps calling all other Devi’s having various powers to arrive & all emerge.
Shridhar & his wife are praying Mata while his wife intimates that the time is passing of Muhurat.
The Brahman Guru’s wife asks him can she serve food to girls who are waiting for long but he instead thinks that to wait for some more time to pass so that Shridhar’s Pooja will fail while his wife thinks that he might be waiting for Shridhar’s Pooja to fail hence asks him & he advises her that to support him now when understood about his plans.
Vishalakshi Devi ask Mata why have you called us & she tells her to go to her devotee’s house for Kanjak Poojan & they get ready converting their self into girls while Mata tells Shri Hanuman that you too have to come.
All girls are moving towards Shridhar’s house while Shridhar gets intuition of girls coming hence gets ready for their welcome along with his wife.
The Brahman says seeing towards Shridhar’s house that he might be waiting but nobody will come.
Shridhar’s wife says nobody seems to arrive while he thinks is it my foolishness but girls are arriving & he thinks still nobody seen but he gets signal to not to get depressed seeing Gau Mata shaking head & sees bright face of a girl in water hence feels happy of girls arriving & praises Mata.
All girls arrive while Shri Hanuman in Brahman child form praises Shridhar’s place.
Mata in leader girl form asks Shridhar won’t you welcome us, who is so delighted that he tells his wife to welcome them while she asks him they are not them whom we invited but he instead tells her it’s Mata’s blessings due to which this has happened hence to let’s start welcoming all of them & they both wash their feet & take them inside their house.
Shridhar sees Mata whom he feels its Mata itself hence gets very emotional & falling his tears on her feet while she also gets emotional towards him. Shridhar prays her that to only complete his wish of coming into her form to bless him while she is about to emerge but Shri Hanuman in Brahman child form thinks that if Mata emerges then how people will understand her actual blessings to her devotee hence he intervenes telling Shridhar that I too am waiting & everything happens at an actual time & Mata stops emerging. Shridhar says that yes you are also welcome because you have acted as a security for all of them so how can I forget you.
Pushpadant asks Ganeshji that why Mata didn’t come to bless him & Ganeshji tells him that to get what is written in fate takes time to come in life but finally the person gets it.
Brahman Guru is watching Shridhar’s house but feels nobody has arrived hence his wife insists him to start serving food for girls or their time will pass of Muhurat.
Shridhar & his wife arrange seat for all girls placing flower crowns on their forehead also while Brahman Shri Hanuman says that I am very hungry hence might be lot of food items must have being prepared so to please serve but Shridhar falls gets depressed thinking about food while Mata understands.

Precap: Mata in girl form advises Shridhar to perform Bhandara for all villagers. Shridhar’s Guru Brahman tells him that you will arrange Bhnadara which is impossible for you as no Mata or girls visited to your house hence you are fooling everybody. Mata while leaving hears Brahman’s blame on Shridhar hence waits & emerges into her actual form.

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