Vighnaharta Ganesh 20th August 2020 Written Update

Vighnaharta Ganesh 20th August 2020 Written Update by Tanaya

Vighnaharta Ganesh 20th August 2020 Written Episode

The episode starts with the dom saving soorapadman through arrows shooted by kartik & kartik is wondering while gajmukhi thinking how to move ahead when soorasahi is killing crows.
Devsena is meditating & chanting mantra as mata adhishakti getting impressed & provides weapon to kartik while gajmukhi also takes oath of mata adhishakti by advise of ganesh & picks the sword moving ahead towards soorasahi.
Kartik shouts mantra of mata adhishakti & shoots the weapon to destroy the dom while here soorasahi is also wondering thinking to complete the havan quickly.
Soorapadman falls in confusion if the weapon will hit him but does not & thinks I am saved & soorasahi challenges kartik while kartik tells him I am not unethical warrior so give you one more chance & soorapadman prays his mata’s name & lifts his bow & arrow to get the powers but soorasahi informs him to go & bring the perfumed tree sthumb from the mountain on eastern side so that all our asoors will be alive while I’ll make them show you are in front of them & ganesh understands telling kartik that some planning is definitely happening as soorapadman won’t stand in this pose for so much time to shoot the arrow.
Soorapadman leaves & finds the mountain thinking this has so good perfume by which mother’s goal will be achieved.
Gajmukhi is cursing mother soorasahi saying you are doing this havan to destroy swami kartik then you also won’t be spared but soorasahi curses her & keeps her stand of completing this havan.
The daughter in laws of soorasahi are making crows fly while kartik is informing soorapadman to shoot as you wished but kartik understands that soorapadman is playing trick as he is not seen purely there & ganesh sees him telling kartik that he is up & all are confused smelling the perfume while soorpadman is flying with the perfumed mountain to flow it’s perfume towards all asoor sons & brothers & as they smell all get up as soorasahi is delighted saying what I had told you that I’ll make them all alive & see all are alive. The daughter in laws are so happy that they go towards them but they all are pushing them & ganesh tells them that they won’t realize you all as they do not have senses in them but only they can keep moving.
Ganesh is saying this war cannot be easily won while kartik is praying to get his pashupatastra weapon while all asoors are getting up & soorasahi is delighted.
Gajmukhi is saying now I cannot wait for long & time is to destroy this havan & lifts her weapon to attack.
Devsena is praying & doing pooja while mata adhishakti is smiling on devsena’s prayers.
Gajmukhi is challenging soorasahi for ending this havan & soorasahi is shocked to watch what gajmukhi is doing while kartik is also shooting his weapon to help to end the havan & the havan yagna is destroyed by which soorasahi is shocked & all asoors fall down again dead. Soorapadman is shocked to see the havan is destroyed & now mata cannot do anything while all gods are praising kartik.
Soorasahi says now I’ll show you my powers who ever has destroyed this havan as I won ‘t accept defeat so easily & shoots her evil weapon towards gajmukhi & all women but here as soorapadman is moving back thinking is kartik going to kill me now & kartik creates his huge form with help of mahadev’s blessings & shoots his sword towards soorapadman as soorapadman is getting scared & also is thinking about past who all he had faced praising kartik & also his brother was trying to explain him & he realizes kartik is ultimate god in blessings of mahadev then he pleads kartik asking forgiveness but thinks how to save myself now & changes his form in a tree as the sword shoots the tree instantly & also the weapon is destroyed of soorasahi’s which was sent towards all women’s including gajmukhi hence finally all are praising kartik as an ultimate god savor with so great form. Ganesh praising kartik’s such great form & also saying after soorapadman accepting his mistake & asked for forgiveness then he has the right to get blessings so his good deeds were sent through which got immerged in mayurji & his acceptance in form of chicken got immerged which the whole world will come to know of this day.
Ganesh says that still one more is there who is to be taught lessons in this mahendrapuri that is soorasahi.
Soorasahi is shouting her daughter gajmukhi saying because of daughter like you I have lost my great son soorapadman & all this havan got destroyed because of you but I am still not a loser then gajmukhi says I have already understood about you & also if you have lost everything then only because of your ego so now it’s only one person of your family for losing & that’s me so kill me which may be your wish & soorasahi says yes I will definitely kill you.

Precap : Soorasahi pleads in front of kartik & accepts her mistake asking for forgiveness bending down as kartik blesses her. Ganesh & all are moving from mahendrapuri while he gets intuition of mushak hiding in bushes but sees mushak in front of him so wonders what I saw in bushes then?

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