Vighnaharta Ganesh 21st June 2021 Written Update

Vighnaharta Ganesh 21st June 2021 Written Update by Tanaya

Vighnaharta Ganesh 21st June 2021 Written Episode

The episode starts with all devotees take a break for resting & Dhananjay is massaging Rishiwar to get him comfortable sleep & later he dreams in his sleep about his Prabhu being arrived to meet him chanting his name while Rishiwar later wakes him telling that sleep won’t make you meet Prabhu & he gets up immediately saying I am ready to move ahead for meeting Prabhu.
All reach near the temple of Prabhu’s Vrindavan but the trader in unable to climb the steps hence he picks him on his back entering in the temple by which he appreciates his help but Rishiwar was thinking about his plan of selfishness because he is helping so much.
Dhananjay feels very excited praying & watching Prabhu’s idol in his temple while all of them also enter the temple shouting slogan of Prabhu loudly but he stops everybody explaining that no doubt Prabhu becomes happy with his name chanted but softly because loud noise does not make Prabhu happy while other Brahman & the trader appreciate his devotion hence all of them praise Prabhu softly & sit for meditation.
All of them offer various Bhog in front of Prabhu while Dhananjay arranges it properly. Dhananjay picks the coconut while Rishiwar comes near him asking that when you haven’t brought anything then why you are picking this just to show Prabhu that you have brought something which is somebody else’s but he tells him that can you eat this coconut with cover & he falls in confusion hence he says that when you can’t eat then how Prabhu will so you should had asked me what am I upto because I am going to take out the hard cover of coconut to offer Prabhu & the Brahman & trader appreciate his pure devotion while Rishiwar leaves from there feeling insulted.
Ganeshji tells Pushpadant that the Rishiwar was always getting annoyed on him but he did with pure devotion whatever he felt good for Prabhu which was appreciable.
Dhananjay tells everybody that it’s time for first Prabhu should be covered with cloth so that he can eat food quietly hence everybody accept his advise & he covers the idol while he sits to sing prayers for Prabhu in which all of them join him & Prabhu eat food silently.
Prabhu Shri Krishna also appreciates his pure devotion towards him while eating food.
The trader feels impressed thinking of making him his son in law who is so much devoted to Prabhu helping everybody truly hence he appreciates him saying that you have helped me so much which own son also wouldn’t had done so I take pledge of making you my son in law for marrying with my daughter while Prabhu’s cover falls down & Dhananjay says that it seems Prabhu has also accepted this proposal & the trader says that now no need of any proof because Prabhu himself is proof for this.
Pushpadant asks Ganeshji did that trader fulfilled his promise & he tells him that later when they went he got engrossed in his family’s talks.
The trader reached to his place along with help of Dhananjay & he informs his daughter how he helped him on his path while Dhananjay also tells her that it’s actually because of him I could get the opportunity to visit Prabhu & she too praises him saying who is devoted purely towards God is always blessed & he feels good about her & he leaves but trader’s son watches him weirdly.
Madhav asks old Brahman that did the trader married his daughter with Dhananjay & he tells him that he betrayed him after hearing from his family.
The trader informs his family members about his decision of marrying daughter with Dhananjay while his daughter is blushed who likes him but his son mainly curses Dhananjay who himself can’t afford for his livelihood having no place to stay & explains his father for not doing such a thing of sending daughter in life of darkness. Also his wife too refuses his decision which is against well-being of her daughter but he tells them that he has given promise in front of Prabhu while his son tells him to break it because Prabhu isn’t going to arrive from Vrindavan to prove this.
Dhananjay next morning comes to give paste to heal trader’s legs but trader refuses to open the door telling him that the door won’t open for you but Dhananjay tells him that you have taken promise of marrying me with your daughter so betraying promise taken in front of Prabhu is absolutely wrong hence I won’t allow you to do this but trader opens the door telling him that I do not believe in such promises so to please do not come here again while his daughter feels very depressed. Dhananjay leaves telling him that now you will face this problem in Panchayat & thinks now Prabhu will only help in this.
The Panchayat leader listens to Dhananjay who tells him whatever happened in temple & Prabhu is actual proof of this while trader’s son describes him as a fool & people laugh on him.
Prabhu Shri Krishna feels very depressed for his devotee.

Precap: The trader’s son tells him to call your Prabhu to prove this while Prabhu is about to leave but Balbhadra stops him.

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