Vighnaharta Ganesh 26th September 2017 Written Update

Vighnaharta Ganesh 26th September 2017 Written Update by Tanaya

Vighnaharta Ganesh 26th September 2017 Written Episode

Son has the moon in his hand and he says wow this thing looks very bright when kept above water, if I put it inside lets see how bright it will look. There water god is on his throne and he says I will gift this moti necklace to devi parvati and her son. There son puts the moon inside the water. The moon shines more bright. There samudra dev sees as the floor of the water shakes and trembles, the bright moon light comes inside the water. Samdura dev says what is happening in my waters? How did Chandra dev’s light come inside here? what is Chandra dev doing? Samudra dev says I am not able to see because of this light. There son removes the moon and samudra dev says now the light went. Again son puts moon inside and enjoys and laughs.

The bright light comes inside the water again.
samudra dev says what is up to Chandra dev? The light goes again. samudra dev says something wrong is happening, the peace inside my waters was disturbed. Chandra dev there come sout of water and says please free me someone.

There sindhura says brahma dev why are you quiet? Tell me, is do mahadev and devi parvati having a son now? narad muni thinks who is this who dared to enter brahma lok and ask brahma dev a question with such attitude? Brahma dev nods his head yes. Sindhura says but how is that possible? Mahadev had promised the gods that he and devi parvati would not have any child? How could they have a child? Brahma dev then says a prayer and says adharma will always arise in this world and demons like you will want to conquer the world but dharma will defeat iniquity and their son will defeat you. sindhura says a child will defeat me? No brahma dev! I am the most powerful demon and no one can defeat me, even you, that Vishnu and mahadev cannot defeat me! Brahma dev says I did a mistake giving you your wish and making you powerful as you have misused your powers, but you will be destroyed for sure. Sindhura says I am sindhura brahma dev and now I will defeat you. sindhura with his powers brings a volley of arrows. Brahma dev and saraswati are angry. Sindhura screams loudly and attacks the arrows on saraswati and brahma dev. Before the arrows reach the, they are stopped by a shiled. Saraswati says that is enough sindhura, you will be destroyed, you dared to attack the writer of this universe. Brahma dev calms saraswati down. The arrows are destroyed. Sindhura attacks with his weapon but the shield protects brahma dev and saraswati. Sindhura says I will go and kill that child father! Sindhura goes. Narad muni is shocked and he comes ahead. Brahma dev thinks I should have never given him his wish and powers, I have done a mistake. Narad says brahma dev pranam, what did I just hear? Sindhura called you father!? Brahma dev says I will tell you everything, first let me make brahma lok pure from the evil. Brahma dev says om and makes brahma lok pure again.

There nandi and all gan come to mahadev. Nandi says mahadev! Mahadev opens his eyes and sees everyone, he says what happened nandi? Nandi says mahadev that Chandra shekhar, it is gone! Lord Shankar sees his hair and says who could take Chandra from my hair? I had given a wish to Chandra dev that he would always live on my hair. The sign of Chandra dev has to be found as it may have effects on the world. Lord Shankar then thinks where the moon went and he sees his son taking the moon to play. Lord Shankar smiles and thinks if I tell nandi then the gan will be scared to go and ask my son, lord Shankar says nandi go and find where the moon is. Everyone go.

The gan start finding and then see son having moon in hand and making line son the sand. Shakti is scared and thinks how do I ask him now? Shakti thinks all gan are scared and I should only go. Shakti goes ahead and says child! Son gets up and turns around, he shows the moon. Everyone get scared. Shakti says child it is Chandra dev, you cannot play with it, give it back to me. Son says no look at my weapon, I can destroy anyone. Son laughs and says I am playing with it, I will give you when I am done then you can also play with it. son says see how far in the sky I can throw it! son throws it and it goes outside the earth and comes back as a boomerang in son’s hand. Everyone get scared and run away. Son says see, then he sees no one is there, son says where did they go? son then walks in the forest and sees a tree with fruits. Son tries plucking one but his hand cannot reach. Son says I have to use a stick and uses but in vain. Son keeps the Chandra on his hair now and says I will use my both hands now.

There all gan say to lord Shankar that we couldn’t bring back the moon as it is with your son and he said no as he was playing with it. lord Shankar says before another battle wakes up nandi you go and tell my son to give the Chandra.

Nandi goes and sees son standing to pluck a fruit, he sees the Chandra on his head and is shocked. nandi goes to son and sees the stick, he remembers about his powers with the stick previously and thinks last time had made me suffer so much, what will happen now?

Precap: son says to nandi see I am trying to pluck a fruit but it is not coming down. There sindhura comes to brahma dev and says today I will put you inside my body and with your power kill that child.

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