Vighnaharta Ganesh 27th September 2018 Written Update

Vighnaharta Ganesh 27th September 2018 Written Update by Tanaya

Vighnaharta Ganesh 27th September 2018 Written Episode

The episode starts with mata adi Shakti continuing the story and she says this way raja devodas then told mahadev to leave kashi. In flashback, mahadev goes to mata adishakti and says uma, I have to leave kashi so that raja devodas rules here as the king. Adishakti says mahadev even I will come, I cannot stay away from you swami and why did devodas do this? Mahadev says uma, devodas is right on his part as he has been given a wish by brahma dev but you cannot come with me, because you are jagat janni and you have to stay here to take care of the life in the world, I shall go back to kashi. Mahadev goes and adishakti is sad and she turns to statue. All gods leave kashi and brahma dev thinks I feel so sad about mahadev and devi adishakti, brahma dev goes.
Ganesh then says then mata how

do we give gyarahi ji’s ghost freedom if mahadev is not here? we need mahadev’s bhasma for that as well, what will we do now? suddenly an old rishi comes in the temple and ganesh says this is rishi jageshwar, what happened to him? he looks unwell. Rishi jageshwar says mata, I am dying and in my last moments of life, but before that I want to have darshan of mahadev,without that I will die a sad death. Ganesh and kartikeya hold rishi as he falls on ground. Ganesh brings water but rishi denies and ganesh says why aren’t you taking water? Rishi says I wont take water unless I meet mahadev, I can die peacefully only after that. ganesh says mata this is a huge problem, if rishi doesn’t meet mahadev before his death and if he dies, then there will be the sin of brahma hatya on father. Adishakti says yes son, rishi has taken a vow to get darshan of mahadev before he dies. Ganesh says what do we do mother? Out there gyarahi ji is waiting for us to get a solution to his ghost freedom and here rishi jageshwar wants to meet mahadev but mahadev cannot come to kashi, and you have been waiting there for mahadev for years. Adishakti says don’t worry about me, first think and solve each problem smartly, first go and find a solution to gyarahi’s ghost and then come to rishi jageshwar’s problem. Ganesh and kartikeya say but where do we go mata so that gyarahi gets freedom? We don’t know!
Adishakti thinks and says gaya! Kartikeya says gaya? But nothing is happening here in kashi then how will anything happen in gaya? Adishakti says gaya is the nagri of gayasura and there all suffering ghosts and spirits get freedom and salvation. Ganesh says gayasura? He is a demon? How did a demon get such a huge responsibility? Parvati says gayasura was also like raja devodas, he was on the side of dharma and always followed dharma, kindness and peace always and he was a very great disciple of lord Vishnu. Adishakti tells the story.
In flashback, gayasura sits to pray to lord Vishnu doing a yagya for him. For years he prays and lord Vishnu is one day impressed and he gives darshan to gayasura and says son gayasura! I am impressed by your bhakti, ask what you want from me. Gayasura says prabhu pranam! I prayed to you only because I felt immense peace and joy in taking your name and doing your bhakti my lord, but now you have given me darshan and also wish to give me a blessing, then I shall ask that you give me strength and power to always stay deep into your bhakti and keep praying to you and take your name and also prabhu, I wish that when I am praying to you, whoever in this world is bound by yamraj and his doot, they also get freedom from life and moksh just by touching me when I am praying. Lord Vishnu smiles and blesses gayasura tathastu!
Gayasura continues praying to lord Vishnu. But many evil demons and people take advantage of gayasura’s blessings and by doing bad deeds and just by killing people, they come and touch gayasura ad get salvation and also do not pay for their sins and karma! This creates an imbalance between life and death and one day yamraj says I have to do something, an imbalance is being created everywhere and the evil are not suffering for their sins but getting moksh because of gayasura! I have to tell the tridev.
In Kailash, the tridev and all gods come and yamraj tells the problem. Suryadev says tridev, if something is not done then the world can be destroyed because of this imbalance and even rishi’s have stopped doing yagya’s. indra dev says there is only one solution, I have to kill gayasura! Because of him there is an imbalance in the world, I will go and kill him. lord Vishnu says no devraj, gayasura is my disciple and he is innocent, he has not done any sin, he follows dharma and for that he should not be punished. Lord Vishnu says indra dev you cannot kill gayasura because he is my disciple and his bhakti has created a force shield around him which is from my powers, you cannot cross that field and attack gayasura so you cannot even touch him. brahma dev says I have a solution.
Brahmadev one day goes and gives darshan to gayasura. Gayasura says pranam brahmadev. Brahmadev says gayasura I know you don’t want any more wishes from any tridev or gods but I want a wish from you. gayasura says from me prabhu? Brahma dev says yes. Gayasura says okay prabhu, I will give you anything that is in my power right now, please ask me prabhu. Brahmadev says gayasura I want to do a yagya by sitting on your body and you shall not move until my yagya is over, and until my yagya is over no one will come and disturb here. gayasura says as you wish prabhu, I shall do it. gayasura becomes huge and lies down, brahmadev sits on his stomach and does his yagya. As brahmadev uses this plan, he makes sure that whoever comes and touches gayasura for mukti and salvation have suffered for their karma in their life, this way for a brief time brahmadev brings the world back to balance.
Yamraj tells lord Vishnu and mahadev that brahmadev cannot sit there for the yagya forever, one day his yagya will be over and when that happens the imbalance will be once again. indra dev says then gods we have to go and not let gayasura get up from the ground. The gods go and stands on gayasura’s body on different parts and use their power to keep gayasura down, but they fail and so they pray to mahadev. Mahadev appears and says dev gan, gayasura is the disciple of lord Vishnu and only shree hari Narayan knows a solution to this, pray to him. all gods say okay and they start praying to lord Vishnu.

Precap: Ganesh and kartikeya bring rishi jageshwar out of the temple and ganesh tells gyarahi wait, first we have to save rishi jageshwar and give him mahadev’s darsha, gyarahi is annoyed and says now I cannot wait now, jageshwar will get darshan only if he is alive. Gyarahi goes to kill jageshwar. Ganesh and kartikeya are angry.

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