Vishkanya 9th May 2016 Written Update

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Vishkanya 9th May 2016 Written Update by MA

Vishkanya 9th May 2016 Written Episode

The episode starts with Malay coming home and seeing Apu unconscious on bed and pandit shouting who is she. He asks what happened to Apu and who is he.. Nandita gets tensed. Apu wakes up and says she is fine. Nandit stammers that Apu fell unconscious and pandit was trying to wake her up. Apu says Nandita her plan failed today. Malay says he will drop her home and walks with her. Nandita fumes.

Apu reaches home with Malay. Kalpana asks if she is fine. Apu says yes and Kalpana thanks Malay and sends him. Apu says Nandita tried to hypnotize her and extract information from her, but she does not know a simple sleeping pill will not work on vishkanya. She will destroy Mittal family soon. Kalpana says Nandita is irked now and will try to break this alliance. Apu says she knows and let her do what she can.

Nandita’s brother Vishal comes to Kolkota and gets out of taxi. Kalpana walks with painter and clashes with him by mistake. She identifies as the one who tried to killed didi bhai and Harsh and hides her face. Vishal ignores her and leaves. Kalpana follows him to Mittal house to check why he came here. Vishal meets Malay who does not identify him. He says he is his mama/uncle. Malay happily touches his feet. Vishal then silently murmurs in front of Harsh if he is still alive. Rasik and Kumkum come. He flirts with Kumkum and gives sweets to Rashik. Rasik enjoys sweet and says he came on right time, Malay’s marriage is on the way. Vishal says he was not informed at all, now he will go only after Malay’s marriage.

Kalpana informs Apu and didi bhai that the culprit Vishal who tried to crush didi bhai with car is here and has seen her before with Harsh and will ruin their plan, so she has to kill him. Apu says her 20-year-old suffering is over now, now Vishal will die before telling Nandita who they are.

Apu tells Kalpana that Malay is coming to pick her up for shopping. Malay comes with Vishal. Kalpana starts coughing and hides her face. Malay introduces Apu to Vishal and Apu touches his feet. Dida and Tapur enter. Malay introduces even then. Vishal wishes them and looking at Kalpana thinks he has seen her before. Dida says Kalpana they are going for shopping if she will accompany them. Kalpana says no. Vishal tries to walk towards her, but Apu takes him out.

Malay then takes Apu in car. Apu looks tensed. Malay asks what happened. She says nothing. He starts chatting while driving and car stops. He goes to get mechanic. Apu reminisces Kalpana telling about Vishal and she promising Kalpana to kill Vishal. She reminisces mixing something in petrol tank to stop car.

Precap: Vishal is shocked to see Kalpana. He follows her into secret door.

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