Waaris 27th January 2017 Written Update

Waaris 27th January 2017 Written Update by Amena

Waaris 27th January 2017 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Mohini asking Jai whether he helped Amba to get memory back. Jai says no, I m also worried. She says my time got wasted, you have become angel for them, did you give heart to Amba. He says don’t be mad, think what will we do now, we have to get a rich party. Mannu says you got fine now mummy. Amba says it would be tough for you all. Gunjan says yes, but Mannu’s partner made everything fine.

Jai comes there. Amba says you…Jai recalls moments with Amba. He thinks Amba forgot those memories, but I can never forget. Mannu says he is Jai, my partner, you got fine because of him. Amba thanks her. Gunjan says he is best. Mannu says he has sent Sushila to jail, and freed Simran and Gunjan from goons. Jai says its enough that Amba got fine, its good thing, Mannu talks a
lot about you. Amba says you are like angel for me and my children, I don’t remember anything, stay for here for some days. Jai says I have to go. Everyone ask him to stay.

Jai smiles. Mannu takes Jai’s bag and says you will stay here. Jai tells Mannu that there is much danger here. Mannu says from Mohini, I will tell mummy and make Mohini leave. Jai says no, she is dangerous, I can’t let anything happen to you, I will make her leave, promise me you won’t do anything. Mannu promises and hugs him. Mannu goes.

Light goes. Mohini comes and lights candle. She says we will not go from here. Jai says Amba got memory back, we will go. She says no, this party is rich, Amba has much money, we will trap this house.

Its morning, Mannu meets Raj. Raj says I knew everything will get fine, I m happy. Mannu asks him to come his house. Raj says no its not easy. Mannu says we have to make friendship between two families. Raj says no, my dad will beat me, there is no one to save me, dad has sent Raman to uncle’s house. Simran gives letter to Raman’s friend for Raman. Bunty calls her Bhabhi and asks is she sending love for Raman in this letter. She says once a person goes away, we know his value, much happened with me, some people were going to sell me, I faced all this and came back home, now I want to do what my heart wants, I wrote in this letter that Raman is not with me, but his memories are with me. She cries and goes.

She comes home and hears doctor. She goes and sees Amba unwell. She asks is Amba fine. Amba says I m fine. Mannu says I called doctor for checkup. Doctor asks Amba to take care of diet. Mannu asks doctor can I tell something shocking to Amba. Doctor says no, she just got fine, don’t give her stress. Simran asks Mannu what was he saying. Mannu says nothing, I was asking about mummy. Mannu lies and gets hiccups. Simran thinks Mannu is hiding something.

Jai asks Mannu why can’t we tell Amba about Bheeru. Mannu says doctor asked me not to tell her bad shocking news. Jai says Amba knows Bheeru went to get proof, what will we say if she asks. Amba calls to know about Bheeru. Mannu worries. He runs and falls down. She keeps phone and runs to him. She asks how did you get hurt. Mannu asks to whom were you talking. Amba says Bheeru. Mannu says college has sent Bheeru for some work, you were unwell and could not talk to you. She asks Mannu to freshen up and come to have food. Jagan looks on.

Jagan says enough of Jai’s drama, Amba’s memory has come back, I will tell her now, Jai has made Bheeru reach hospital. He sees Mohini at the door. He says you here. She shuts the door. He asks what happened. She says I was going to ask you, why do you stay worried. He says nothing. She says fine if you don’t want to say, I can read in your eyes, someone dear cheated you, such good handsome men get cheated, will you feel bad if I say something, I don’t like Amba, I feel Amba created problems in your life, I can get your respect and post if you want, I feel having old relation with you, I want to help you. He smiles and holds her. He says your thinking is good, but I m also prepared, I have dark secret against Jai, now he will go out of this house. She says I expected this from you, you should know when and where to use this secret, keep this safe, fun will be double if its out on right time, its your wish. She goes.

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