Waaris 2nd August 2016 Written Update

Waaris 2nd August 2016 Written Update by Amena

Waaris 2nd August 2016 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Raavi giving tea to Bebe. She says I have much work, how shall I manage alone. Bebe asks her to call Simran to help. Raavi says she does not help, she just sits to study. Amba hears her and says Simran’s study is tough, let her study, tell me what to do, did I refuse to help you. Raavi taunts her on Simran’s studies, and Mannu’s bad performance. She tells Bebe that Mannu has likes of a girl. Mannu comes home with bangles and plays with it. Amba gets shocked. Bheeru asks Amba to see what Mannu got.

Amba reacts angrily and throws the bangles by hitting on his hand. Mannu asks what did I do, you broke all bangles. Amba asks will you wear bangles, what do you stick in school books, do you want girls’ habits. Mannu says I got bangles for Simran and Gunjan, I wanted to gift
them for Raksha bandhan, all bangles broke. Bebe looks on. Amba cries. Mannu picks broken bangles. Bebe says Amba is always after Mannu and pampers Simran. She asks Amba to call Simran, ask her to help in work, guests are coming tomorrow.

Bheeru consoles Mannu and takes him. Mannu hugs Bheeru and cries. Amba sees the broken bangles and picks them. Rabba…..plays………..

Its night, Mannu packs the remaining few bangles and cries. He says Amba always gets angry. Bheeru asks him not to cry. He asks why did Amba beat me, I will ask her why does she do this with me. He goes. Amba sits joining the bangles by the candle and holds the heated bangles in hand. Mannu and Bheeru come there and look on. Mannu gets shocked and stops her, saying your hand burnt. She says I got punished for breaking bangles, I felt hurt when I have beaten you. She says I have made necklace for you. She shows the necklace made by broken bangles, and says you can give this to your sisters now. He wipes her tears and says don’t cry, I feel bad. She apologizes to him. Simran and Gunjan come and look on. Amba says I did mistake to break bangle. Simran and Gunjan say its enough he got bangles for us. They all hug. Bheeru smiles seeing them.

Its morning, Jagan tells Raavi that he is going and will get the guy along, Amba and her children should not know who is coming, clean home and make tasty food, this marriage has to happen. Raavi says I started doing work yesterday itself, Amba asked me whats happening, I did not tell her, I m making Amba clean work.

The guy sees Simran’s pic and says its matter of few house, then you will be infront of my eyes. Amba cleans the house. Jagan says I m leaving. Bebe asks him to give some items to her friend. Amba asks who is coming. Jagan says imp people are coming, you make kheer. She says fine. He says I will just come.

Amba tells Bebe that she can’t understand Jagan, sometimes he asks for something with right as if he is my son and sometimes he fights like he does not have any enemy bigger than me. Jagan gets Bansal and his family at home. Mannu and Gunjan try to see. Mannu asks who is that guy, we will go and see. Jagan introduces Chandar, the guy, his Mausa Bansal and Mausi ji. Amba comes and greets them. Bheeru comes. Jagan says Bheeru is Amba’s younger brother, he stays with us since few years. He asks about Simran. Amba says she is helping in kitchen. Bebe asks Amba to send Simmi with cold drinks. Mannu says Raavi troubled us, we will trouble her guests. Mannu identifies Chandar’s car.

Simran gets cold drinks. Chandar stares at her. Jagan says this is my wife Raavi and she is my niece Simran, your would be bahu. Amba, Bheeru and Simran get shocked. Bansal says she is very pretty. Mannu and Gunjan come there. Jagan tells Chandar that his younger brother in law has come. Chandar sees Mannu and recalls the incident. He smiles and says so his little boy will become my brother in law. He calls Mannu and says he is very lovely kid.

He asks Mannu where did he run that day, you are going to become my brother in law, I m marrying your sister, settles got equal now. Maasi asks Chandar did he like Simran. He gets shy and says whatever elders decide. Maasi says he got shy, it means relation got fixed. Raavi makes them have sweets. Jagan hugs Bansal. Bebe says congrats. Amba worries. Simran cries. Raavi feeds her laddoo and asks are you happy, or do you have anyone in school. Chandar smiles seeing Simran.

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