Waaris 2nd September 2016 Written Update

Waaris 2nd September 2016 Written Update by Amena

Waaris 2nd September 2016 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Simran and Amba smiling. Amba signs her to go. Simran goes to Bebe. Bebe asks do you want something. Simran hugs her and says I don’t want anything, I just had to hug you. Bebe says leave me. Simran kisses her. Bebe asks did you not go to school. Simran gets glad. Bebe says if you get late, they will shut gate. Simran says I will get ready soon if you said. Bebe says Amba made this in morning, it takes two hours. Simran says I made this halwa, Amba taught me as you like it. Bebe says its good, your hands have Amba’s talent, keep learning from her. Simran smiles and goes. Bebe eats halwa. Amba looks on and cries. Amba thanks Lord as Bebe is sending Simran to school.

Simran comes to school and smiles. Raman meets her. She says you came to my house and helped me, Mannu
said you are very nice, you both got friendly. Raman says you can also believe I m good. She goes. Raman’s friend asks him what did Simran say. Raman says Bua gave me lecture to be away from Simran, I thought the same, but that girl came to talk to me, what shall I do. His friend asks him to leave Bua or Simran. Raman jokes.

The goons come there and have Simran’s pic. They see Simran coming and take a knife. Bheeru meets Simran and says I came to take Mannu, did your class end. She says yes, how are you. He says I m fine, Amba told me everything. She says I m worried if Mannu knows truth then…. Bheeru gets worried. He sees Mannu coming. Mannu runs to Bheeru and hugs him. Goons wait for Simran and call Chandar. Chandar says if everyone is together, wait for right time. Amba sees Chandar at the tea stall and says what is he doing here, there is something wrong.

Simran and Mannu come home with Bheeru. They look for Amba. Raavi says Amba left this list at home, what will she get, go and get the items. Bheeru says I will go. Simran says its fine, I will go. She asks Bheeru not to worry, she is glad to be at home, I will go market. She leaves. Bheeru checks Mannu’s books. Amba comes home and asks Bheeru about Simran. Bheeru says she came home with me, she went to market, Raavi has sent her with list. Amba says why did you send her, Chandar is still in village, I m scared. Bheeru says don’t worry and runs to see Simran.

Simran is on the way and gets kidnapped by the goons. Bheeru comes there and finds the bag fallen. He says its same bag which Simran had from home. Amba calls him and he tells everything. Amba gets worried. Mannu asks what happened. Amba says stay here, I will get Simran and come. Mannu thinks did Chandar do anything and runs after her.

Harjeet eats food and sees landline ringing. Raman comes from school and attends call, while Harjeet also answers. Harjeet talks to inspector. inspector says your men kidnapped Simran. Harjeet says are you mad, why will I kidnap Simran. Raman gets shocked and rushes. Swaroop sees Raman leaving in jeep and attends the call. She hears Harjeet saying he did not kidnap Simran, come and arrest me if you have courage. Harjeet ends call. Swaroop says someone kidnapped Simran, I m sure Raman went to find her, police doubts Bajwas, if Raman is seen there, it will be big problem.

Chandar pays the men. Simran gets shocked seeing him. Chandar takes her to his car. He says I told Amba to send you with me, she did not agree, I told her I will marry you, but now I will take you forcibly, Amba will cry when she knows you are gone with me from this village, you will stay with me now. he leaves.

Mannu tries finding Simran and asks people on the way. Raman meets him and Mannu tells him Chandar is not from his village. They both get worried that Chandar took Simran to his village. Raman says there is one route to go out of the village. They leave. Chandar is on the way. Simran is tied and struggles. Raman and Mannu come in between and stop his car. Chandar asks who are you, how did you stop my car. He beats Raman. Mannu gets Simran out of the car. Raman gets beaten up. Mannu takes his gulel and beats Chandar with stone. Simran pushes Chandar and beats him. Raman gets up and holds her hand. She sees Raman wounded. Raman and Simran kick Chandar.

Mannu asks them to come fast. Chandar gets a sword and hits on Raman. Raman bends and gets Simran behind him. Chandar attacks on Raman. Swaroop gets police there. Police shoots at Chandar’s hand. Chandar falls and gets angry. Swaroop says arrest him inspector, Bajwas were not involved in this. Inspector says we did mistake, arrest Chandar. Swaroop sees Raman wounded and asks why did you do this. She sees Simran and Raman holding hands. Raman leaves Simran’s hand.

Swaroop recalls Raman’s words. She says you would have died. Raman says I m fine, Simran this is my Bua. Simran greets Swaroop. Mannu thanks Swaroop for saving Simran. Swaroop asks them to sit in the jeep. They leave. Amba meets them on the way. Swaroop drops Simran and Mannu, and asks Raman not to go anywhere. Amba hugs Mannu and Simran. Mannu says police took Chandar, he was taking Simran, Raman and I have beaten Chandar, Raman studies with us in school. Amba recalls Swaroop and recalls the past incident of Jagan and Swaroop. Raman goes to them and greets Amba. Mannu says he is Raman Bajwa, you said Bajwa and Pavaniya can’t be friends, see we have become great friends, we ended enmity.

Amba says you saved my children and did big favor, thanks. Swaroop asks Raman to come back and scolds him. She asks Amba to control her daughter, don’t except pity from Bajwas again. She asks Raman not to talk in between, else I will slap you. Amba says you did good deed, why this anger. Swaroop says I respect you, but I did not forget this mark which you Pavaniyas gave me for love, I can’t see this mark in Raman’s life, maybe you are not wrong, but I have lost a lot in this enmity. Amba says I have also lost a lot, Lala ji gave his life to end this enmity. Swaroop says yes, today they met and supported each other, just we know, if anyone knows this, we all will die, uts good that our children do not meet.

Amba says maybe you are saying same, we will keep things same, if you try to end hatred, hands will get burnt to blow off hatred fire. Amba takes Simran with her, and Swaroop takes Raman with her. Mannu looks at them. Raman and Simran turn and see each other. Mannu tells Charan that he will end Bajwas and Pavaniya’s enmity and fulfill his dream.

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