Waaris 4th August 2016 Written Update

Waaris 4th August 2016 Written Update by Amena

Waaris 4th August 2016 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Raman doing Swaroop’s hair champi. She asks will you let me check your bag. He says there is nothing. She says that’s what I have to check, let me see, tell me did you get someone, don’t hide from me, tell me, I have encouraged you to go to school. He says she is in my school. She asks him did he tell the girl that he loves her, tell her soon, else she will run away, learn something from me, I have much experience in work. He says I will go and tell her. He recalls Simran and smiles.

Raavi goes to give water to Chandar and does not see him anywhere. She asks where is he. She looks around. Simran goes to school and waits for Raman to return his book. Raman comes with his friend. She says why did he not come alone, why am I worried, I just have to return a book. She stops
Raman. She returns his book and says I did homework also, don’t be careless next time. She goes. Sir asks Raman to come to class if he wants. Raman says I don’t want to. Sir says fine, then stand here. He sees Simran’s handwriting and smiles. He stands outside the class.

His friends ask him why did he not come out. Raman says it was written in my fate. They ask him to get his treatment done and goes. Simran comes. Raman stops her. She asks him to move off his way. He says I thought you will talk to me well. She says let me go. He says I stood outside all day because of you. She asks why, I did your homework. He says yes, I was thinking why you did my homework. She says I wanted to return favor, you helped me and I helped you, nothing else. He stops her and asks till when we be like this, we can become friends. She says we can’t become friends. He asks why. She asks him to see his name Raman Bajwa.

He says so what. She says my full name is Simran Pavaniya. He gets shocked and asks are you Pavaniya’s daughter. She says yes, Pavaniya and Bajwa can’t become friends. He says even if we want…. She says my Papa tried, but your Papa killed my Papa. He says I regret for that, but I should not get punished for that. She says we are linked to family, so we have to bear punishment.

Bheeru takes Mannu from school. Mannu says that’s the bad guy’s car and goes to see. Chandar tells Simran that they are getting married and asks her to come, we can know likes and dislikes. Bheeru stops Mannu from going there and says we have to leave for home, come fast. Mannu goes with Bheeru. Simran says let me go and shouts for help. Chandar asks why is she scared, and asks her to sit in car.

He flirts with her and asks can’t you agree to me, come. Bheeru asks Mannu to come. Chandar says you will rule, and throws Simran’s dupatta. Mannu sees that and identifies. He shouts Simran jiji and runs there. Chandar keeps on convincing Simran. He sees Chandar and Simran. He gets angry and takes a stone. He shouts to Simran. Chandar and Simran see Mannu. Mannu throws stone at Chandar. Chandar bends down and gets saved. Simran shouts Mannu and runs to him. She hugs Mannu and cries. Bheeru comes there and gets shocked seeing Chandar.

Chandar says so everyone came here. Simran hugs Bheeru and cries. Chandar asks all of them to sit in car, I told Simran to come, she was not agreeing, relation happened so I have to do duty. Mannu says we won’t go with you. Chandar says you have much attitude, you are trying to scare me, I m scared, your Mama is with you, so you got courage, sit in the car. Mannu says no one will sit in your cheap car. Bheeru consoles Simran. Chandar says fine, it was my duty, so I have to go ahead. He leaves.

Bheeru, Simran and Mannu come home. Mannu shouts to Amba that Chandar is not a good guy. Bebe asks Simran from where is she coming. Simran says school. Bebe asks whom did you ask and went to school. Amba comes and says I have sent Simran to school. Mannu says that man is very bad, Chandar was misbehaving with Simran, its good Bheeru and I went there. Bebe tells Amba that her children got spoiled. Bheeru says I was there. Bebe says its my family matter, I did not ask you. She asks Simran what did Chandar do, he took permission to meet Simran by calling me. Raavi says yes, he came here to meet Simran.

Bebe says if Simran met Chandar at home, whats the problem, he is Simran’s would be husband, he just told he will drop you home. Amba says I don’t accept Chandar meeting Simran this way, I don’t accept Simran leaving school and sitting at home, she will go school till she has legs. Bebe asks is it, and goes to get a hot coal stick to burn Simran’s legs. Bebe burns Simran’s foot. Amba, Mannu and Simran scream and shout.

No Precap in & tv video episode

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