Yeh Hai Chahatein 2nd February 2021 Written Update

Yeh Hai Chahatein 2nd February 2021 Written Update by MA

Yeh Hai Chahatein 2nd February 2021 Written Episode

Preesha hugs Rudra after seeing tiger and then part ways nervously. He requests her to stay back for Saransh’s sake. She agrees and warns not to touch her tough. He says this place is safe. She sits shivering. He drapes his jacket around her, but she warns him to dare not touch her and she doesn’t need his jacket. He says she is more stubborn than him and keeps his jacket near her. She continues shivering. He thinks she will not listen, so he tries to light up bonfire. At Khurana House, Balraj tells family that Preesha and Rudra’s phones are switched off, where they must be. Sharda gets worried for them. Mahima says even she is. Ahana thinks of making Mahima jealous for troubling her and says Rudra and Preesha must have gone together purposefully to celebrate purchase of hospital; if they wanted to be together, why they did such a big drama; Mahima should go and sleep now. Mahima says she will not sleep until Rudra returns and will go to her parents’ house as she knows Rudra will come there to drop Preesha.

Rudra sees Preesha feeling hungry and thinks even he is feeling hungry, so he should do something. He says he will get her something to eat. She says she doesn’t need his food. Dil Ka Darya Beh Hi Gaya… song.. plays in the background. He sees cherry tree and climbs it to pluck them. She asks why is he doing baffonery. He says he is plucking cherry and shakes tree. Cherries fall down. She picks them and eats. He says she didn’t want to, but is having them. He then tries to get down, but is unable to.

Mahima reaches her parents’ home and enquires about Preesha. GPS says Preesha informed that she will reach home via van. Mahima says she will take Saransh with her then. GPS thinks Preesha told not to let Saransh with Mahima, so he insists her to let Saransh stay with them and even Saransh will feel bad if he doesn’t meet Preesha. Mahima says Saransh is her son and he loves her more than Preesha, so she will take him for sure. Vasu also insists her to let Saransh stay with them as he came after a long time and they are feeling good. She agrees and walks away thinking why appa is trying to stop Saransh here, there is something wrong.

Rudra tries to get down tree when Preesha sees a snake crawling towards him and asks him to not move or speak. He asks why shouldn’t he. She says there is a snake behind him. He panics. She asks him not to move. Snake crawls over him and leaves. She asks him to stay there now. He says snake will return with his family and gets down. GHe then says however she acts, she shows his concern for him.

Yuvraj returns home and seeing Mahima says its like they take devil’s name and she is present, he means he was remembering her. She asks what kind of a husband he is, how can he see his wife spending night with Rudra. He says he is a cool kind of man, but hearing her taunts, he gets hot. She asks if he will expose her truth without any proof, he should be in her limits or else she knows how to shut his mouth. He asks her plan. She says she cannot see Rudra and Preesha together, so she wants to take away Saransh. He asks how will she do. She asks to just wait and watch.

Preesha walks near lake to have water. Rudra requests her not to go near water as some creature must be there. She says she is not afraid. He says he will feed her water. She doesn’t agree and bends down to have water.

Precap: Preesha drinks water from jungle lake when a crocodile attacks her. Rudra rushes for her help.

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