Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 17th July 2014 Written Update

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Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 17th July 2014 Written Update by Amena

Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 17th July 2014 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Raman and Ishita coming home. Ishita says I forgot to call the doctor and is surprised seeing him come out with Appa. He says Amma is fine now. She asks Appa about him. The doctor says Raman called me. Ishita and Raman have an argument about Amma and Shagun, again the court case comes in between them. She says if you cared for her, you would have supported her, I don’t know who are you, what are you, what you want and whom. She leaves annoyed. Raman gets angry. The people talk to Ashok in conference hall about Shagun, Ishita and Raman, where does he fit in this matter. He tells Ashok that a young chick suits you. Mihika comes and says if your presentation is over, lets go out. Ashok says she is right, lets work if you want to gossip, some home in evening, we will talk. Ashok eyes Mihika and smiles.

Simmi comes to Raman and shows him the pic to prove Shagun was in the shopping mall. She says see date and time, 10th june, 8.12pm. He says this will proof Shagun was at mall and did not do the accident, thanks. She says now everything will be fine. Raman calls Pathak and says there is 100% proof. Pathak says its good news, we will prove her innocent tomorrow, you relax now. Raman says I will tell this to Shagun. Shagun says Simmi saved me, now they will know I was in mall, keep the pic safe. Raman says I m happy we will win the case with this case. Shagun says thanks Simmi.

He keeps the pic in the drawer and Ishita comes there. He leaves from the room. Its morning, the court case starts. The judge asks Pathak did he make use of the time given to him. Pathak says yes, see this pic which will prove Shagun was in mall at accident time. The judge sees it and asks what type of joke is this. He turns the pic and shows puppies pic. Shagun asks how did this happen. Raman says I don’t know. Mrs. Bhalla laughs that Shagun looks like this in pic. Pathak says I m sure someone changed it, give me some time. Kaur says he is wasting our time.

They argue. Pathak says why will I hide the pic if it can free Shagun. The judge says fine, I give you four days time. Raman says where did the pic go. He talks to Pathak and says I kept it in drawer. Shagun says you should have seen it before bringing. She says the pic was exchanged, from your bedroom, Ishita did this. Raman says what. Shagun shouts on Ishita and says whats your problem, I did not do this crime and you are punishing me, I had the proof and you stole it, you want justice, so why are you doing injustice with me. Raman says don’t blame Ishita for this. Pathak takes Shagun.

Raman talks to Ishita and says I will drop you home, come. They come home. Raman comes to his room and checks the drawer. She says thanks for today. He says sit here please. He says see we are worried for this case, but this is home. I know you are understanding. She says yes. He says then you know what I m trying to say, what I want. She asks what do you want. He says fine, I want Shagun’s pic which you took, which can prove she did not do the accident. She is shocked and cries, asking you feel I have stolen this, when Shagun told you this, you scolded her, and now you are blaming me, how could you.

He says this room is ours and no one comes here, the pic was here. She says I did not do anything wrong till now, I did not even see that pic, what is it, as Shagun told this, you thought this. She says if she is innocent, will I get her punished, how can you tell this, for Shagun, when you scolded her, I felt you care for me, but no, there is no feelings. No respect, you know why, one reason, as you love Shagun a lot. He says oh God damn it. She says I don’t care for this, its alright, love her, she is your first wife and you are unable to forget her. She says but she has hurt you so much, how can you praise her, and don’t need anything for us and against her, you are feeling her pain, what about Amma’s pain.

She says you will do as Shagun says, I don’t expect anything from you, whats our relation, its only a contract for Ruhi. She says your name is linked to mine, I value it, but you value only her who left you and your name, you care for her and dance on her fingers. Its ok with me, but please don’t blame me like this, I m not like this. Raman says enough, I m not in a mood to hear your lecture, don’t give the pic if you don’t want, I m still strong to prove her innocent. He leaves banging the door. She cries. She says he doubted on me.

Ishita looks for the pic everywhere in the room. Mrs. Bhalla comes and shows her pic sahying you are finding this right. Ishita sees it. Mrs. Bhalla says I have hidden this. As I want Shagun to go to jail. She says you know Raman doubted me for this pic. She says Raman is mad, she has ruined him, I heard Raman and Simmi talking so I have hidden this, but sorry, now he is blaming you. Ishita says we are fighting for justice, if she did not do accident, then how can we punish her. She says this pic is a proof and we have to give this in court.

Mrs. Bhalla says she deserves to go in jail, the truth is she will do new drama everyday. She says you are Raman’s wife, let her go to jail. Ishita says this fight is not between me and Shagun, but between me and culprit. Mrs. Bhalla says you are very good and one day Shagun will use it. Ishita hugds her and says I will do what is true, tomorrow you will realize what I did was right. Mrs. Bhalla blesses her crying and leaves.

Parmeet meets Simmi at a café and she sees him wounded. He says I fell, don’t worry. She says I m worried for Raman. He says yes, he is losing the case. Who took the pic, will the truth come out by it. Simmi says yes, it proves Shagun was not at accident site, don’t know who took it, Raman doubts on Ishita. He says don’t worry, I will try to get second copy of that pic. She gets a call from Mrs. Bhalla. She says I m on the way, coming home. She says I have to go, take care, don’t fall like this. She hugs him and leaves. He says she is innocent, she does not think if Shagun was in mall, Ashok was with me in office, whose crime are we hiding, whom is Shagun trying to save. He thinks about Adi….. and says Shagun is taking blame on herself and Raman is helping her, Adi did the accident, if Ishita knows this.

Shagun scolds Adi and warns him not to touch the car. Adi cries. Ishita hears the truth about the accident and is shocked.

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  1. $ Anu $
    July 17, 23:35 Reply

    malar i am sry it was yesterday’s episode…..
    it was a mistake….

    • malar
      July 17, 23:38

      I guessed so, it’s ok. I hope today episode will b nice,

  2. malar
    July 17, 23:34 Reply

    Adi try b good son ur father and mother(ishra) and good brother to ur lovely sis(ruhi).
    I wish this also to b happen

    • rainbow
      July 18, 03:10

      dnt expect it in this year

    • preethu
      July 17, 23:37

      Hi….gud morn…..

  3. skyhigh
    July 17, 23:31 Reply

    @rainidi…im all gud..eid shopping yet to b done..wat abt u ?

    • malar
      July 17, 23:32

      Hi good morn.

  4. malar
    July 17, 23:31 Reply

    Adhi try to understand ur father’slove, ishita goodness, shagun evilness.

  5. malar
    July 17, 23:29 Reply

    Adi eyes have been tied up with the name of evil shagun.
    he has to come out of it.

    • preethu
      July 17, 23:33

      He dnt knw abt his dad…becoz shagun created badly abt him.,

    • malar
      July 17, 23:37

      @preethu , I hope ashok and shagun marriage will bring lonliness in adi’s life , he will soon realize true love of RKB.
      He will surely find a difff between goodness and evilness.

    • rainbow
      July 18, 03:14

      shhagun hav filled enough poison n his heart which s very diff to eradicate

  6. malar
    July 17, 23:29 Reply

    Adi is arrogant, adamant, but not so,bad.
    He is loving his mom very much.

    • rainbow
      July 18, 03:18

      result of bad upbringing

    • preethu
      July 17, 23:30

      Becoz he is with devil mom….

    • malar
      July 17, 23:32

      I hope adi will also realize ishra goodness.

    • preethu
      July 17, 23:35

      Sure….v have to wait for sme tme

  7. malar
    July 17, 23:26 Reply

    I want “Bhalla family-raman-ishita-adi-ruhi-iyer family” to lead a happy life.
    I want adi to b there with raman & ishita.

    • rainbow
      July 18, 03:19

      den it ll be prefect family

  8. malar
    July 17, 23:23 Reply

    shagun is the only reason for adi to b this much arrogant.

    • rainbow
      July 18, 03:20

      ya.. she extracted him frm Raman n spoiled

  9. malar
    July 17, 23:22 Reply

    shagun didn’t teach good manners to adi, so he behaving like this. even shagun don’t have rights on adi.

    • rainbow
      July 18, 03:23

      bt Adi loves his mom a lot..
      sometimes I hav a doubt whether shagun loves adi or nt..
      bcoz once she quarelled wid ashok for adi in the case of Bala tution

    • malar
      July 18, 09:37

      shagun loves only money, fame, for her these r very important.

  10. malar
    July 17, 23:20 Reply

    y that shagun idiot was scolding adi.
    She only spoiled him .

  11. malar
    July 17, 23:19 Reply

    I hope her anger should gone soon, I don’t want old Mrs bhalla, I want only new bhalla.

  12. malar
    July 17, 23:18 Reply

    According to spoilers, Mrs bhalla is annoyed with raman for such an arrangement in his room, I hope mihir make this arrangement.

    • rainbow
      July 18, 03:27

      no she s nt annoyed..
      she mistakes tat Mr.Bhalla made such arrangement n becomes happy

    • malar
      July 18, 09:44

      Oh that’s cool…..

  13. malar
    July 17, 23:13 Reply

    According to the spoilers next week , will b really nice. Ravan kumar no no nooooooooooooo.
    Romance kumar ur trp is going to increase a lot.
    Ishu I think hereafter u need to work a lot to increase ur trp.

    • rainbow
      July 18, 03:28

      ya.. romance Kb is der.. nt our RKB too

  14. malar
    July 17, 23:05 Reply

    @preethu, s ya. I know that.
    I too miss all u guys, Because of my internet.I couldn’t come there.
    But iam really happy for all my frdz have missed me.

    • preethu
      July 17, 23:09

      Its our…..pleasure….dr

  15. Sana
    July 17, 23:04 Reply

    Param also have brain he got this much days to guess adi did accident what a brilliancy he always thought how to harras girls spl ishu

    • rainbow
      July 18, 03:30

      ya.. he s very much attracted to Ishu..
      y he dnt hav such attraction to shagun

  16. $ Anu $
    July 17, 23:04 Reply

    gud mrng all…..
    i knw u all are happy with spoilers….
    bt i am nt happy….
    this willnt remove the scars created for the past days…..
    so we want more special ishra moments…..
    i wont accept RKB till i become double sure abt him……
    he is worst in tmrw’s episode…..
    worster than parmeet…..

    • malar
      July 17, 23:08

      @anu: tmrw’s episode in the sense,u r talking about which episode .

    • rainbow
      July 18, 03:32

      me too cnt forgive Raman soon,,
      he need to be punished for last 2 weeks torturings

  17. malar
    July 17, 23:03 Reply

    MR RKB , u have multiple personality .
    Three transitions have occured in u.

    • preethu
      July 17, 23:05

      Sme times he behave nicely bt sme tme behave madly….

    • malar
      July 17, 23:09

      Everyone have their oun madness na.

    • rainbow
      July 18, 03:33

      bt I love one liner king RKB

  18. preethu
    July 17, 23:00 Reply

    @ malar. Yesterday me,sky nd rainy was. Missing u so much….

  19. Sana
    July 17, 23:00 Reply

    Def next mission mihika issue or raman business guys remember simi steal raman file ishu do some magic make raman success we have lot of drama to watch

    • rainbow
      July 18, 03:33

      I didnt forget abt file..
      It ll be next plot after patch up btwn Ishra

  20. malar
    July 17, 23:00 Reply


    • rainbow
      July 18, 03:34

      I love Raman Kumar Bhalla

  21. malar
    July 17, 22:59 Reply

    @preethu, so we need to change the name of ravan kumar.

    • preethu
      July 17, 23:03

      K malar after court prob then everything will be change….

  22. Sana
    July 17, 22:57 Reply

    Oh rkb plan Sep picnic for he and ishu according to his language he doing to this just to compensate whatever he hurt ishu for adi sake what a cheap thoug for men

    • rainbow
      July 18, 03:35

      He thinks dat a picnic can bring back his lost respect n trust n Ishus heart

  23. malar
    July 17, 22:57 Reply

    s day, court seen was very funny.

  24. Sana
    July 17, 22:55 Reply

    Ashok marry sagun soon we waiting for that all our wishes and blessings are with you take her to honeymoo an island stay away from ishra

    • rainbow
      July 18, 03:36

      he wnt do it..
      Bt if he wanna shagun wid him forever he shd do it

  25. malar
    July 17, 22:54 Reply

    Mrs bhalla, y u keep that cute puppies in the place of shagun, u can kept any ghost image. But if ghost know this , it will also annoyed with us.

  26. Sana
    July 17, 22:53 Reply

    I think may be Der is lot of chance ashok loves mihika truely oz sday he thought really she cares for him den why ashok propose sagun for marriage may be he thought this is exact time to atta raman through sagun poor ashok he dnt know raman never care abt drama queen sagun

    • preethu
      July 17, 22:58

      He never care abt that dich shagun.he only using as a weapon against of raman ,

    • rainbow
      July 18, 03:37

      I tink for d first tym he saw someone caring him

  27. malar
    July 17, 22:51 Reply

    really Mr.RamanKumarBhalla ,we don’t understand abt what u r? what u want????? u r different.

  28. malar
    July 17, 22:48 Reply

    RKB planning picnic only for them(ishu and raman)even ruhi was not there in the list of RKB.

    • preethu
      July 17, 22:54

      He wan 2 spend sme tme with ishu…nw only he start to love na thats y he want to alone

    • rainbow
      July 18, 03:38

      he took ruhi for picnic wid shagun na

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