Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 17th September 2015 Written Update

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Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 17th September 2015 Written Update by Amena

Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 17th September 2015 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Ishita talking to Abhishek and telling about Ashok’s illegal business factory which has child labor. He says he will be leaving for the factory now, to get it sealed and asks her not to come along, its for her safety. Ashok and Suraj see Raman in the party. Ashok says so Raman has come without Ishita. Suraj asks whats his plan. Simmi gets the shirt and thinks it got changed with Rinki’s bag. She says maybe Rinki bought this for Mihir, its very expensive, its not Mihir’s size, for whom did she buy this, whats happening. Rinki comes and swaps the bag. Simmi asks her about the shirt. Rinki says I think shopkeeper gave wrong size by mistake, I will exchange it. She leaves.

Ashok gets constable’s call. He informs Ashok that Abhishek has raided in his factory. Ishita has informed about child labor there, Abhishek has sealed it. Ashok gets angry and tells Suraj. Ashok tells everyone that Raman is going to become dad soon and congratulates him. Suraj asks Ashok to stop it. Raman says you are mistaken Ashok, my wife was pregnant and she had miscarriage. Ashok asks what, miscarriage, that’s so sad. He says she has many complications before, people used to call her Baanch, so sad for her, your baby could not survive, how did this happen.

He says I will tell them, Bhalla family was kidnapped and Ishita saved them by her courage, and Raman was just seeing, its so sad, Raman could not save the baby, Ishita should have married a real man. Raman says I don’t need to prove my manhood to you. They start arguing. Raman holds his collar in anger. The man stops them and asks Ashok not to discuss Raman’s personal matter here.

Raman goes and drinks in anger. Abhishek thanks Ishita and says we rescued the kids and informed the NGO, you did great work, you gave a new lie to the kids. Raman is on the way driving, and drinks recalling Ashok’s taunts that he could not protect his wife and kids. He drives rashly. Ishita is at home and says Raman will be glad to know Ashok’s factory got sealed, he will be annoyed I did not tell him and took Neil and Abhishek’s help. She wonders why did he not come till now and calls him. She gets shocked to know about Raman…

She runs to police station and asks Abhishek where is Raman. He says calm down and shows Raman. He says he was driving in drunk state. She says take fine and leave him, please, he is in worried state. Abhishek says fine, promise this won’t happen again, his car crashed, he could have died. She apologizes and says she will take him home. Ishita scolds Raman for drunken driving. He gets down the car and she asks him to sit in the car. He says you are right, I should be punished, all this is because of me, leave me here, I will die, everyone will be happy. She says sorry, come home, forget this. He asks her to forget and leave. He walks on the road while it rains. She asks is he questioning on their relation. He says I m asking the Lord, why did Lord always snatched everything from me. He asks Lord why did he take the baby, and cries.

He says Lord is selfish, I will give Ishita all the happiness. He asks Ishita to leave him and folds hands. He says I could not give you anything. She slaps him asking him to stop it. She asks did he get ready to leave her by coming in Ashok’s words, either answer him or ignore him. He says that dog called you Baanch. She says leave it. He says you could have become a mum. She says its not your mistake, don’t get affected by his words, we will get him punished, Abhishek is taking action against him. Raman asks will this make you a mum again and get out child back. She says I m complete woman, why are you feeling guilty, you are my loving husband, look in my eyes, its just love and respect for you. She says don’t cry, how can you say you are not suitable for me. He cries. She says our love is strong, we love each other. He says our dream will be fulfilled, Ishita will become mum and hugs her. She pacifies him. They hug and smile. She takes him along.

Ishita asks why are we talking if we don’t want baby. Raman says Manoj has told me about surrogacuy. She denies. She sees Adi and Ruhi’s pic and says they are enough for me, why does Raman not understand this.

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  1. ishra divan
    September 18, 07:20 Reply

    I watched this ishra scene many times 🙂 its simply superb and ishitas confession for raman is simply great too hear 🙂

  2. DeStijl
    September 18, 02:29 Reply

    When you listen to this one song and it is so nice but at the same it makes you remember all the bad memories. 🙄

    • DeStijl
      September 18, 02:14

      Felicitaciones YHMians! 🙂

  3. DeStijl
    September 18, 02:10 Reply

    It was Modi’s birthday yesterday.

    • DeStijl
      September 18, 02:12


    • DeStijl
      September 18, 02:00

      So I do. 😉

  4. Awarah
    September 17, 18:34 Reply

    Okay Ima go now, I have work in the morning and I have been having too many late nights recently! We nearly late for work every day! (He’s a lawyer, we don’t work together).
    Bye Preet and Gree.
    It was lovely meeting/talking to you Preet, hope to talk soon 🙂
    Sorry I couldn’t stay to talk to your Gree! Inshallah soon though 🙂

    • ♥RKB♡GRÉÈ♥
      September 17, 19:03

      No problem man. C ya soon.. Sorry felt asleep
      Ahahahh delightful husband 😆 Night night friend..

    • ♥RKB♡GRÉÈ♥
      September 17, 19:09

      Hi 🙂 sorry gotta go… Its 4.40am probably need some sleep 😉 … Good night kajal 🙂

    • k@J@L
      September 17, 19:13

      okk bye

  5. Awarah
    September 17, 18:17 Reply

    Currently getting my hair straightened but the hubby loool
    I taught him how to do my hair and makeup for days where I can’t be bothered haha

    • Awarah
      September 17, 18:20

      Heyy Gree

    • Awarah
      September 17, 18:29

      Lool read away, my husband stories are delightful :’)

  6. Awarah
    September 17, 18:08 Reply

    One thing I hate about my job is the pervy students! I’m flattered that 19 year olds have little butterfly crushes on me but first of all, I’m your teacher not a class mate and second of all, do you fail to see the fat rock on my finger?!

    But one day my husband came in and I think they all felt a bit intimidated so they stopped looool
    I made it very clear that he was my husband, a kiss on the cheek topped it off :’) I’m glad though, it’s so wrong! You shouldn’t flirt with your lecturer of all people!

  7. Awarah
    September 17, 17:51 Reply

    You know that you chose the right career path when the pay is amazing 🙂

    • Preet
      September 17, 17:53

      If i become a programmer i would be paid 100,000 … I was just like *jaw drops*

    • Awarah
      September 17, 17:59

      No joke, you should become a lecturer, I get 40 quid an hour! It’s quite fun, boring people to death :’)

    • Preet
      September 17, 18:01

      Not boring them to deatn but filling them with knowledge #Positvity lol i don’t think i would be a good one i’d fall asleep trying to perpare a lecture :’)

    • Awarah
      September 17, 18:12

      Nahh it’s quite fun, I only have a small lot of students so it’s not a big scary auditorium. Not many people do ABM (Advertising and brand management)
      Marking reports makes me fall asleep, so boring!

  8. Awarah
    September 17, 17:47 Reply

    I love how we’re having three different conversations at once ☀

    • Preet
      September 17, 17:51


  9. Preet
    September 17, 17:30 Reply

    The Yhm page is the only page where everyone talks to everyone, i swear you could comment the most amazing thing in the world & you will be ignored

    • Awarah
      September 17, 17:33

      I’ve noticed! That’s why I come here! All the other pages are so boring! I tried the kaisa yarrian (dunno the name lool) page and all they do is comment numbers! I’m like seriously get a life!

    • Preet
      September 17, 17:36

      Ahahaha lol ! Yeah i guess they do that to get the comments up and stuff … To be fair its so annoying when no one responds like ?? Hello ?? Im pretty sure all your guys Wi-Fi works … Yhm page is the only page that is social, Thank God would of died in the silence

    • Awarah
      September 17, 17:40

      I know! People just don’t comment because they’re to ignorant or they just cba I guess. I comment to escape work lool being a lecturer is a busy life! I’m meant to be writing a handbook for the new students right now lol

    • Preet
      September 17, 17:48

      Ah ! Lecturer the word ‘lecture’ itself sounds so boring :’) but i could probably manage to stay alive through a lecture 😕 … Hmmm yeah i guess or people don’t have the social q’s and aren’t confident enough to post something back

    • Awarah
      September 17, 17:53

      Thanks you just called my job boring -_- #ImmatureTeenagers #Jokes

    • Preet
      September 17, 17:54

      At least you call me a teenager, ever since i turned 18 all i hear is ‘adult’ your job isnt boring the title is though

    • Awarah
      September 17, 17:57

      Nahh you still a kid, forget being an adult, it’ll make you feel old like me 🙁
      I guess it is haha, I hated lectures in uni

    • Preet
      September 17, 18:00

      Yeah i feel old compared to some children these days, lol but i look younger then my age :’)

  10. Awarah
    September 17, 17:23 Reply

    Life without in laws is amazing! No hassle! Doing the housework in my own time feels good! So happy we moved out, not that I don’t like my in laws but they did my head in lool. I like this, we only recently moved but it’s just me and him that’s the best part 🙂

    • Preet
      September 17, 17:25

      Sounds good, also sounds like your more comfortable & free lol … Hmmm this is why i plan to buy my own home so if i do have inlaws i don’t have to live with them 😀

    • Awarah
      September 17, 17:29

      I know man! FREEDOM ZINDABAD! Hardly got spend any time with him before, especially with that creepy grandma of his staring at me 23/7

      I couldn’t handle being a housewife lol don’t know how women do it!

    • Preet
      September 17, 17:31

      Ahhahaha that’s a bit awkward, well really awkward i would just stare back at her like oh staring contest. Yeah i guess so, your own house so you get more privacy rather then living with the whole family.

    • Awarah
      September 17, 17:36

      She’s weird seriously, she’s like over a hundred but pretends she’s 86 so she can come back to the country lool

      Yeah no privacy at all, mother in law just barges in your room at any time like seriously fuck off woman! Am I married to you or your son?! Have him carry me around the house now lool

    • Preet
      September 17, 17:38

      Loooooool :’) the husband carry the girl around the house sounds like an indian drama scence for sure ! Ahaha now you have your own house you should test your husband strength & ask him :’)

    • Awarah
      September 17, 17:42

      Yes forever living in an Indian drama but without the saas-bahu drama obviously!
      I have him wrapped around my little finger, he ain’t escaping me now :’)
      And yes testing him :’)

    • Preet
      September 17, 17:46

      Haahhaha the ‘saas-bahu’ drama is ridiculous, ahahah you’ve got your husband in your clutches (sounds evil) but heyyy women know best 🙂

    • Awarah
      September 17, 17:49

      What can I say, I’m a crafty little person 😉

    • Preet
      September 17, 17:52

      No wonder the mother get jealous in these drama the wife has the son wrapped around the finger ! Indian drama’s can be educational (joke)

    • Awarah
      September 17, 17:55

      It’s true, mothers out there need to stay alert!

    • Preet
      September 17, 17:58

      Lol the last hastag could be a movie’s name ! It sounds so perfect to become a movie title

    • Awarah
      September 17, 18:01

      Maybe I should start writing a script?
      You could star in it if you like lool
      Maybe I should get Noor, from her comments she seems like quite the hot shot :’)

    • Preet
      September 17, 18:07

      Ahahh Noor is amazing 😀 ! Hopefully once she feels better of course 🙂

    • Awarah
      September 17, 18:14

      Yeah she seems it too. I hope she gets better, I know what she’s going through because at one point in life that was me and it was hell! But she’s gonna be fine, don’t worry

  11. Preet
    September 17, 17:18 Reply

    This new IOS 9 is a bit buggy … Hope apple fix it asap

    • Awarah
      September 17, 17:20

      TEAM ANDROID ALL THE WAY! I have an xperia z4! And I have my z5 pre ordered! Can’t wait!

    • Preet
      September 17, 17:22


  12. tonia
    September 17, 17:14 Reply

    Hi ruhi u are right, and I also think that ishita & raman should have there moments cos everyone was saying she can consive but the Lord may possibly so pls we do not want surrogacy,and not shagun.

  13. Awarah
    September 17, 17:11 Reply

    When your husband trys to claim YOUR side of the bed -_- How dare he?!

    • Preet
      September 17, 17:13

      Don’t have a husband yet, so much sure how that feels either way conquer your space

    • Awarah
      September 17, 17:17

      Haha he’s pissing me off seriously!
      You’re to young to marry, live a little!

    • Preet
      September 17, 17:21

      Im living to the max, forget a marriage at this present time … To abmitious of person need to find the right match 😉

    • Awarah
      September 17, 17:26

      I’ve only been married for six months (Age 23, now 24) and honestly it’s the best feeling ever! Because you know that there’s someone there, that will always be there to love you and stand with you for the rest of your life.

    • Preet
      September 17, 17:29

      Awh that’s sounds so sweet & mushy :’) one day i hope to be that person too !

    • Awarah
      September 17, 17:31

      Yes I’m very cheesy :’) He dont look it but he’s sweet and mushy deep down 🙂 (He’s a bodybuilder lool hence not looking sweet and mushy)

      I’m sure you will find someone amazing! You deserve no less!

    • Preet
      September 17, 17:34

      Oh Mr bodybuilder, damn man you have to strong for that shit all those weight lifting & stuff (i can weight lift & stuff but its so boring ) hmm maybe one day but today defiantly isnt it and it wont be until a couple or more years 🙂

    • Awarah
      September 17, 17:37

      He dragged me to the gym once and I swore that I’ll never step foot in one again for the rest of my life.

    • Preet
      September 17, 17:39

      Been there done that with the gym, it became so boring so i left it … I just do other workouts to be honest & they’re way more fun as well as my mum liked to join me so it’s always a good laugh

    • Awarah
      September 17, 17:44

      I can’t do that shit! I couldn’t make no six pack in a lifetime! Dunno how he did it, not complaining though 😉
      Maybe if I get fat one day, I’ll go again 🙂

    • Preet
      September 17, 17:50

      Im not planning on a six pack but hey having nice ab’s wont hurt 😀 i wouldn’t complain either loool … Nice arms, back, lips & jaw line are good for me 😀

    • Awarah
      September 17, 18:03

      You forgot nice bum 😉

      Lool he’s the whole package, I am definitely not complaining

    • Preet
      September 17, 18:08

      Yup ! The whole package would be great to you know, im not asking for much :’)

  14. Preet
    September 17, 17:10 Reply

    Some people cry over so much bullshit, like get over it everyone has their own opinions, stop slapping it on other 😕

    • Awarah
      September 17, 17:12


      Hiya, we haven’t met? I’m Anwarah 🙂

    • Preet
      September 17, 17:14

      Hi Awarah 🙂 nice to meet you … Preet probably read my name anyways

  15. DeStijl
    September 17, 16:16 Reply

    Getting addicted to a book. 😆 Best feeling. <3

    • Awarah
      September 17, 17:08

      Me too! The feeling is exhilarating! Can’t even put a book down if I start it!
      Currently reading ‘Saree’ by Su Dharamapala. An amazing, inspirational book! Whenever I read a book I make my husband read it to lol and even he’s enjoying it!

  16. Preet
    September 17, 14:54 Reply

    Hey guys, how have you all been ? Sorry haven’t been on for a while … Been busy with college and everything 🙁 … Im really sad to hear sbout Noor :'( i hope she gets well soon xxx

    • t-c
      September 17, 15:24

      hiya mum, missed u!!

      hope everything gets fine 🙂

      im also sad about papi 😥

      tc is getting big, have to decide on a college and am so confused :/

    • Preet
      September 17, 17:08

      All in good time ! Just wait and keep your options open 🙂 oh i missed the RF too !

    • Awarah
      September 17, 17:09

      You may find this creepy but I miss reading your conversations, you’re all so full of life! So lively! This page isn’t the same without you guys

    • Preet
      September 17, 17:11

      Awh thanks ! Maybe once life is less hetic everyone will be back together again 🙂 oh trust me this isnt creepy, i had a guy trying to flirt with me on this page

    • Awarah
      September 17, 17:14

      Hopefully haha

      I remember loool, called ‘lol’ right? The guy from dubai (Told you I’m creepy loool)

    • Preet
      September 17, 17:16

      That was other dude we had a fight, the one im talking about was called Ramanfan or something :’) he was like he is better looking then Ashok :’)

    • Awarah
      September 17, 17:18

      Yeah haha I think I remember. I also remember the fake Preet loool you got so pissed!

    • Preet
      September 17, 17:23

      That was so annoying ! Bloody idiot that person tried so hard to be me, i was just so pissed off

    • DeStijl
      September 18, 02:04

      Hi ! 🙂
      Missed you.
      Glad to see you back here again. 🙂
      I am fine and you?

  17. DeStijl
    September 17, 14:07 Reply

    Inspector Calls is so emotional.

    • DeStijl
      September 17, 14:09

      The play that aired on BBC One on 13th September.

    • t-c
      September 17, 15:23

      its also a play that is studied for gcse

    • DeStijl
      September 17, 16:15

      Yes for which you receive grades like A, B, C etc instead of 1, 2, 3. 🙄

  18. DeStijl
    September 17, 14:05 Reply

    There was an 8.3 magnitude quake in Chile.

  19. t-c
    September 17, 13:59 Reply

    Its been a year since Kabhi Jo Badhal barse performance #IshRaKKHHmoment and fans were treated today with a rain scene of IshRa 😀

  20. DeStijl
    September 17, 13:53 Reply

    Why does Raman not understand?

    • t-c
      September 17, 14:00

      cuz he is guilty about losing the baby

    • DeStijl
      September 17, 14:02

      ( I was just highlighting a piece of the precap) Thanks. 🙂

  21. t-c
    September 17, 13:51 Reply

    IshRa moments thou

  22. Heerishta
    September 17, 12:39 Reply

    Uh….. Raman n his stupidity .How can a Ceo be such an emotional man .

    • Radha
      September 17, 13:40

      First of all, Raman is not the ceo anymore, he has own company of packaging now…..
      And second of all, a CEO also has a heart, they also have feelings so some point in time they also become emotional…….So I don’t think that Raman can’t be emotional.

      NO OFFENCE, but that’s just my point of view……

    • t-c
      September 17, 13:51

      yh, CEO are also humans with hearts and can make mistakes or get emotional!

    • Radha
      September 20, 15:49

      Welcome : )

  23. ishra divan
    September 17, 11:57 Reply

    Good episode after of many days 🙂
    Ishra scene was just mind blowing so emotional .Divan performed so well.But pls dont bring surrogacy

  24. ruhi
    September 17, 11:02 Reply

    nice episode but surrogacy and shagun another women can be surrogate mother of ishra child but not this shagun i just hate her

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