Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 18th July 2015 Written Update

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Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 18th July 2015 Written Update by Amena

Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 18th July 2015 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Raman being shocked as Ishita comes and tells everyone about Raman’s so called thinking. She says he has named company on my name. Raman says so what wrong did I do, I did it to secure your future. Ishita asks who told him that he is going to die. Raman says doctor told me, I have just one month. She says he has just allergy, she spoke to doctor. She says she will talk to doctor and puts it on speaker, asking him to tell Raman’s problem. The doctor says Raman has just simple allergy. Raman says you said someone that you will come my home and give sad news. The doctor says I was saying about Mr Mehra. Mihir asks Raman why was he so negative, he won’t die so soon. Ishita says he is fine and still sad. Raman goes after her.

She asks how did he think all this, he is so stupid, he runs corporate business and how could you think you are going to die, you did not share with me, did you think about me, you don’t think about me. She cries and says its good Pathak told me. Raman says I will not leave Pathak. She scolds him and takes his phone. She takes sweepstick in her hand. He asks will she clean home in anger, relax, Neelu has cleaned the home. She says I will clean your mind and beats him with the sweeping stick. Raman runs and she beats him. He runs outside the door and everyone see him getting beaten. Raman asks is she mad, and asks Appa to stop her.

Ishita scolds him and Raman runs. She says Raman is not needed at home, and takes everyone else along. Raman is outside and asks Lord to take her, I know its tough, but try being Lord.

Mihir comes home and tells Rinki how Ishita has beaten Raman, and Raman was saying sorry while running. Rinki asks why did Ishita beat him. Mihir tells about Raman’s tension that he will die, and he thought about others, and made will to give the company to Ishita. Rinki is shocked and thinks Ishita does not know any business, Mihir works so much and Raman did not think about him. Ishita is angry on Raman an Mihika comes. She smiles seeing her talking. She asks him to leave this lovely anger, and stop this acting now. Ishita says I will sleep peacefully today. Mihika says you won’t get sleep, and they talk about Raman. Ishita asks Mihika to go.

Raman says I would have died for good. Mihika comes and says Ishita is angry, I tried to explain, but she is not listening, you come and stay at our home or lobby. He says I will manage. Ishita is unable to sleep and thinks how will Raman sleep on hard bench, he has back pain, and worries for him. She goes to the door and talks to Raman, asking why did he name company to her, and did he think about her, he did not share his problems, she would be glad if he shared, he wanted her to be happy, but she gets happy when he shares his pains. Raman cries.

She says she is not just his wife, and wishes she could become one who could share his pain. He asks her to open the door and talk once. She says its open. He comes to her and asks her to beat him more, but stop crying. He says he did mistake and he forgot his promise of not hiding anything. He holds her hand and says we will take vows again, so that I don’t do this again. He promises her that he will give prosperous life ot her and their kids, and she smiles promising him that she will always keep him and their kids happy, and stand by him as his strength. He promises they will always be together. She promises him that she will always support him.

He says I was living incomplete life without you. She says my life starts and ends on you. He says you are my wife, well wishes and best friend, I won’t hide anything. She says the same. He says we will always be together in happiness and pain. She hugs him. yeh hai mohabbatein………….plays…………. They smile. Rinki talks to Shamit in the bar about Raman choosing Ishita over Mihir, how did Raman do this with my brother. Shamit says I said this CEO is just a post for Mihir. She says I felt Raman values Mihir and his potential, he was Mihir’s mentor. Shamit says so he got you married to Mihir.

Rinki says Ishita convinced Mihir to marry me. Shamit says it means Mihir married you doing hid duty to follow Ishita’s orders, and not for love. He says Mihir should work with people who respect him. Ashok looks on and hears them smiling. Raman and Ishita sit in moon light and have a talk. She says Raman is very much imp, he is strength of the family, his siblings respect him a lot. He gives her credit as well, and asks about Rinki blaming her in Eid party. She says she is immature, I feel she has something in her heart, I will talk to her, I will sort it. He says I don’t have tension, I m setting up project for Mihir, I want him to make him my business partner on right time, I have names company’s shares to him, I want them to be happy. She says that’s why I love you, so proud of you. They talk about party food.

A lady congratulates Shagun for her NGO work and saving many girls. Shagun thanks her. The lady says they have to send someone to Delhi branch and she wants her to handle that work. Shagun thinks she can be close to her kids, Ruhi and Adi, and smiles.

Ashok and Suraj talk about their plan. Raman pays the last installment. Mr. Bhalla stops Raman and tells Manish that he will pay for his flat, he can bear the home expenses even today. Simmi looks on.

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  1. Choti Kutienita
    July 20, 07:07 Reply

    Tc well done for the trophy.
    Don’t worry man, everything happens for a reason. 🙂

    • t-c
      July 20, 09:09

      Hi choti!!!!

      Thanks 😀
      Yeah everything happens for a reason. I’m looking at it positively 😀

  2. t-c
    July 19, 16:54 Reply

    I’m really worries. Idk what game my fate is playing with me. Magically the visa typeish card of my dad disappears so he can’t travel to that country and our cars don’t arrive on time. Missed the flight and everything just wasn’t going right. Idk what just happened 🙁
    It’s like as if god was purposely trying to stop us from going on the flight

    Now have to pay £600 more to go so hopefully things won’t repeat itself and we can still go and not miss any more flights. We did go before the flight left and there wa enough time but they wouldn’t let us board :/

    • t-c
      July 19, 16:54


    • t-c
      July 19, 16:56

      I’m not ignoring you

    • t-c
      July 19, 16:51


  3. Tina Saasha
    July 19, 12:41 Reply

    Hi..!! They hvnt pblshd tdays epi nah? Y z tht hereaftr z yhm only on weekdys n sat days??

    • gree
      July 19, 14:13

      There is no telecast of yhm today.

  4. Preet
    July 19, 07:34 Reply

    Why is Rinki so stupid 😕

  5. gree
    July 19, 06:07 Reply

    C her face in zoom 😉

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