Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 1st May 2014 Written Update

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Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 1st May 2014 Written Update by Amena Hasan

Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 1st May 2014 Written Episode

The Episode starts with everyone waiting for Raman and Ishita. Mr. Bhalla asks Mrs. Bhalla do you have any idea why Ishita left home. Mrs. Bhalla says no, she made me mad, sometimes acts so smart and sometimes so foolish. Raman comes home with Ishita. Mr. Bhalla asks Raman what happened to Ishita. Ishita says I know you have many questions and I will give all answers but I want everyone to be here. Simmi says fine and asks Romi to call Parmeet. Parmeet comes and is tensed. Raman says now tell us what is it. Mrs. Bhalla says tell us where were you all night. Raman says speak up, everyone are waiting, what happened. She says I could not stay here as I felt risk because of Parmeet.

She says he tried to molest me. Simmi says you started again, Mrs. Bhalla explained you its misunderstanding. Raman says stop it, no one told me about this. Ishita says Ii will tell everything since beginning. She says Parmeet….. and tells everything since beginning. Everyone are shocked. Raman looks stunned. The flashback scenes of Parmeet and Ishita are shown. Raman says stop Ishita, if you think this, why did you not tell me and you asked me to help him. She says I helped him as the son in law of this house, his Dubai story was all wrong, he has harassed the woman there. Simmi says its enough.

Ishita says I knew the truth today about Sarika. Ishita says I thought I will give him a second chance as he is Simmi’s husband and have a daughter. She says I will come home and talk to him infront of Simmi and Mrs. Bhalla. She says when she came home, no one was at home as they went to watch film and he waited for me to catch me alone. She says how he tried to molest her. Simmi shouts no……….. She says she is lying. Raman asks Simmi to shut up. Raman says how were you in police lockup today. Ishita says I ran from here being worried, I did not know what to do, no one was there, so I went to Sarika. She says Sarika declined to help her showing her ill mum.

The flashback scene: She tried to convince Sarika to help her. She says she took Sarika to the police station to complaint about women harassment. She says Sarika is the witness. Sarika changed her statement infront of the inspector. Ishita was shocked. Sarika blamed Ishita for everything. Sarika gave good statement in favor of Parmeet and spoke against Ishita saying she threatened to kill my mum. Ishita says now I understand, maybe Parmeet has threatened her to say this. Ishita was arrested on Sarika’s statement.

Ishita tells everyone that Parmeet did this, he has scared Sarika and changed her statement, all the blame came on me and I was helpless, so I called Bala as I got chance to dial only one number. Simmi says how dare you frame my husband, Parmeet can’t do this, you did many favors on us, but this I will not forget, you should have thought about my daughter. Parmeet says enough Simmi. He keeps his phone on the table. He says if she means I did bad thing with her, then she is right. He says she is right. Mrs. Bhalla says no, I don’t trust her. Parmeet acts innocent and says fine, I accept my sins, I can’t do anything else, I will take this blame. Simmi says don’t do this. Tell us how she got after you, explain.

Parmeet says I m leaving. Everyone stop her. Parmeet says why should I stay here, its my mistake to come here. He says I m sorry I m going. Simmi asks Ishita not to do this with her. Ishita says please understand, this is the truth. Parmeet says I won’t give any explanations, if you need any proof, see the mobile. Simmi sees the mobile. Simmi slaps Ishita. Raman says Simmi…… Ishita cries and looks at Simmi. Simmi says so this is the truth that you want to have an affair with Parmeet and you messaged Parmeet. She shows her the messages. She says Ishita has a dirty man. She reads the messages. Raman is shocked. Ishita says I did not write all this.

Mrs. Bhalla says the message is with your number. Parmeet says I deleted many messages. She tells Raman she did not write this. Parmeet says she tried to come close to me, I refused her but she came close to me, I came here after many years from Dubai, she tried to come to me, I stayed here to tell her that this is not right. Ishita says Raman trust me. Simmi doubts on Ishita and says you wore the short dress in Raman’s absence to woo Parmeet. Ishita says my phone was not with me. Raman says enough, give me the phone. She says will you check it. He says yes, why are you afraid if you are not guilty. He checks the messages and Parmeet thinks how he has used her phone which she left at home on charging. He was happy that Raman will believe him seeing the messages.

Raman asks what is this, how did Parmeet know we don’t have any relation between us. Everyone are shocked. She says you are saying this infront of everyone. He says everything is public now, I can’t decide who is right or wrong. Simmi taunts Ishita and says you fell so low, you are such a bad woman. Ishita cries looking at Raman.

Raman talks to Mihir. Mihir says its your mistake, not Ishita’s.

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  1. Sonya
    May 02, 13:44 Reply

    I hate Parmeet too. A womanizer. Other tn that a good episode.

  2. sonica
    May 02, 08:53 Reply

    Here you go. Spoilers for next week. 🙂

    Monday 5th May:
    At the breakfast table Simmi announces that they are leaving for Karnal. Mrs Bhalla is taken aback by their sudden plan and tries explaining her, not to take nay hasty decision. Ruhi has just woken up and she asks for Ishita . She innocently also asks if they are leaving for some holiday. Simmi snaps at her saying that they are not leaving out of choice rather has been thrown out because of Ishita. Ruhi is shocked to hear this. Raman shouts at Simmi and tells her to behave rightly with Ruhi. He tells Ruhi that Ishita has gone to Iyers house to stay for some time. Ruhi runs to Iyer’s house and asks Ishita why is she staying there. Ishita doesn’t want to hurt Ruhi so tells her that she is on a vacation. Ruhi also decides to stay here. Raman later finds Ishita’s phone and comes to Iyer’s house to give it her. While exiting he overhears Ishita say that she hates this phone as it has got tampered. Raman decides to find out how. Raman comes back home. Mrs Bhalla is upset that he has allowed Ruhi to meet Ishita. Raman makes it very clear to everyone in his family that whatever has happened will not affect Ruhi’s relationship with Ishita therefore is going to stop or come in between them.

    Tuesday 6th May:
    Raman is getting ready to go to work. He is missing Ishita as she used to take care of his clothes. He gets ready and is moving out. Mrs Bhalla meets him and stop him. Raman, who is getting late thinks that she wants to talk about Simmi so ignores her and tells her that he will sort everything later . Ruhi also meets him at the door & she tells him with a wonder : ” papa are you going to office like this?” Raman says yes and moves out. While going down , he meets Ishita and she tells him that he has forgotten to wear his pants. Raman now looks down and realizes that it was this that everyone was trying to say, but he never let them complete. He rushes back home in embarrassment. At home, Vandita & Bala are talking about Ishita & Raman and Bala’s mother happens to overhear it. She gets an idea to get even with Raman and Ishita. She approaches Shagun and tells her that Raman and Ishita are separated. Shagun is happy to hear this and she knows what she can now do to get even with Raman.

    Wednesday 7th May:
    Raman goes to Ishita’s clinic to meet Sarika so that he can talk to her & find out all the details. Over there he is informed that Sarika has not been coming to work. Somehow he manages to pull out her residence address & decides to go there. Raman reaches Sarika’s building and is told by the guard that she is not in her room. Later the guard says that she has just entered the building and points to a girl on a scooty. Raman sees her and remembers that he had seen her once with Param. Raman is now very sure that Param has been lying about many things. Shagun who has been informed about Raman & Ishita’s separation has come to the court to meet the Judge. She tells her that how Raman and Ishita enacted well to win over Ruhi’s custody. Judge is furious to learn this and she agrees to go with Shagun to Bhalla’s house to review this matter. Mihir, who has come here to meet him company lawyer, sees them leave together & suspects danger. He tries calling up Raman , but his phone is busy. At home, Param is talking to Sarika & is threatening her to be silent about this whole thing. Raman overhears that & he is not very sure that Param is not innocent. Before he could gather his thought, the doorbell rings and we see Judge entering the house with Shagun. There are tension & nervousnes.

    Thursday 8th May:
    Judge asks for Ishita and Raman has no words, what to say. Shagun is feeling victorious as she knows that Ishita is not there. Judge is asking very sternly and there is this whole build-up that everything will come out in open & just then Ishita walks in with hot vadas. Ishita is behaving in a very casual manner, leaving everyone surprised. Shagun’s jaw drops in shock seeing her here at home. Shagun suggests judge to take a verdict from neighbors about them . Pammi and few others are called, but they all say good things about Ishita and Raman. Now Judge fires Shagun for playing such a dirty game and she leaves. Later we reveal that how Mihir was able to alert Ishita & Raman about it & therefore they were well prepared for it. Ishita also leaves for Iyers house and no one stops her. Raman assures Simmi that he will talk to Param & will try stopping him from going anywhere. He goes towards his room & he sees that Param has gone to the bathroom, while his phone is there on the bed. Raman knows that his phone is same as his so he quickly exchange his phone with him.

    Friday 9th May:
    Raman hurriedly reaches Sarika’s building . He sends a message from Param’s phone & Sarika thinks that he is coming to meet her. She opens the door and sees Raman. Raman encourages her to tell the truth & now Sarika shares everything to Raman. At home, Param is all set to leave. He is already with his suitcase to leave and that’s when Raman enters with Sarika. Param is shocked to see her here. Raman reveals the whole truth to the family. Raman tells Ishita to slap Param, as she goes goes Simmi hold her hand and stops her. Param acts innocent and raises a question on Ishita and Bala’s relation. Ishita is livid and she slaps Param with full force.

    • jazly
      May 02, 09:15

      really thanks 4 this spoiler.finally raman finds out d truth.n this parmeet is so cheap.

  3. kavyazoya
    May 02, 02:42 Reply

    parmeet go to hell
    i totally hate him………
    i thought raman will help her
    hope soon raman will understand dis.
    and parmeet to jail

  4. jazly
    May 02, 00:14 Reply

    this parmeet is so disgusting……i really feel cry 4 ishu 😥 n this simmi has no mind. jst want to save her husband

    • Mythi
      May 02, 00:36

      @jazly, not like that, simmi trust and love her husband a lot thats why she blame ishu! Just be practical every women loves her dad, brothers, husband a lot! So its difficult to accept their relation one is wrong! Because that discusting Parmeet already planed everything againt ishu ri8? But once the truth relived means just imagine simmi’s situation! Poor simmi and ishu!

  5. Kiran
    May 01, 18:35 Reply

    I hope the cvs give Ishu the chance to be angry at the Bhallas as that would be a normal reaction instead of making her the sacrificing, understanding martyr..will anyone mention that any person can send messages from a phone if they have access to it

  6. k@J@!
    May 01, 18:14 Reply

    What the helll Parmeet!!U r just disguisting!

  7. •D£M!!•
    May 01, 15:18 Reply

    What the hell???? Simmi dared to raise a hand on inshita?, Raman you better use your brain here,and don’t act on what you SAW or HEARD,otherwise things will be out of control,,,, poor Inshita had to cry like that

  8. Star
    May 01, 15:02 Reply

    Raman ku theriyatha ishu oda kunam.

    Raman kitaiye oru step thalli nikrava parmeet tha kupiduvala.

    Raman , parmeet oda phone irukara sms pathavan athula disply akara date , time la pakave matana.

    Raman day full a ishu phone ku try pannirukan athu switch off nu vanthathu athota ishu mrs.balla ku phone panni en phone veetla irukunu sonnale athu kutava nepagam varathu.

    Wife mela konjamavathu nampikai vaikanum athukuta illathavan enna husband.

    Ramana suthama pitikala ishu oda nilai ya purinchukalana paravala melum ishu kayam patamathiri kelvi kekran.

    • Ruby
      May 02, 00:06

      star unga tamilaarvathuku alave illiya?enna oru tamilpatru

  9. Rainbow
    May 01, 14:50 Reply

    Thnx nia

    Ishita Of “Yeh Hai Mohabbatein” Fights Against Sexual Harassment

    Gone are the days of docile and fragile bahus, who always struggled to keep her mother-in-law and family happy. Today’s bahus are more real and are shown doing realistic things and the recent example of
    Divyaka Tripathi aka Ishita’s fight against sexual harassment has proved it once again.
    Ishita’s brother-in-law Parmeet have been harassing Ishita for a while in the show but Ishita chose to ignore it, as Parmeet is a family member and she doesn’t want to create any tension in her in-laws family by bringing up the issue. But in one of the recent episode Ishita fights vehemently against Param’s evil’s intentions. It so happens, that Ishita’s husband Raman and his entire family go out for a movie leaving, Param and Ishita alone in the house. Param takes advantage of the situation and tries to molest Ishita but here comes the twist in the tale. The docile bahu fights with Param, slaps him and runs out of his custody
    Ishita and Param had a tough time shooting this entire scene but at the same time they enjoyed doing something different from the regular stuff. Talking a dig at Param played by Anurag, Ishita says “He deserved it. I slapped him in real. Look at him; he is “daamad” of Bhalla house. But he is such a pervert. Now I am going to disclose this to the entire family.”
    But on a serious note, Ishita gave a very loud and clear message to the girls saying “This episode is a message to all the girls who silently go through sexual harassment. Our intention is to pass message to the women of the society who choose to ignore these things if their relatives or family members are involved. Come on, speak up. No one else will speak for us. We have to protect our dignity and I suggest all the girls to act brave in such situation.”

  10. sana
    May 01, 14:21 Reply

    when this track end boring even though its too over expect all times ramitha scenes but this parme drama

    • Rainbow
      May 01, 14:28

      I too dnt want more IshRa moments.. Bt m missing Ruhi..
      Atleast dey shd stop dragging n end this evil parmeets plot.
      Shagun n Ashok s much better than dis devil

  11. Rainbow
    May 01, 14:21 Reply

    Sometimes Mihir has some sense..
    If the matter s so, den prblm is wid Raman n his family.. Frst shagun N den Ishu (I am nt comparing Ishu n shagun..)

  12. Rainbow
    May 01, 14:17 Reply

    Ishu informed mrs.bhalla n d mrng abt d phn. She kept it @ charging n d mrng n 4gt to take to hsptl. Bt Parmeet misused it..

    • sana
      May 01, 14:19

      s why Mrs bhala didnt remember that 4 every mother 1st daught 2nd daughter in law its acceptable but what abt justice

  13. sana
    May 01, 14:16 Reply

    now this serial top 10 in trp if this track continues it scroll down

    • Rainbow
      May 01, 14:23

      I dnt hav any hope for coming TRP n Dtb ranking

  14. Rainbow
    May 01, 14:16 Reply

    I felt sad seeing Ishus pleady face to Raman. Raman didnt look @ Ishus face..
    She trusted tat he ll believe her.. Bt …

    Tat devil Used everything against our Ishu, sarika, mobile phn. Eavedropped Informationa n all.. ;>

    • sana
      May 01, 14:18

      even though parme done all this why raman didnt support ishu infront of everyone in sms issues its too weird

  15. sana
    May 01, 14:15 Reply

    where is angel ruhi to save her ishi ma thanks to cvs

  16. sana
    May 01, 14:14 Reply

    den in why all serials women should sacrifice all againt den realize she is correct again dragging

  17. G
    May 01, 14:14 Reply

    dil karta is param ko to tv ko kheech k bahar nikalu aur 2 lagau kaan k niche..huhhh
    sala kameena…
    aur ye bhalla family…
    egoist raman…

  18. sana
    May 01, 14:12 Reply

    disgusting track and raman too he should support ishu atleast in sms matter

  19. shraddha
    May 01, 14:11 Reply

    i think only sensible men present in this serial us bala and mihir…raman is an exception!

    • G
      May 01, 14:17

      raman most irratating person in serial…
      kaise chilllata hi rhta hr waqt

    • Rainbow
      May 01, 14:23

      Add Mr.Bhalla too..

    • Rainbow
      May 01, 14:26

      Shradda instead of mihir add Mr.Bhalla n appa..
      Mihir didnt stand for his love n nw he s advicing Raman..
      I lyk Bala d most among men actors

  20. jannat
    May 01, 14:11 Reply

    i want ishu gave up these bhalla’s who blamed her

  21. baby-doll
    May 01, 14:09 Reply

    y did raman kept quite at short dress matr he nly bought dat

    • Rainbow
      May 01, 14:19

      Ss.. Ruhi tld her to wear it..
      Ishu take Ruhi wid U n live @ ammmas place. Dnt come to Bhallas family.
      I cnt 4gt the Bhalla familys insult. If U hav self respect dnt 4give Bhalas n dnt think tat dey r urs

  22. Fan
    May 01, 14:05 Reply

    RKB was such a disappointment today.! How the hell could he ask about their personal relation infront of everybody.? Disgusting man.!
    He could have just remained quite rather than talking like that.!

    The loser Bhallas don’t deserve Ishu one but. Toshi and Simmi are a disgrace to women kind. How could they even behave so demeaningly with Ishita.?

    Ishu shouldn’t forgive these losers in the name of a family so easily. All the Bhallas are epitome of dumbness, including RKB.!

  23. Aktha
    May 01, 14:04 Reply

    Stop this .fed up with this track

  24. Rainbow
    May 01, 14:03 Reply

    True pri..
    Always blame s n women. Men may be @ fault bt punishment s for Women..
    Our society s to changed

  25. milky
    May 01, 14:02 Reply

    Poor ish cnt see ish lyk dat i hate u bloody moron prmt u shld b kickd out

    • alisha
      May 01, 14:16

      parmeet’s character should b remove.. he has nothing 2 do wt the serial… we wnt ruhi-ishita’s momnts, ishita-raman’s moments n adi 2 realise his dad’s love n shagun’s regrets.. parmeet n ashok both r so shameless n unwntd people in dis wrld…

  26. pri
    May 01, 14:01 Reply

    Uy girls hav to prove every ting always….

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