Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 21st May 2018 Written Update

Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 21st May 2018 Written Update by Amena

Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 21st May 2018 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Ishita shouting Adi. Adi asks will you shoot at me, you can’t shoot me, I m your son, you love me, don’t you. She says I love you a lot, I don’t want you to do any crime, I gave you values to respect a woman, not to ruin life, please stop it, come back to me, we shall go home. Adi says what house, I was thrown out of the house, I don’t want Raman’s house, I just want Roshni, Roshni doesn’t love me, so she will get punished. Shagun asks Adi to stop it. Adi takes the chemical bottle. Ishita shoots at Adi. Shagun, Aaliya and Roshni get shocked. Adi sees Ishita and shouts Ishimaa, you didn’t do this right, you have made a big mistake. He goes to throw the chemical. Ishita shoots him again. He flies back and falls down. Ishita cries. Aaliya asks what did you do

Amma. Ishita shouts Adi and cries. Ishita runs to Adi and takes him in lap. She cries seeing his blood in her hands. Shagun, Aaliya and Roshni cry.
After eight months, Ishita does puja at an orphanage. She talks to the kids and asks them to brush twice every day. She says there is dental checkup on saturday, do you all want to have food, come with me. She gives purai bhaaji and laddoo to the kids. The lady says I m working in orphanage since many years, I didn’t see anyone like Ishita. Another lady says she meets kids here, her daughter Pihu is in juvenile home. Ishita gives them more snacks. She says my daughter is coming back today, the eight months looked like eight years to me, I will keep coming here, I will get my daughter, I m dying to meet her. Raman wakes up. He says eight months got over since Adi’s death and Pihu’s punishment, none knows it at home, I have to go temple with Amma and Appa today, I will have to wear Lungi today, how shall I wear this. He gets a call.

He says I m glad you called, how to wear this Lungi. Ishita asks when will you learn wearing big Lungi, its not a big deal, you can learn it. He says its a big deal for me, Pihu is coming home today, I have to go temple with your Amma and Appa. She asks him to hold Lungi right. He follows and wears the Lungi. She asks him to check if its fine. He says just come to temple and check. She says I won’t temple, I will directly meet you there, I m going to pick Pihu. He says take laddoos for Pihu. She goes and asks the man if order is ready. The man gives the sweets box. She says give this to your staff, my daughter is coming home today, bless her. The man says you and your daughter stay blessed. She prays that everything gets fine.

Mrs. Bhalla says who did this, who covered Mata Rani, Pihu is coming home today. She shouts Neelu, who has done this. Parmeet comes and says I did this, you think eight months punishment is enough for Pihu, She killed Ananya, revenge did get get fulfilled, Simmi is part of this house, she asked for her share, you refused so she filed a case, court permitted us to stay here in this house. She says yes, else I would have kicked you and Simmi out of here, have some shame, you won’t be at peace. He says Simmi did the right thing by suing you. He goes. Mrs. Bhalla says Neelu, pack the halwa puri. Neelu says I couldn’t make halwa puri, Simmi’s cook didn’t let me enter kitchen. Mrs. Bhalla says come with me, I will see. Amma comes and says I made halwa puri, Pihu is coming home, we will take Mata Rani’s blessing and then go to temple. They pray.

Raman asks them to come downstairs. Amma says he is wearing such clothes for Pihu. Raman gets a call and says Shweta, I told you not to disturb. Aaliya asks Shweta why did she call Raman. She says I will manage everything, don’t worry, inform me when Pihu comes home. Raman says fine. Shweta says I had to dispatch contract papers. Aaliya says I m handling the project, you can call me, I will sign the papers. She sees Aaliya Aditya Bhalla on papers and crosses it. She scolds Shweta and says I don’t want Adi’s memories with me, I want to forget him, my name is Aaliya Bhalla, its not related to Adi now, make papers again, make sure you don’t do mistake again.

Everyone is at temple. Raman comes. Mihika asks why did you take so long. Bala says we are getting late for puja. Raman gets a call. He says sorry, I thought its office call, so you are releasing Pihu an hour earlier, I will come. He asks everyone to do puja and go home, he will get Pihu. Warden says Pihu here are your belongings, you are really good, your parents raised you well.

Pihu says thanks, I was scared when I came here, but you two took care of me. Warden says you are a lovely kid, you can’t do wrong, your new life will begin, take care. Warden says your dad will be coming now, what will you do going home. Pihu says Ishimaa will get my fav laddoos, Raman can forget, but Ishita can’t. Raman and Ishita reach there and see each other.

Raman throws laddoos and asks Pihu not to have it, maybe Ishita has poisoned it. Ishita says I will tell you everything at home. Raman says you already killed my son, do you want to snatch my daughter..

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