Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 23rd March 2015 Written Update

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Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 23rd March 2015 Written Update by Amena

Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 23rd March 2015 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Ishita telling everyone that she is not getting the letter, she checked everywhere. Mr. Bhalla asks Simmi and Mrs. Bhalla to see in her room. Abhishek comes and Ishita says she is not getting Vohra’s letter. She says she will ask Raman. Raman goes to Adi and says no need to do packing, Papa will not let you anywhere, this is not because of you, I can’t live without you. He says see Ishita is worried without Ruhi. He says she will be worried without you too, I promise I will get Ruhi back. Ishita talks to Vohra’s assistant and asks about him, and he says he left for New York and he does not have any copy. Everyone try to find and does not get it. Ishita asks Raman about the letter.

Raman says Adi will not go back. Ishita says we will get Ruhi and then apply for Adi’s custody, how will we get Ruhi if Adi does not go to Shagun. Raman cries and says Ruhi won’t come, we will make fresh appeal. She says will Ruhi be with Shagun. He says yes. She asks why. Ruhi is glad and checks her dress. She says Ishita will take her today and Shagun comes to her.

Ruhi says Ishita will take her home today, as 48 hours are over, we will go court, I packed my bags and I will go home from there. Shagun asks her to have food. Ruhi says no, I will have it at home. Shagun scolds her. Ruhi says its your last time to shout on me. Ishita asks Raman whats going on in his mind. He says he won’t answer for everything, and says there will be no changes. Ishita asks how can he decide, did he discuss anything, how can he do this, you love Adi, but how can he sacrifice Ruhi, it was Ruhi who made him realize he is father, and asks for an answer.

She realizes that Raman took the papers at night, and asks did he steal the papers. Everyone cry. Ishita asks how dare you, all that was a reason, it was not your love, you did this, you cheated me to get the papers, I don’t believe you, are you a father or not, forget about being husband, you are a big liar, tell everyone. Raman says yes, I have tear those papers by my hands. They all are stunned. Mrs. Bhalla asks what did he do. Ishita asks how can he do this and says I hate you Raman. Simmi consoles her. Ishita says you did not think about me, I came in this house for Ruhi, she is my first love, I want my daughter, bring Ruhi.

Raman goes away. She says what will happen of Ruhi, how can he cheat Ruhi. Raman comes and brings a paper. She sees its Vohra’s letter. He says yes, I m a liar, I can’t lie well, I did not choose any one child till now, I stole the papers and could not decide, now you decide, I can’t choose as both are my kids, sorry I ashamed you and your love, I m a father and Ruhi made me realize I m her father, but Adi is also my son, you choose who will come here, Adi did a big step that I got shaken up, he was thinking to do suicide. They are stunned again.

Raman says he is 12 years old and think of his mental state, he feels no one loves him, his mum, dad and anyone, he read in papers and thinks if he ends his life, our problems will end, I m sorry, I was trying to help him, I could not see my son like this, I can’t decide to take your daughter, I just wanted time, but I can’t see you crying too, I will not do anything, you decide Ruhi or Adi. Mihir and Rinki are at the court and wait for Raman and Ishita. The lawyer asks about them as he needs papers. Mihir says no one is taking call. Ruhi hugs Rinki and asks about them. She says she packed her bags and she will come home with them

Ishita says we always discussed we will say truth to everyone and not hide anything, but this did not happen ever, it was always lies, its just Ruhi to whom I always told the truth, she is waiting for me, I will keep my promise to her. She says I will not cheat my daughter, how do people cheat. Raman cries.

Shagun asks how can Vohra leave case like this, he should have informed me. His assistant says I m here, don’t worry. She says I will complain. Rinki and Mihir wait for everyone. The judge starts and Mihir says they are on the way, sorry to waste court’s time. Simmi brings Ishita. Ruhi is glad seeing her and smiles. Mihir asks about Raman. Ishita says he did not come. Ruhi says Papa.. and Ishita is angry seeing Raman. Raman apologizes for coming late. The judge says start the appeal for Ruhi’s custody case. Abhishek says the doc submitted was fraud and asks Ishita for the letter.

Ishita says I m Ishita Bhalla, Ruhi’s step mum, I was given her custody before and no one will doubt that I m her mum, Ruhi is stuck in this matter, and I want it to end, I came to take my daughter Ruhi, and we decided that Ruhi will be with Shagun Arora. Ruhi’s smile goes and Raman gets restless. Ishita cries. The judge asks the reason for this. Ishita says compromises have to made in life, we have Aditya, so we want Ruhi to stay with Shagun, we don’t have any disputes . The judge asks does she has any pressure on her. Ishita says no. Shagun smiles. Ruhi says she wants to be with Ishita, she promised and can’t break it, she is not bad girl. She cries a lot. The judge asks Ishita is she sure of this. Ishita says yes. Abhishek apologizes and the judge says they are cancelling the appeal. Ishita apologizes and he asks her to go. Ruhi says take me along. Ishita asks Simmi to take her. She does not see Ruhi and leaves.

Shagun asks Ruhi why did she not have anything. Ishita says she was not able to meet Ruhi’s eyes, she trusted me a lot and I have let her down, I broke her trust. Raman promises he will get Ruhi back, and both their children will be with them. They cry.


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  1. purva kadam
    March 24, 07:37 Reply

    script is rubbish!! raman is a well established businessman n still he couldn’t get his children’s custody.such a nonsense!

  2. Ishraq Muntakim
    March 24, 05:32 Reply

    The judge should have give Ruhi’s custody to ISHRA couples, when Ruhi kept on saying that she wants to go to her Ishi-maa. The judge should have called Ruhin into the witness box and ask her the question that whom she wants to stay with, then Ruhi could have say that she wants to stay with Ishi-maa. I hate this evil Shagun since the beginning of the show. The day Ruhi will realize Shagun’s evil intentions, she must secretly inform her father Raman and then Ruhi will be with ISHRA back for good, especially for her favorite Ishi-maa

  3. Vidisha
    March 24, 02:37 Reply

    It is utter rubbish. Raman is very selfish. Ishita is an emotional fool. When the child psychologist told Raman that Shagun is not a good mother and that is the reason for Adi’s mental state, then how can Raman let Ruhi be with Shagun. Any common man would ask the counselor to give her statement in Court and take custody of the children.

  4. ruhi
    March 24, 00:02 Reply

    Odio a ramqn y shagun raman siempre hace lo q le dice shagun simpre cae en su trampa

  5. Minnal
    March 23, 23:40 Reply

    For the first time I can safely say I hate Raman, It was his idiocy that caused all this heartache, and now he has put Ishita in a situation to choose amongst his kids… What an absalute moron, u made the mess u should be able to man up and take both kids off the custody of that bitch Shagun, instead u have seperated Ishita from her child, her first love… You were never a compitent father, It was Ishita who taught u to love ur own child, and today you have destroyed a loveley bond between mom and daughter, again because of ur incompetency… You make me disust, you sure as hell dont deserve, Ruhi, Adhi or Ishita…. You should be with Shagun, who knows how to give u due respect, treat u like filth… Here is a women who has given you everything you have today,including ur family and you took away her reason for living … U are full of broken promises and simply disgust me…

    as for Ishita, u chose the weaker child over the stronger one, but are u going to be able to live with the choice you have made… More than anything you have broken Ruhi’s trust, which is not easily earned, she trusted u more than anyone else on earth, why could you have not faught for both of them…

    Just terribly heartbroken for ISHRU…

    • Minnal
      March 23, 23:43

      Having said all that mindblowing performance by Ishu, Raman and Ruhi…

    • jj
      March 24, 01:12

      Yes Raman always makes promises and never fulfills it… the precap also he assures ishu,lets see what he is going to do with his promise this time,Raman please be a hero.

    • jj
      March 24, 01:15

      Though there is a lot of pain Yhm is unique by actors outstanding acting…..

  6. jj
    March 23, 23:05 Reply

    CVs has portrayed Raman as a tragic hero who is suffering from “Hamartia”(Aristotle’tragic hero),hero’s fall must be the consequences of a basic flow(weakness)in character.He brings misfortune about himself as a result of his own actions for which he alone is responsible.

    • jj
      March 23, 23:29

      The way Raman took that paper makes him a tragic hero,its not a hero’s act.if he had told the reason ishu must have given it to him.i hate writers for this unwanted action.if the writers make Raman share his problem with ishu ,it would have been better…..since its ye hai mohabathein and for us we want to see ishra as ideal couple….

    • jj
      March 23, 23:43

      Raman shows soft corner to adi only because he has been away from him for years and now suffering from psychological issues too…and not because of gender Balla house only Mrs Balla is of that feeling ‘varis’.

    • jj
      March 24, 01:23

      Ishu has taken this decision not bcz of Raman ,her ‘pathi’,its only because she is bothered about adis psychological problem.i wish if ishu has told ruhi y she is doing this ,our ru can understand the situation…..but CVs won’t do this happen since they need more drama,for them its only a serial na….one request please don’t exceed the episodes of ishru’s separation and sufferings……

    • t-c
      March 24, 03:08

      Omg I never thought about that! We learnt about tragic hero in literature!!

      Good point jj

  7. Indu
    March 23, 21:59 Reply

    No t-c.he wont go to since i was so angry at raman i told like dat.he rely love ishita.anyway we r all humans ryt?nt seriel characters who wil sacrifice everythng for their love,family etc…i cant digest these.raman plying with her feeling with her feelings,ishu making my rockstar crying and so and so.i hate dat psychic crap Adi!bt i love ishrahi a lotttt

    • t-c
      March 24, 03:06

      Yh I also ♥️ IshRaHi

      I’ll just say that be patient and I’m sure the plot will finish

    • jj
      March 24, 02:25

      Thank u tc,its lovely,and ur comment too….

    • t-c
      March 24, 03:05

      Thanks 🙂

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