Yuvaan to complicate things between Mukta and Vishnu in Colors’ Uttaran

Yuvaan (Bharat Chawda) has managed to create differences in the happy married lives of Mukta (Sreejita De) and Vishnu (Ajay Chaudhary) in Colors’ Uttaran (Film Farm Productions).

And if sources are to be believed, things will just get bad to worse in the upcoming episodes.

The actual drama will begin during this couple’s wedding anniversary.

We hear that Vishnu will try making the anniversary special for his wife Mukta by getting a necklace for her. However, he’d manage to buy a fake one because of shortage of funds.

Taking advantage of this situation (wedding anniversary), Yuvaan will buy a real necklace for Mukta on her wedding anniversary.

Firstly he will tell Mukta that since he has given her the wrong office file accidentally, he’d be dropping at her place to handover the actual file. Once at her residence, Yuvaan will end up gifting her real neck piece.

Naturally this will not go down well with Vishnu after which they’ll end up having a fight yet again!
When we contacted Bharat, he said, “Yes, he is trying to make things tough for Mukta.”

Keep reading this space for more.

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