Amita Ka Amit 11th April 2013 Written Update

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Amita Ka Amit 11th April 2013 Written Update by Pooja

Amita Ka Amit 11th April 2013 Written Episode

Amita says something as Amit turns (missed the line…sorry!). He asks her is she said something? She nods no. he asks her to get ready as Rohan & Ria would be coming anytime to pick them up….fast. Both go in separate directions. She goes and takes out a yellow saree to wear but then comes to him asking if he likes it. She herself declines it wont be good for grahpravesh. She goes and picks another saree from the closet and decides to wear it even though its a little heavy. (very cute scene).
He says its better he gets ready first. He opens the door of the closet and dint knew she was following him. She gets hurt on nose.
He tries to put band-aid on her nose but she declines saying how she can go wearing a band-aid on the very first day to her in-laws place. Meri to naak hi katt gayi.
He corrects her that it’s broken not gone completely. They both cutely fight with each other ith one trying to put it and the other trying not to. He finally diverts her saying your bindi is not there. As she removes her hand to check, he instantly puts it and gets up relieved. Ammu is in pain and keeps touching her nose.

Shah House:
Falguni asks kaka (their servant) if everything has been arranged accordingly. He nods in a yes.
Nani asks if she has cooked the food for them. Amit’s dad agrees and says, after all we are going to have a new member in our family now. Everything should be to Ammu’s liking today. She shouldn’t feel like an outsider on her first day in the new home.
Falguni’s smile fades away. She says she doesn’t know what she likes.
He explains that when a girl comes to her in-laws place. Not only she but we too will have to adjust with her. You are her mother-in-law you must know. Falguni gives straight expressions.

Tada….enters the police inspector with 2 of his constables. Everyone is taken aback and wonder their reason for coming back. The inspector bows down to the Krishna idol.
He asks if this is Amit Shah’s house. He introduces himself. Amit’s father keeps asking him questions like how he came here and what for. The inspector replies in a comic way.
He finally tells them that yesterday night Amit Shah had filed a missing complaint for Mrs. Amit Shah. Everyone is shocked and Amit’s parents tell him the there must be some misunderstanding she is their daughter-in-law.
He asks then she must be home. Call her. I am waiting her only. Meanwhile you can get us 3 tea and
Get one with less sugar in it. He makes himself comfortable on the sofa.

He comments that the house is very beautiful. Amit’s dad tells him that she is not at home right now.
The Inspector says then this means she is missing. When did you see her last?
Amit’s dad retorts that he cant just come in like this and enquire. They are respectable people.
He gives the same reply to him that he is asking nicely only.
Dhawal interrupts before his brother loses his cool. He tells there must be some misunderstanding. I just spoke with Amit & Amita and they are on their way only.

Right then, Amit & Amita enter Shah House. Both are a little worried seeing the police.
Amit walks in remembering last night’s incident and Nani tells Ammu to wait. She cant enter before her grahpravesh. She takes back her step.
The inspector comments that he did found her. Amit’s father wants to know when she was lost.
Amit thanks the officer and tries to make him leave without disclosing anything to the family.
But the officer tells them that he had filed a report so he came to check. Amit says he will tell but the inspector tells the whole story how he was worried for his wife. Though 24 hours hadn’t passed but he still lodged it. Amita smiles listening to him that Amit was worried for her.

Amit thanks him and the officer passes by Ammu on his way out. He stops and asks how she got hurt on her nose. Amit and Amita both take the blame for it.
He comments that she was missing on the first night of her wedding and when found is hurt. Plus both are taking the blame. Something is fishy. He asks for an explanation.
She says yesterday they stayed in a hotel. He left for sometime but when he dint return so I went to terrace and by mistake the door of the terrace got locked. She wasn’t able to open it but in the end someone came to help her. All this while Amit couldn’t find her so he went to the police station. Believe me I got hurt while trying to open the door only.
He replies ok I believe you. But in case someone hurts you in any way then don’t worry you can come to me. He hands her his card and leaves. Tina smiles.

Falguni goes towards Ammu. Amit comes in between and tells her to let it be. She tells him not to take her side. She sternly replies that she has ashamed them on the very first day. The moment she entered the police too came in.
Nani takes Amit’s side and tells her to continue with the grahpravesh ritual. She asks Amit to come and stand next to Ammu. He obliges.
Falguni shouts she doesn’t want to do the rasam now. Let her enter inside on her own. She leaves for her room while her husband comes running after her asking her to listen.
Both Amita and Amit are sad to see Falguni’s reaction.


Amit’s dad asks what she is doing. She replies what else she is supposed to do. I dint like Ammu from the beginning but you said so I agreed for the alliance. You know when she came for the pheras I had decided then only that I will forget the past and start afresh with her. Why do only I have to do everything would she not do anything.

Nani gives water to both of them. Ria and Tina exchange smiles. Nani asks them to sit for Fallu would take time to calm down.
Ammu declines. Tina insists that we all know about Fallu. She wont cool down so soon. We cant let stand for don’t know till when. Let us do the grahpravesh. Amit too says to go ahead with the rasam as he hasn’t slept whole night.
Nani tells that this ritual is done by a mother-in-law only. Tina says not an issue. I am like her mother only. I can do it.

Meanwhile Fallu continues that girl cant open a terrace door how will she take over the responsibility of Amit and their home. I agree she isn’t what I had pictured my daughter-in-law to be but she can at least stop being so childish. I cant take care of Amit for my whole life. One day Ammu will have to take over but would she be able to do it.
Her husband smiles and very sweetly tells her that what she is thinking is right as a mother-in-law. But she is your daughter-in-law. Think if she is not what you had wanted then you can mould her accordingly. She is a good girl. With your love and guidance she will become what you want out of her. Think if it had been your own daughter would you not have taught her as well. If she makes a mistake scold her if she does something right then give her love but don’t turn your face and leave her like that. She is now their daughter-in-law our Amit’s wife.
She sees some sense in his words and is thinking.

Tina puts pallu on her head. Ria compliments her and takes her pic. Tina poses for it. Amit coughs and they shift their focus back.
Nani puts kalash in front of Ammu and tells her to push it with her right feet. Tina is about to do their aarti when Fallu walks in asking her to stop.
She takes the thaal from her and tells she will do it. Tina is pissed off.
Falguni does the ritual with a smile (genuine) and finally both enter. Amit and Amita takes everyone’s blessings. Nani takes her to her room.
Amit looks at Falguni and asks her to forget everything. She smiles and pats his cheek. He feels relieved.


Ammu looks around her new room with a smile. She picks up Amit’s photo and cresses it. She has flashback of the police inspector’s words. Amit was very worried for her. Then how he had reacted when he had seen her in the hotel in the morning. He was so worried why did she leave like this.

Amit enters and coughs to bring her back to reality. She puts the frame back.
He shows her the closet where she can put her clothes. Then the bed and he also tells that he sleeps on the left and she will on the right. She smiles ji.
He tells her not to repeat what happened yesterday. No one from the family especially ma would like it. It is the first time that police came to their house. He doesn’t want to malign their reputation as it can affect their business too. She keeps looking at him and asks were you. He says yes he was. But he was worried for his family’s respect. He doesn’t want to give anyone a reason to point fingers at them. After all you are my responsibility.
Ammu goes sad and looks down.

Precap: Ammu is telling Amit there are so many bathrooms in the house then why cant she go in here. He says because it is his bathroom. She tells him maybe he forgot. They are married now so it is hers too. He looks at her surprised.

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