Amrit Manthan 23rd July 2012 Written Update

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Amrit Manthan 23rd July 2012 Written Update by Twinkle_bella

Episode starts from agham and natasha in the dark and she holds his arm and he stops to look at her. they both walk and amrit is on her way. natasha is taking out fuse and agham is adhoring her and wax is melting on his hands and she sees it and crys out aghamji. she starts to panic and clean it and is about to tear her dupatta ( bhool pana song is BG really nice song). but her stops her and says i am fine. they both are looking at each other. the light comes on. agham says i must leave you tell the children , i will leave from back door. he leaves and ntasha thinks what happened to me.

there agham is walking and amrit is also approaching him. he leaves and amrit reaches but misses him. there natasha is with children and she asks bubbly to pack gifts for the children in the car. natasha makes bubbly sit down and says one minute. she brings her food and asks her to eat, you work all day and now you have to eat. bubbly is happy and starts to eat. amrit approaches and asks her where were you and call natasha. bubbly says she has gone out to drop the children and contiunes to eat. amrit says i am standing here and you are stilll eating, . bubbly says i listen to my boss and that is natashs. amrit is about to slap her for answering her back but natashs stops her. amrit says i know these servents and you dont let them do their own will, , you dont know them. natasha says she is not a servent but a important member and what are you doing here so late without being called.

she says i have aproposal for amrit international and she says why should i accept this proposal. amrit says because its the best business plan. natasha says why did you choose me. she says because you are the best and i want to have a patnership with you. natasha says i am interested but i have a condition , she looks at bubbly. amrit says i will fulfil the condition. natasha asks her to apologise to bubbly and holding bubbly. she says if you dont apologise then i will have to have reconsider my decision. amrit gets all flashbacks of mahi’s words.

amrit smiles and apologises to bubbly saying i shouldnt have done this and im sorry. natash nods at bubbly and says you go i will serve her tea. bubbly leaves and natasha sits down, she asks amrit to sit down. amrit sits down and natasha makes her tea and serves her. amrit asks her to sign the papers and finalise th deal. natasha says leave these papers here and i will havea word with my lawyer and then finalise the deal at 7 in the morning. amrit is all tensed as she cant get up earliar then 10. amrit questions the time and natasha says if you dont like the way i work then forget it. amrit says no i will come at that time as morning is the best time. natasha says is your husband interested in this deal and amrit saya yes. she says how come hge didnt mention it or stay here . amrit gets confused and then pretends she met agham out and she didnt want natasha to feel they both are fighting for the proposal. amrit gets up to leave and thinks i have to get agham to agree as he hates her, but then why was he here.

agham is looking at nimrit photo and natasha is remembering agham. there oberoi comes and asks how was her day. she says when i see him i feel attracted towards him. there agham says why do i feel attracted towards her and why cant i remove my eyes from her. they both talk about how they cant control each other when when they are together even tho they hate each other. natasha says him being close to her makes her weak. there agham says i hate her but why does she make me feel like that. oberoi consoles her and says you have to be strong and says tommorrow you will drop a bomb on the two.

there amrit comes home and asks why is he upset and he says i was worried about amrit international and she says there is only one solution and that us natasha. agham is against her and she persuades her that we will have to do this for amrit international. he agrees and he hugs her. agham gets angry and hugs her back with fire in his eyes and starts to hug her really tight and she feels suffocated but her doesnt stop. she faints and he kets her go. he was dreaming. she goes to bed as she has to get up early. agham says i will back stab you.

precap: natasha agham and oberoi in gurdwara. she sees something and runs and agham is confused. must be ripun,

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