Hitler Didi 23rd July 2012 Written Update

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Hitler Didi 23rd July 2012 Written Update by iolahardy

4th Day:

A person on the street is shown saying: Hitler lost one more hope yesterday. She has only 27 days left now. Will her dreams be fulfilled?

Indu buys another lottery ticket. she asks him whether this time she has any chance of winning? the lottery seller advices her to buy a 60 days lottery ticket instead of the 30 days one she has bought…then there would be higher chances of her winning. 30 days is too short a time span to offer any sort of guarantee. indu says there is guarantee of one thing…what is that one day…everyone will soon come to know! mandy is leaving for her exams & meets indu. mandy is confident that she wont fail this year…she says she might even top her class! indu is glad to hear this. when indu is buying the lottery ticket radhey comes there & says seeing her purchasing the ticket he too wishes to buy one. he considers indu as his sister & says who can be more luckier than his sister to pick out a lottery ticket for him? indu picks out a 4 lac ticket for him.

people at random are coming to SN to use their toilet facilities…saying that they r suffering from loose motions because of inder & hence they r here! munna sees this as a nice new way of earning money…Rs. 2 / person. Indu sees this & asks the people whether they dont have a toilet in their homes? Jhumpa answers…each house has a toilet but after eating sweets from inders shop every member of every family in CC has fallen ill…hence due to less no. of toilets they are all here @ SN.

At the shop people are threatening Inder. They are blaming kutumb & inder for almost the entire CC falling sick after eating things from their shop. a man angrily pushes kutumb aside & she is about to land flat on her face but indu saves her at the nick of time. jhumpa gets some food inspectors with her to the Sharma shop. The inspector says that since morning they have received many complaints about Sharmas shop…many people have complained of falling ill after eating sweets from Sharmas shop…a case of food poisoning has been made & hence the shop will be sealed as per orders from their superiors. the samples from the shop will be taken for lab testing. indu requests the inspector to not seal the shop…however the inspector says that u shud b thankful that no one has seriously fallen ill…or inder n kutumb cud have landed in jail. indu tries to reason with the inspector saying that this is their only source of income, etc…but the inspector does not relent. he adds that if they wish to reopen the shop, they will need to give an application at the food dept & have to pay a penalty of 3 lacs. the shop is sealed! jhumpa is secretly delighted.

Inder is blaming kutumb for the entire food poisoning incident. he says it was because of her carelessness that this has happened. kutumb is sobbing away! inder says now bcoz of u i have lost the house…this is the reason y i had left u in the first place & calls her a fool. says he did a big mistake by coming back to her. kutumb lashes back saying its not too late …u can go back to jhumpa. jhumpa appears out of thin air behind inder…says u lost ur shop bcoz of this woman, u will never progress as long as u r wid this woman. she asks inder to come back. kutumb begins with her begging asking inder not to leave…says whatever she said b4 was out of anger…she didnt mean a word of it. …says i love u a lot & wont b able to live w/o u. they begin with their usual tug – of – war, inders 2 wives pulling him from both sides. in this tugging the key ring which jhumpa has (attached to her waist) falls down. indu picks up the fallen keys. …the keys r of the sharmas sweet shop. indu asks her y does she have these keys with her? jhumpa tries to lie saying that the keys are of a trunk in her house but indu is not convinced & gives jhumpa a tight slap! indu figures out that jhumpa is behind all the food poisoning fiasco…slaps her a second time for playing with the health of so many people for her own selfish needs…n is about to slap her a third time when inder stops her n asks her not to hit jhumpa. indu says if he still wants to side with jhumpa he can leave SN & dont bother coming back. however inder isnt about to forgive jhumpa…he picks up a wooden stick & starts beating her with it…says it was his biggest mistake to fall for a woman like her who doesnt have a shred of decency or conscience. inder throws her out of SN. …jhumpa says she wont go from SN…inder says she will as he doesnt even wish to see her face henceforth. inder with teary eyes assures indu that he will re open the shop soon.

in a park a laughter club is in progress. a group of people are laughing. however one person in the group isnt laughing but is standing there with a serious expression on his face n soon walks away from the group. rishi is observing all this from afar. rishi walks up to him & asks him why wasnt he laughing with the others? the man says those men are laughing on their wives. at their age (they are all old) thats the only thing which men find so funny. rishi says my wife too keeps on nagging me…he asks the man if he can join the club? the man says sure why not. rishi asks him again his reason for not laughing with the rest of them…the man replies these nagging wives pester their husbands when they r there but when these nagging wives leave/ die…u understand their true worth. ur life is incomplete without them…that is when u understand the amount of love that was present behind all her nagging. my wife is dead…now whose nagging can i make fun of? he gives an advice to rishi: fight with ur wife, get angry…but in all this understand her love for u & return back her love a 1000 fold. rishi gets emotional but in order to cheer up the man asks him to look at the sky above them…he says look up there…ur wife is laughing at u…hearing this the man starts laughing. rishi asks him to keep on smiling…as this is what makes life beautiful.

indu is purchasing vegetables in CC when rishi lands up there & hugs her. indu asks him the reason for this sudden spurt of love. rishi says promise me that we will grow old together & when the time comes for us to part…i will be the first one to go (die). indu covers up his mouth & gets all emotional & nervous. rishi keeps on pestering her for making the promise but at the same time ishaan calls indu back into SN asking her to see something they are showing on TV.

On TV there is a news about a sting operation conducted by the channel on college students. a photo of mandira is flashed & the news reader says: this is a DU student who is purchasing exam papers in order to pass in her exams. the DU vice chancellor has said strict action will be taken against this student & all the universities across India may blacklist Mandira which indirecly means that her career is ruined forever.

indu, rishi & ishaan are shocked to see this.

Precap: Indu is slapping mandira. the family members try to stop indira…rishi tries to hold back indira but gets slapped instead!

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1 Comment

  1. dhananjay
    July 24, 01:52 Reply

    27 days bache hain aur kya kyaa aafate aa rahi hain Hitler Didi par..!! pata nahi aage kyaa hoga.. 😐

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