Beintehaan 25th February 2014 Written Update

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Beintehaan 25th February 2014 Written Update by MA

Beintehaan 25th February 2014 Written Episode

Aaliya is sad. She says she does not know Shaziya’s sister, why did she do it to her. Someone must have asked her to do it, who is it. She then remembers Nafisa’s warning about being careful as gowhar is behind Zain to ruin her marriage. Usman comes. Aaliya asks if everything is alright in office. Usman says it is perfect, Zain is working very well on accounts and correcting the mistakes. He says she is doing her job very well as a wife. He then says he does not how she convinced Zain to go to office, but Zain recognised his responsibilities and it is good. Zain listens to you and he knows your words are better for him. Aaliya says she was not expecting this, but is happy as Usman is happy.

Aaliya says she cannot be happy for people who are not bothered about her. Usman says she is proud of her. Surayya is preparing lunch and remembering Usman’s words about Zain going to office and AAliya’s words. Gowhar and Shaziya come to kitchen. Gowhar praises Surayya and says she cooks better than her dhaba cook. Surayya gets angry hearing that. Shaziya says she means you cook really well and says Gowhar also prepares nice food. Surayya asks what she prepares. Gowhar could not answer. Shaziya says she just is interested in cooking, but does not know to cook, if Surayya can teach her, she will be happy. Aaliya comes and asks Surayya if she can prepare food in kitchen. Surayya says food is already prepared. Usman comes and says when husband goes to work for the first time, wife has to be prepare food and Surayya knows that well than anyone else. He then asks Aaliya to prepare food for Zain. Surayya goes.

Zain is checking accounts. Fahad is tensed. Fahad asks why did he take 25 lakhs. Fahad says some bills have to be cleared via cash and he himself will learn it later. Fahad gets a call and he goes. He speaks to Chakkiwala who says at least 1 crore has to be arranged, else the betters won’t leave him. Fahad sees Aaliya coming and cuts the call. Aaliya reaches Zain’s cabin with tiffin box. Beintehaa music plays in the background. Zain sees the tiff box and asks what is it. She says it is food. Zain says he is not a farmer that she brought food for him. He is at five star hotel and people come here to have food, why did she bring food there. He asks if she started loving him.

Aaliya says when a person does not have a habit of working, he his mental state changes and he starts talking rubbish. She asks him not to misunderstand, she came as Usman told Zain likes home food and to be a good wife. She asks to finish the food, else she will call Usman. He gets angry but says he is very hungry and what she has prepared.

Aaliya says she prepared gobhi sabji. He says he likes it, but he has promised god that he wont eat mustard seeds for 1 month as mustard is her favorite. He asks her to remove mustard from the sabji. She starts removing mustards. He sees that and gets happy. Zain gets a call and goes out of his cabin. He sees her still removing mustard from outside his cabin. He SMses her that he does not want to eat food prepared by her and not to inform Usman. Goons come to hotel. Fahad speaks to someone to arrange 25 lakhs soon. Aaliya comes to his cabin, he sees her and cuts the call. He asks what is she doing there. Aaliya says she brought food for Zain and asks about Zain. He says he must be in cabin. Just then goons enter Fahad’s cabin and start misbehaving with him. One goon catches his collar and hold a gun on his head. He asks abut 1 crore. Fahad says he has arranged the money and to ask Chakkiwala.

Goon says Chakkiwala is a big fraud and says he is giving 2 days, if he does not give money in 2 days, then he knows waht bhai will do. They see Aaliya and ask who is she. Fahad says she is his sister and to keep the matter within himself and not trouble her. Goons go.

Gowhar is eating food. Shaziya sees Zain and Rizwan coming and signals Gowhar to go. Gowhar tries to fall on Zain, but Rizwan catches her and they start seeing each other’s eyes. Nafisa comes just then and calls Rizwan. She then asks Gowhar to watch and walk. Shaziya says her sister does not like falling in dirt. Nafisa says Shaziya that she is bought up in drain, so everybody looks like a dirt for her. Rizwan goes. Nafisa says she knows what they are trying to do. Shaziya says she could not do when she trapped Fahad and challanges Nafisa she cannot do anything to her even now.

Aaliya asks Fahad who are they and says to share his problem to his sister. Fahad says he got a habit of betting and took 2 crorees from a don. He has to clear 2 crores and has given something as collateral. Aaliya asks what did he give as a collateral. He says something and says he does not know what to do. Aaliya says he should tell it to Usman. Fahad asks not to tell it to Usman. Aaliya promises that she wont tell it to anyone and thinks she will inform it to Zain, but can’t expect help from him.

Precap: Aaliya gets Aayath’s call. Zain listens to her conversation and thinks something must be wrong in Bhopal. He calls Aayath and asks if everything is alright. Aayath says everything is alright and asks if she can speak to Aaliya and says she didn’t speak to her since yesterday. Zain gets shocked as he sees Aaliya pretending to speak to Aayath.


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  1. yumna
    February 26, 04:04 Reply

    Thanks 4 WU nd pics 😉
    zain aliya look perfect with each other

  2. Mahi
    February 25, 15:21 Reply

    Thank you for the pics. Indeed Zain and Aaliya are a cute couple.

  3. zailiya
    February 25, 15:02 Reply

    new promo
    zain doubted on aaliya she is having an extra marital affair and asked her who is she talking to and she replied “tumse matlab”……….he look soooooooo cute when says CHEATERCOCK

  4. tania
    February 25, 13:00 Reply

    when will the pics be added??

  5. Mahi
    February 25, 12:16 Reply

    Interesting 🙂 🙂

    • Surbhi
      February 25, 13:59

      Zain and aaliya make a cute couple..

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