Bhabhiji Ghar Pe Hai 23rd October 2017 Written Update

Bhabhiji Ghar Pe Hai 23rd October 2017 Written Update by Tanaya

Bhabhiji Ghar Pe Hai 23rd October 2017 Written Episode

Anita says I bathe twice even in winters,Tiwari says that’s why you are so clean,Anguri says even I do,Vibhu says that’s why you smell so good,but he smells,Tiwari says I don’t it’s you who dont bathe,Vibhu says please i bathe twice daily.
Anita says liar he doesn’t bathe in winters like for 3 days even for a month,Tiwari starts laughing,Anguri says why laugh you spend the whole winters without bathing,Anita says okay what are you doing tonight me and Vibhu are going for movie,Tiwari says we will join then,Anguri says we cant we are going to bajra farms for romance,Anita says wow even we shall tray.

Anita says once the owner thought Vibhu is animal and caught him net and hit him,Vibhu says cmon Anu,have you lost it stop insulting,a professor passing

by stops and says if you are tired by your marriage and romance is dead visit our office,Anita says prof mintu we have no issues here,mintu says but your husbands look like their romance is dead,Vibhu says get out and yells at him,Anita says relax,Anguri says yes and laddoo key bhaiya let’s go to the Farms.
Anita and Vibhu in theatre,and Anguri and Tiwari in farms,Anguri says we shall enjoy a lot. Anita says Vibhu we shall try this scene in home,you enter house on horse and take me with you,a man nearby says bhabhiji please be quite I spent money to sleep in ac,Anita says donkeys sleep in movies,Vibhu goes off to sleep. Tiwari gets a call,Anguri gets romantic but he pushes her away,Anguri says talk with him later we are here for romance,Tiwari says my order is on the way to be cancelled and you are worried about romance,Anguri goes off to sleep waiting for Tiwari.

Happu walks to Gulfamkali,she says find someone else because I’m soon gonna resign,Happu says don’t do this to me,where will go without you,Gulfamkali says get out with all respect or else I know other means too,Happu says okay and leaves,she says I’m tired of this life now I want to marry but who will marry me,Saxena awlaks in and says hello sister don’t worry your brother is alive,Tilu tikka malkhan walk in and says we three candidates are in to marry Gulfamkali,tikka Tilu and malkhan quarrel amongst themselves,Saxena says boys she shall decide who she will marry,she says yes and I shall test you and one who stands out will Marry me.

Anita wishes Anguri morning,and asks how was you last night,Anguri says forget that first you share,Anita says don’t ask,Anguri asks why,Anita says Vibhu spoilt all the fun,he fell asleep,he was snoring so loud anyways tell em about your night,Anguri says same it was bad,Anita asks what he slept,Anguri says no he was fighting with client all night and then I was tired and fell asleep,and I’m so tensed,Anita says don’t be we have to fight,don’t you remember yesterday we met professor let’s call him.

Happu at tea stall sees Gulfamkali and calls her,she says listen I’m warning you,no more such comments will be entertained,Happu asks why though,Gulfamkali says because I am gonna marry soon,Happu asks who is he,Gulfamkali says he is,Tilu walks in and says it’s me,tikka says its me and malkhan says it’s me,Happu says you are marrying these three good,it suits you,Gulfamkali says no I’m not marrying all three the one who wins my test will marry me,Saxena walks and says I’m conducting the test and now onwards no Eve teasing my sister and leaves.

Anita complaining and says Vibhu how can you sleep while watching a romantic film,Vibhu says it wasn’t a romantic film it was just fighting,Anita says no it was just first half n hour and then all romance but you were sleeping. Anguri says I’m not talking to you,Tiwari says why did you take me to farms then,Anguri says I thought we will spend a romantic night but you were busy talking to client,Tiwari says my one lakh order was on risk,Anguri says all you care is business about me and romance,Tiwari says no money than how will we enjoy,Anguri says then all these cash in bathroom,the ornaments under tiles,Tiwari says shut up income tax will raid us,shutup,Anguri says I’m not talking to you.

Anguri says remember that professor mintu let’s meet him,Tiwari asks who mintu,Anguri says that obese we met him while having tea with Mishras,Tiwari asks then,Anguri says let’s see mintu,he will teach you romance,Tiwari says I’m not going anywhere. Vibhu says that obese will teach me,what are you talking,Anita says I have trust he will cure you. Tiwari says Anguri I’m already in bad mood don’t spoil it further.

Anita on call says Meenal I’m taking Vibhu to mintu by any means,first this Vibhu and then my grooming classes I have arranged Bollywood classes this week,I’m talking Bollywood choreographer sidhus help.Kundra walks in,Anita says Meenal see you later and asks you here,he says I’m looking for Sidhu and heard he is here for a grooming classes,Anguri says Anita how will I take Tiwari to mintu,I’m so tensed and sees Kundra and says oh superstar,you are launching new show Siddhivinayak,he says yes do watch, he gets a call and says I should leave I have shooting,Sidhu is in sets,Anita says no no stay for coffee,he says please I have to go,shooting is waiting for me,Anguri says even I would love to watch,he says let me show you something right away.

Pre cap : mintu asks when did you first see her,vibhu says she was wearing red from and catching butterflies,Tiwari imagines it. Tiwari says Anguri was washing clothes by river side,Vibhu imagines it.

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