Bhagya Lakshmi 7th May 2023 Written Update

Bhagya Lakshmi 7th May 2023 Written Update by H Hasan

Bhagya Lakshmi 7th May 2023 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Lakshmi asking Rishi, how did he come down. Rishi says I was hearing the sound from my heart, that nothing has happened to me, I was seeing you and came here, and see nothing has happened to you. She says may be some help came. Rishi thinks if Lakshmi loves me then she would have accepted my proposal, and thinks she doesn’t love me. Balwinder watches the news that the Lakshmi saving the people is fully safe now. Balwinder gets happy and tells that she is Bhagya Lakshmi and has fooled yamraj. He thinks he has saved her, and thinks now Lakshmi has to marry him, and he will kill Rishi. The rescue team brings Rishi and Lakshmi to the safe place. They are made to lie down on the stretcher and the doctor checks them. Neelam asks if Rishi is fine. Rishi and Lakshmi look at each other. Neelam hugs Rishi and says you didn’t think about me once and asks what would have happened if anything had happened to you, says thank god you are safe. He says he is safe because of Lakshmi, she has saved many lives, if she had not gone with the bomb then many people would have died.

Shalu and Bani hug Lakshmi and asks her not to do anything again else they will not talk to her. Lakshmi says you both are part of me, if you don’t talk then how can I live. She hugs them and then hugs Rano. She then meets Dadi and hugs Virender. Virender says you are fine, and says you have saved the entire country this time. Dadi says she is sherni and says they shall bravery as Lakshmi, and asks her to think about herself. Lakshmi says Maa and Bau ji gave these values and you have also thought that we shall be happy seeing others’ happiness. Dadi and Virender bless her. Virender says you are real Lakshmi. Ayush hugs Rishi and says you have done everything fine. He says you will get whatever you want, will get whom you love. Vikrant thanks Rishi for saving Lakshmi. He thanks him and says I will be marrying her because of you, and thanks him again saying I couldn’t get a better girl than her. Ayush hugs Lakshmi and asks if she is fine. Lakshmi smiles. Rishi says Lakshmi is such.

Anjana asks Lakshmi if she is fine and hugs her. Lakshmi says yes. Ke tu hi toh plays….Saloni hugs her and says we all were praying for you and Maa has done a mannat. Vikrant asks are you fine, we are relieved seeing you. Malishka hugs Rishi and says I love you…and says if anything had happened to you. Rishi says Lakshmi will not let anything happen to me. Neelam thinks Lakshmi is your biggest enemy now. Rishi apologizes to Malishka for leaving from there and says he had a feeling that Lakshmi is in trouble. Virender hugs Rishi. The reporter praises Lakshmi and tells that her light on her face of bravery and says her aura is such that everyone gets attracted to her. She says we all are thankful to Lakshmi for saving us. Dayasagar thanks Lakshmi and Rishi for facing the terrorists and saving the people, and says because of you both the terrorists are killed and Yugandar is arrested. Lakshmi praises Dayasagar. Dayasagar says he wants to felicitate them with an honour of bravery. Rishi and Lakshmi refuse to take the honour and tell that it is honour for them that everything is fine. The reporter asks Lakshmi and Rishi to stand together for the photo. Vikrant asks them to pose together. They pose together, and the photographer clicked the photo. Saloni, Vikrant and Anjana come back home. Saloni is happy that Lakshmi is safe. Anjana says she is happy that such a brave girl is becoming Vikrant’s wife. Saloni tells Vikrant that Anjana asked her to think positive. Anjana says she has to fulfilled the mannat with Lakshmi’s hands. He says we will call her.

At Oberoi mansion, Lakshmi does the aarti. Dadi asks Rishi to do the aarti. Malishka takes Aarti plate from Lakshmi and says she will do aarti with Rishi. Malishka and Rishi do the aarti together. She smiles while doing the aarti. Dadi thanks God for saving Rishi and Lakshmi on behalf of all the family members. Virener says you shall keep our family blessed, Rishi and Lakshmi’s Jodi shall always be together. Dadi says they are truthful and honest, don’t know when the troubles will be away from each other. Malishka says when they get separate from each other. Mukesh asks shall I say something, if you don’t say bad? He asks Lakshmi to touch Rs 500 note and says he will give it to the needy, as he has taken mannat for her safety. Ayush stops Mukesh and asks him to say. Malishka scolds him for doing mannat for just Lakshmi and not for Rishi. He says I knew about just Lakshmi, and later on I came to know about Rishi sir being in danger. Malishka scolds them. Ayush brings money and takes off evil sight from them, asks Mukesh to give it to the needy. Karishma says Lakshmi is not your Bhabhi, but malishka is. Ayush says she is not yet my Bhabhi. Karishma says even Lakshmi is not your Bhabhi. Dadi asks them to stop it. Virender asks Rishi and Lakshmi to go to their rooms. Karishma asks Ayush, why did he interfere always? Ayush says I say right. Dadi asks them to stop it. Virender asks Dadi to rest. Ayush goes to drop Shalu, Bani, Rano and Neha. Karishma asks Neelam if there is any worry. Neelam goes without saying anything. Karishma thinks there is something to worry.

Precap: Shalu asks Ayush to promise that he will stay with her. He says done. Neelam tells Karishma that there is a big tension. Rishi tells Malishka that whenever Lakshmi is in problem, Rishi Oberoi will be with her always. Neelam tells Karishma that Rishi felt that Lakshmi is in trouble and went to save her, says it is not normal. Rishi tells Malishka that she will not understand their relation and says such relations once connected, doesn’t break. Neelam thinks either Lakshmi will lose her life during the attacks, or she will get rid of the dosh.

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