Diya Aur Baati Hum 24th September 2012 Written Update

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Diya Aur Baati Hum 24th September 2012 Written Update SAIBALROUTH

Chaturi being escorted out from the gates by police for checking. A lady police constable takes him to a restricted area for checking, and on opening her cover (pallu), sees that it is Chaturi and informs her superiors, who in turn, informs the DSP.

Meanwhile, on a different gate, an inspector is checking everyone’s leg for wounds, get one man and sends him to DSP for questioning. He is thoroughly checking everyone for any kind of wounds.

Everyone is being thoroughly checked. Meena cowers in fear, but manages to control her outburst of fear and was seen to be moving along with others.

Chotu is in line too !!! Police checks him now. Suddenly the metal detector beeps when the police is busy checking Chotu and reaches near the upper part of his coat, Police now asks him what he is carrying, albeit sternly. Everyone’s attention is on Chotu, and he is visibly nervous. RK is seemingly worried now. Chotu takes out a toy car (of metal) and says RK gifted him that. Police is assured that he meant no harm and Chotu successfully enters the temple.

Sandhya, on the pretext of bringing Pooja Thali, broke away from the line meant for checking everyone and went to check out how Chaturi is, and talks with her via walkie-talkie, gives her the necessary courage and confidence to stay calm till the bomb is diffused. She assures her that police are there to help her and she will be saved from any harm. Chaturi is very much frightening by hearing the beeps and is fears that she may die.

The timer is loudly beeping and only 25 seconds are now left. Everyone ia tensed, specially Sandhya and beads of perspiration drops from her face.

10 seconds left, and the timer is incessantly beeping, bomb-diffusal squad is trying their best but it seems the person is fiddling with the wires. Finally, he managed to diffuse it successfully.
Everyone is visibly relieved, especially Sandhya. Sandhya gives a warm hug to Chaturi

Chaturi is now questioned by police and Sandhya. Sandhya asks for anything that she could remember as it will be vital to find out the terrorists based on the information which Chaturi will give. Chaturi says everyone’s face was covered and they were talking in signs mostly, and drops out unconscious. DSP and Sandhya seems busy with her.

Everyone, except Sandhya and Suraj is outside the temple. Now, Bhabo asks Vikram to go and find out Sandhya as the aarti will start shortly. Meena sees many fast-food stalls and thinks of going, so she says that why should Vikram go in between women, says she will go and call out Sandhya. Bhabo says Meena has said something sensible and sends her off. Meena is happy, that finally her wish is fulfilled.

A Priest asks Suraj whether the Prasad is ready or not. Suraj says it is ready, and asks RK to take it. RK takes it and sees that police are checking everyone’s leg for wounds, and he looks worried and thinks whether police will doubt him because of the wounds.

Sandhya on the other hand, is with Chaturi, and waiting with baited breaths to hear some clue from her. Policemen including DSP are present as well. All are eagerly waiting for some clue to nab the terrorist

RK is now behind just one man, and he will be checked next. He sees the signboard, and intentionally pushes the police officer and makes the signboard fall on his leg, so that it appears as if the wound has happened on the spot. The policeman is pleased (and thinks) that RK saved him, and in the process hurt his leg.

Sandhya tries hard to find a clue, but Chaturi says she can’t remember anything.

Meena returns after having fast-food (chaat) and saw Sandhya with policemen, thinks of reporting that to Bhabo, and was going away, but curiosity got the better of her, and she peeked more and saw Chaturi, and is shocked

Precap Chaturi says Anurag Joshi loudly, and Meena thinks she heard this name somewhere

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