[V] The Buddy Project 24th September 2012 Written Update

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[V] The Buddy Project 24th September 2012 Written Update sweetshine

Epi begins with RV-Aisha dance and Aisha asks him is he scared’RV says it wud create a scandal in the school’Aisha tells him every school has scandals it will not make a difference she then asks him will he not show her around the school’RV says at this time there will be too many jelous eyes looking at them and they will go after sumtym

Banga on the other hand is drunk and searches for Vats but thinks whether he got electric current himself or wat’Piddi sitting and laughing beside Banga tells everyone to make him dance and they all ask him to dance
And starts off the much awaited Bang aka jhatka matka performance with all the students’Kiya learning abt KD’s plan for Banga appreciates him but then even tells him that he should be careful and stop all this before he gets into trouble’she is really worried and hopes he dusnt get into anymore trouble’KD looks at her surprised and Kiya tells him not to be as she really does care a lot for her friends and they have decided to be friends

Taking the chance of everyone busy with Banga’s dance RV takes Aisha from the party’he walks on the corridors of the school when JJ notices the two and follows them
Panchi again is bugged by the two mean girls bothering her abt why isn’t she at the party’Panchi tells them to leave her alone and thinks she hates herself being like this and she should be happy if Nonu is happy with Aisha
RV takes Aisha to a dark classroom and they both get close and are about to kiss’JJ chcks the doors of every classroom to see where RV and Aisha went’finally he sees a classroom door ajar and enters
JJ shouts at RV and asks him wat is going on’both stand shocked and JJ tells RV that it’s a school and he should have sum respect to not do such a thing in the school, he tells him off while Panchi who was passing by the corridor stops hearing JJ shout and enters the classroom
JJ asks RV who is the girl, Aisha was abt to say something but RV stops her and says she is his friend and Panchi’s cousin’JJ luks at all of them and asks Panchi if Aisha is really her cousin
Panchi is worried and doesn’t knw wat to say but JJ shouts her to answer him and she says No.
RV who is shocked tells her she only brought Aisha to the school and JJ tells him he cudnt even respect his friendship that he dragged Panchi into this and is trying to make her lie abt this all’he tells him to take bak Aisha or to take her wherever he wants and not bring her to the school as its not his some cheap hotel
RV gets pissed and leaves with Aisha while Panchi is upset’JJ tells Panchi to relax and tells her whatever she did was today was the right thing

Kiya comes outside to get some peace away from the party, the beautiful windy evening inspires her to sing ‘shaam hai koi”.she sits on the steps and stops after a while’suddenly kd speaks up asking why did she stop’Kiya moves a bit front to see KD on the other side of the pillar sitting
She tells him it was jus like dat she was feeling good here so she started singing’KD tells her he came to know two things abt Kiya Gujral one that away from the party and the noise she likes to sing in the peace and second that she really cares a lot for her friends, Kiya tells him yess becoz she doesn’t have many friends to actually care for and tells him she dusnt make much friends KD says the same and its just Piddi who is less a friend more a brother
KD tells Kiya its imp to have trust to make friends but its difficult to find out whom to trust’Kiya says now she knows whom should she actually trust and they both share an eyelock, KD smiles
KD to the camera: the more she trusts the more she will be hurt when he will break her trust
Kiya asks him why has he left the party KD tells her he has the same reason as hers, she asks him why doesn’t he sing then, KD says he cant and Kiya tells him then be with someone who does know how to sing and again they share another eyelock with ishq wala love
Suddenly KD gets a call and tells to get ready for phase 2 and he will be coming’he tells Kiya he is going back inside, Kiya tells him she will be here for sumtym and says she knows wat his plans are so he dusnt need to be much secretive, KD tells her then she shuldnt stay too long out here as she will miss the fun going to happen inside

Back to the party Piddi is enjoying watching Banga go crazy dancing and they both fall down, Piddi tells Banga he mite not be feeling well and tells him to come to his office but Banga insists he wants to do dance one last time
Samar comes rushing and informs Piddi there is a problem, Piddi says not to worry as he made sure abt the drink given to Banga, Samar tells him that is the problem as Bobby also drank the same thing and is now searching for him
Piddi gets a shock and tells him his sister lives in Canada and his mom in Bombay and today becoz of him they will be together
Bobby cums totally talli and looks around for Piddi’she asks Samar and tells him to tell Piddi to wear high heels so that he cums to the level, She screams out for Piddi while he slowly goes behind her and tries to turn her in anoder direction but she sees him finally and holds his shirt, Piddi is trying to escape while Samar tells Juhi to take Bobby away’Juhi makes her leave Piddi and tells her its not Piddi and takes her away

Samar pulls Piddi from behind and tells him to do sumthing abt Banga and they den drag him out of the party to his office

Precap: JJ luks around in the party and wonders where Banga is and where is Piddi and KD also’At Banga’s office Juhi Piddi and Samar are full on dressing up Banga like a lady while KD and Kiya laugh looking at them

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