Do Dil Bandhe Ek Dori Se 19th September 2013 Written Update

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Do Dil Bandhe Ek Dori Se 19th September 2013 Written Update by H Hasan

Do Dil Bandhe Ek Dori Se 19th September 2013 Written Episode

The episode starts with Raghu’s mom consoling Shivani and says princess don’t look good while crying. she gives her fruit drink and asks her to drink. Shivani asks how do you know I like Jamun drink. Maa says Raghu told her and says she will take care of her likes and dislikes. shivani looks at her lovingly and says if my mother would have been alive then she also would have taken care of me. She says Daaju looked after her and later she came to know he is her Daaju. Maa says love is like that only and says Raghu didn’t born to me but he loves me more than his mother. And he loves me more than my son too. Shivani is shocked and asks what do you mean? Aren’t you his real mom?

Abhi says I declined your offer but Mahima says 30% property share is not a small thing. Mahima tells Abhi not to forget that he has to repay the money to Golcha. She says she will complete his dream project. She asks her to do her work. Abhi says he can’t guarantee that Dadaji will sign on the new will papers. Jazz says you can do it. Raghu calls Jazz, Mahima takes the call and asks about Shivani. Raghu says Shivani is little tensed and wants to come back to haveli. Mahima says she shall not come back and says Dadaji is still upset. We are trying to make him understand but it will take time. Raghu says you know naa that my house is small for babyji. Mahima gets angry and says what she shall do? for shivani’s sake whether she have to convert his small home into palace. She says she will send the money and asks him to shift to a hotel and this time around no hotel will refuse them. Meanwhile Raghu overhears Abhi talking to Golcha, while he is still on call with Mahima. Raghu is shocked to the core. Abhi says he will get the solution for his problems. Raghu thinks what is abhi doing with Jazz and Mahima. He asks her whether you are with Abhi. She asks him to shut up and do as she says.

She tells Abhi that he have to get the signatures of Dadaji soon. They leaves, Abhi thinks he trapped them infront of Raghu on the pretext of talking to Golcha. Now Raghu will be suspicious on them. Raghu thinks how Abhi is with Jazz and Mahima as Jazz and Mahima don’t like him. He thinks something is wrong.

Shivani says to maa that Raghu didn’t tell her anything and says he always talk about her. He loves you so much. Raghu’s mom says I know. She says he settled his younger brother and sister but he never think about himself. Shivani and Raghu’s mom shares a good time. Raghu calls Panna tai and says he wants to talk to boss. Panna recalls that Daaju is angry with them. Raghu tells her that he needs to talk to him urgently. She says I will try. She comes to Dadaji and shows him the phone. He says I dont want to talk to your babyji. She says Raghu wants to talk to you. She requests him to forgive and talk to him. He takes the phone in his hands and says tell to Panna tai to tell that Raghu that if he calls next time then I will send him to jail. He betrayed me. Raghu hears everything and thinks he have to do something.

Shivani says you care so much for Raghu that’s why he never think of you as step mom. Shivani says he has done so much for me. I respect him much more now. Maa thinks Shivani loves Raghu a lot and thinks of him as pati parmeshwar. She tells her that Raghu’s is the part of your life now. And blesses them to have a happy married life.

Meanwhile Raghu comes to Dadaji’s place but servants stops him. Raghu urges him that he needs to talk to boss. Panna tai comes and asks him to go as Malik is very angry. Raghu comes to Dadaji with folded hands. Panna tai requests Malik saa to listen to Raghu’s for your blood sake. Dadaji comes with the big pistol and targets at Raghu. Panna tai tells Raghu to go. She tells Malik saa that she will make Raghu understand. She tells Raghu to leave from here.

Raghu says he will go if he orders him to. He requests him to call Shivani back home. Babyji is missing you. Dadaji says what do you want? do you want to take my property. Raghu says he will leave this city if he wants. Dadaji says he came to know his real face. Raghu says don’t think babyji is wrong. she did everything because of Abhi. She did it to escape from Abhi’s trap. Dadaji asks from where you came in the picture. Did she got only you to marry her in this world?

Shivani tells Raghu, till when she has to lie as everyone are thinking she is his wife. She says till when we will hide the truth. Raghu is speechless.

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  1. Xia
    September 19, 13:21 Reply

    Comments r incresing lyk anythng sumthng is wrong

    • pinku
      September 19, 13:27

      nothing is wrong…

  2. Xia
    September 19, 13:18 Reply

    Gia u r nt wrong ok i ll tel u i watched kjk kumkum kasam se pv1 choti bahu geet ipkknd ipkknd2 qh sc pv2 aah the list goes on n on bt my fav is qh n ja n urs

  3. giaameet
    September 19, 13:16 Reply

    hi suni, i think u r the big fan of pv1?

    • Suni
      September 19, 13:17

      Yes , yes I am 🙂 . ..

  4. Xia
    September 19, 13:15 Reply

    Pinku dnt b rude to me ok

    • pinku
      September 19, 13:17

      why i ll ….

  5. Suni
    September 19, 13:14 Reply

    Raghu wouldn’t hold any dreams of being with Shivani at first .. . He wouldn’t be able to see himself with her since he has always been her servant . ..

    • pinku
      September 19, 13:19

      it seems, raghu’s life is full of….oh god

  6. giaameet
    September 19, 13:12 Reply

    hi xia, our names containing slight differences xia and gia x and g, am i right? What are the serials are you watching or watched?

    • pinku
      September 19, 13:16

      are you male or female

  7. Xia
    September 19, 13:12 Reply

    Di hw is punar vivaah 2 i thought its very boring so i quit bt as u knw my mom is a great fan of pv1 n c told me that c lyks punar vivaah 2 too i dnt knw plz tell me c said its good

    • Suni
      September 19, 13:16

      It is getting a bit better , God knows that it can’t get worse 🙂 .. ,

  8. Suni
    September 19, 13:11 Reply

    It’s simple guys .. .Abhi is bad , Shivani’s brother and Sister- in- law also bad ..
    Raghu’s dad is a bit of a lowlife who thinks that Shivani is the solution to all his problems because of her wealth . . .Shivsni really loves her grandad , but I’m sorry for her , she has no one on her side besides Raghu at present since her grandad is totally mad by her pretend marriage ..

    • pinku
      September 19, 13:13

      thank you suni

    • Suni
      September 19, 13:16

      No prob.

    • pinku
      September 19, 13:12

      i don’t know why my comment is directly not posting, so i m posting by your comment so let me post like this..

  9. Emyna
    September 19, 13:08 Reply

    hiiii suni..
    xia …..pinku….

    super epi….okay let me leav…..
    hi nd byeee toooo guyzzzzz tc …..


    • pinku
      September 19, 13:09

      good night

    • Suni
      September 19, 13:12

      Hi and bye 🙂 , good night sweet dreams . ..

  10. Suni
    September 19, 13:07 Reply

    I know Pinku .. I only meant that 100 is a long way off . .

    • pinku
      September 19, 13:08

      but we can do it and hope we ll help each other

    • Suni
      September 19, 13:12

      Will do

  11. giaameet
    September 19, 13:06 Reply

    with pleasure, you can call me gia, i am doing my school in hostel, i came for leave, i will go to hostel on sunday, so plz frds don’t forget me..

    • Suni
      September 19, 13:08

      Thank you so much for accepting my request so nicely ..
      Of course now I won’t forget Gia 🙂 . .

  12. Xia
    September 19, 13:01 Reply

    Hey tell me the story

    • pinku
      September 19, 13:04

      its my first day on this page and don’t know much more about this soap…

  13. Xia
    September 19, 13:00 Reply

    Di it was good bt hvnt watched it after its first 10 epi

    • Suni
      September 19, 13:02

      It was snail paced slow , you did not miss much .. .
      Today’s episode seems to contain the most in terms of plot advancement . ..
      At least Raghu knows what he is up against … .

  14. giaameet
    September 19, 12:58 Reply

    hi frds? I watched this show a month ago.. After that, i watched this show a week ago.. Can u please tell me why shivani married to raghu?

    • Suni
      September 19, 13:00

      Hi 🙂 , can I call you Gia please ? . .

    • Suni
      September 19, 13:05

      Ok , Abhi wants Shivani’s wealth ..
      He convinced her grandfather to create a will stipulating that Shivani must marry within a certain time period or all of his wealth will be given to Abhi ..

    • Suni
      September 19, 13:06

      I can’t remember the last part exactly ,
      Shivani convinced Raghu to pretend to be married to her . ..

  15. Suni
    September 19, 12:57 Reply

    100 comments Pinku ????
    This one will be 35 I think . ..

    • pinku
      September 19, 13:01

      no no i said, lets make it 100 comments today

  16. Xia
    September 19, 12:57 Reply

    I also lyked the show at start

    • Suni
      September 19, 12:58

      It was very , very slow at the start ..
      Shivani spent I think 2 weeks in her wedding gown 🙂 . ..

    • pinku
      September 19, 12:59

      i too and hope we ll enjoy like this..

  17. Suni
    September 19, 12:56 Reply

    I’ll wait Pinku , I am always an optimistic realist 🙂 .. .
    I hope even when there is no reason to hope most times . ..

    • pinku
      September 19, 13:03

      thats good, you are going to be a teacher so you should be like that

  18. Suni
    September 19, 12:55 Reply

    I love the bonds that they share with each other .. . Raghu is so humble and kind and he really treats Shivani like a Princess . . I find that so sweet . ..

    • pinku
      September 19, 13:07

      yes its really nice, and oneday shivani ll fully understand raghu’s value

  19. Suni
    September 19, 12:51 Reply

    It’s the beginning of another sad love story .. .
    I might as well quit watching now 😐 . . .

    • pinku
      September 19, 12:54

      plz suni atleast we have to wait and maybe some interesting scene is waiting for us…

    • pinku
      September 19, 12:57

      suni in DDBEDS your B.ed is hidden.. Kidding

  20. Xia
    September 19, 12:51 Reply

    Hi suni di hws u you lyked this serial?

    • Suni
      September 19, 12:53

      Dear , I’ve been searching for something even a little close to PV 1 :'( . .
      So far no luck ..
      I only have Zee TV , I never see Saras bu , I see this show , so I watch what I have 🙂 . ..

  21. Suni
    September 19, 12:44 Reply

    I don’t think that Shivani fully understands the sacrifice that Raghu had to continue making for her . ..

    • pinku
      September 19, 12:49

      i think so, hope she ll understand it latter

    • pinku
      September 19, 12:50

      but where is pic

    • pinku
      September 19, 12:52

      lets make 100 comments and wait maa is raghu’s step mother, wow great though step mother but she likes raghu a lot

  22. Suni
    September 19, 12:43 Reply

    Hello Xia 🙂 . ..

  23. Xia
    September 19, 12:43 Reply

    Wat hapn pinku itna pyar raghu se

    • pinku
      September 19, 12:48

      Raghu made me to think abt my mama, he is really nice

  24. Suni
    September 19, 12:43 Reply

    Yes Pinku it is well written , I was on Saras page when Ameena asked us to read the updates . .
    Well done .. .

    • pinku
      September 19, 12:46

      i was there, and once again thank you amena di

    • amena hasan
      September 19, 13:34

      This update is written by my sister. I am amazed to see so many comments. Thanks for reading and liking the update.

  25. Xia
    September 19, 12:41 Reply

    Yes woh toh phele n u

    • pinku
      September 19, 12:44

      no, ll take after some time

    • pinku
      September 19, 12:39


    • pinku
      September 19, 12:41

      @dada ji plz dont be so cruel with raghu

    • pinku
      September 19, 12:43

      come on guys this soap really nice and deserves huge comment and lets place it in top 5 of dtb rank

  26. Suni
    September 19, 12:36 Reply

    I’m reading it now Pinku 🙂 ..
    I watch this soap , I just never commented , but I like Raghu’s quiet , honest ways .. .

    • pinku
      September 19, 12:38

      today is my 1st in this page but it is well written, so sounds nice

  27. Suni
    September 19, 12:32 Reply

    Good Evening Pinku ..
    Yes this is a very nice soap . .

    • pinku
      September 19, 12:34

      i was expecting you and you came, thank u nd hope we ll enjoy a lot. so whats ur view on today’s epi

    • pinku
      September 19, 12:37

      @Amena di Thank u

  28. Kris
    September 19, 12:09 Reply

    hmmmm, hope Abhi, Jazz and Mahima all fall flat on their faces

    • pinku
      September 19, 12:15

      precap sounds interesting

    • pinku
      September 19, 12:19

      1st part really nice now my mama’s pic is coming in my mind, really nice…

    • pinku
      September 19, 12:27

      nice episode, Raghu come on don’t worry shivani will back for you

    • pinku
      September 19, 12:29

      Thank u H. Hasan for this nice wu

    • pinku
      September 19, 12:31

      come on friends, this is really nice soap and i hope we ll enjoy a lot…

    • pinku
      September 19, 12:32

      @admin plz post pics

    • anonymous
      September 19, 12:35

      With the way these soapies go these days these three will succeed and the innocent will be the ones that struggle.

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