Do Dil Bandhe Ek Dori Se 19th September 2013 Written Update

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Do Dil Bandhe Ek Dori Se 19th September 2013 Written Update by H Hasan

Do Dil Bandhe Ek Dori Se 19th September 2013 Written Episode

The episode starts with Raghu’s mom consoling Shivani and says princess don’t look good while crying. she gives her fruit drink and asks her to drink. Shivani asks how do you know I like Jamun drink. Maa says Raghu told her and says she will take care of her likes and dislikes. shivani looks at her lovingly and says if my mother would have been alive then she also would have taken care of me. She says Daaju looked after her and later she came to know he is her Daaju. Maa says love is like that only and says Raghu didn’t born to me but he loves me more than his mother. And he loves me more than my son too. Shivani is shocked and asks what do you mean? Aren’t you his real mom?

Abhi says I declined your offer but Mahima says 30% property share is not a small thing. Mahima tells Abhi not to forget that he has to repay the money to Golcha. She says she will complete his dream project. She asks her to do her work. Abhi says he can’t guarantee that Dadaji will sign on the new will papers. Jazz says you can do it. Raghu calls Jazz, Mahima takes the call and asks about Shivani. Raghu says Shivani is little tensed and wants to come back to haveli. Mahima says she shall not come back and says Dadaji is still upset. We are trying to make him understand but it will take time. Raghu says you know naa that my house is small for babyji. Mahima gets angry and says what she shall do? for shivani’s sake whether she have to convert his small home into palace. She says she will send the money and asks him to shift to a hotel and this time around no hotel will refuse them. Meanwhile Raghu overhears Abhi talking to Golcha, while he is still on call with Mahima. Raghu is shocked to the core. Abhi says he will get the solution for his problems. Raghu thinks what is abhi doing with Jazz and Mahima. He asks her whether you are with Abhi. She asks him to shut up and do as she says.

She tells Abhi that he have to get the signatures of Dadaji soon. They leaves, Abhi thinks he trapped them infront of Raghu on the pretext of talking to Golcha. Now Raghu will be suspicious on them. Raghu thinks how Abhi is with Jazz and Mahima as Jazz and Mahima don’t like him. He thinks something is wrong.

Shivani says to maa that Raghu didn’t tell her anything and says he always talk about her. He loves you so much. Raghu’s mom says I know. She says he settled his younger brother and sister but he never think about himself. Shivani and Raghu’s mom shares a good time. Raghu calls Panna tai and says he wants to talk to boss. Panna recalls that Daaju is angry with them. Raghu tells her that he needs to talk to him urgently. She says I will try. She comes to Dadaji and shows him the phone. He says I dont want to talk to your babyji. She says Raghu wants to talk to you. She requests him to forgive and talk to him. He takes the phone in his hands and says tell to Panna tai to tell that Raghu that if he calls next time then I will send him to jail. He betrayed me. Raghu hears everything and thinks he have to do something.

Shivani says you care so much for Raghu that’s why he never think of you as step mom. Shivani says he has done so much for me. I respect him much more now. Maa thinks Shivani loves Raghu a lot and thinks of him as pati parmeshwar. She tells her that Raghu’s is the part of your life now. And blesses them to have a happy married life.

Meanwhile Raghu comes to Dadaji’s place but servants stops him. Raghu urges him that he needs to talk to boss. Panna tai comes and asks him to go as Malik is very angry. Raghu comes to Dadaji with folded hands. Panna tai requests Malik saa to listen to Raghu’s for your blood sake. Dadaji comes with the big pistol and targets at Raghu. Panna tai tells Raghu to go. She tells Malik saa that she will make Raghu understand. She tells Raghu to leave from here.

Raghu says he will go if he orders him to. He requests him to call Shivani back home. Babyji is missing you. Dadaji says what do you want? do you want to take my property. Raghu says he will leave this city if he wants. Dadaji says he came to know his real face. Raghu says don’t think babyji is wrong. she did everything because of Abhi. She did it to escape from Abhi’s trap. Dadaji asks from where you came in the picture. Did she got only you to marry her in this world?

Shivani tells Raghu, till when she has to lie as everyone are thinking she is his wife. She says till when we will hide the truth. Raghu is speechless.

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  1. Suni
    September 19, 16:47 Reply

    Pinku , did you read my reply ?
    You understand right ? That you did not force me to stay ?
    Ask Kris , I am never serious with my friends 🙂

    • pinku
      September 19, 16:50

      ok i got it….

  2. Kris
    September 19, 16:36 Reply

    So true Suni, and Shivani needs Raghu,
    As for Rahu, he is loyal, honest, hardworking.
    He is the employee every employer wants to have at least one off.
    He will do everything in his power for the betterment of his employer.
    He is doing his duty towards Shivani, she asked for his help and he never refused her before, so it was easy for him to say yes to her. Also he knows what a leech Abhi is and that Jazz is also a low life. Don’t think Raghu really knows the to what extent, but I think today should confirm what low life Jazz and Mahima really are

    • Suni
      September 19, 16:42

      Yeah , it is good that Raghu knows the truth

    • pinku
      September 19, 16:45

      thank you kris

  3. Suni
    September 19, 16:28 Reply

    Having material wealth does not bring happiness .. .
    Happiness comes from being with the people who love us .. ,

    • pinku
      September 19, 16:35

      yes i agree with you, like wise money can buy book not knowledge

    • Suni
      September 19, 16:41

      True Pinku . .

  4. Suni
    September 19, 16:26 Reply

    No Pinku , that is the amazing thing here . .
    Shivani needs Raghu , she has so much wealth , but no true love .

    • pinku
      September 19, 16:39

      so all those who present around shivani, only showing up when they want shivani’s money

    • Suni
      September 19, 16:40


  5. Suni
    September 19, 16:18 Reply

    Raghu has a pure and tender heart , he is the type of hero the audience wants to see succeed . ..,

    • pinku
      September 19, 16:23

      ll raghu needes shivani very much, am i r8

  6. Suni
    September 19, 16:17 Reply

    Shivani has had such a sad life .. .no parents , only her grandad to love her . ,
    She has a brother , but it is so unfortunate that he isn’t what a good brother should be . ..

    • pinku
      September 19, 16:21

      so, shivani’s life is not easy, got it and hope raghu ll vanish every pain 4m shivani’s life

  7. Suni
    September 19, 16:02 Reply

    Pinku , so what’s the plan when this show gets to number 5 ???
    Do we stop commenting in b4 it overtakes Saras 😀 ??

    • pinku
      September 19, 16:06

      4 me sc is always no 1 and any rank can judge sc, its unique that differs it from other soap but i want to see this soap in top 5 and if you guys ll help then it ll be possible, hope you guys ll…..

    • pinku
      September 19, 16:07


    • Suni
      September 19, 16:08

      Will do .. I’ll help you whenever I can . .
      I had felt the same way about PV as you do about Saras . .
      So I understand you .. .

    • pinku
      September 19, 16:13

      thank u, so can u say something in very little about this soap, as i m new to this soap

  8. Kris
    September 19, 15:45 Reply

    Hey AK, Suni, Xia, I’m back for a while,

    • pinku
      September 19, 15:50

      i m also present haha, so whats your views about today’s episode

    • Kris
      September 19, 15:55

      oh Hi Pinku, thought you left, sorry,
      The episode finally got some movement today, beautiful episode.

    • pinku
      September 19, 16:00

      its ok, what you think about raghu. I think he is nice and he loves shivani alot

  9. salma (malsha)...
    September 19, 15:41 Reply

    Xia r u here??
    Sure pinku i will help u for sure frnd ..pls dont cal me n all by name o say frnd ..pls pinku

    • pinku
      September 19, 15:49

      just listin i m not avoidin you and here i have only one relationship with everyone is, as scian and ddbedsians . so i have no right to discuss with anyone other than serial. so i just want to say that you can stay here as long as you want….

  10. salma (malsha)...
    September 19, 15:30 Reply

    Hi frnds …im here coz best frnd n sister wanted me to b here ..
    I watch dis serial on n off..its nice

    • pinku
      September 19, 15:35

      @DDBEDSIAN come on and make it in top 5 of dtb rank

  11. Suni
    September 19, 14:38 Reply

    AK , she said to tell all her friends HELLO . , as I just met you , I am telling u now ..

    • AK
      September 19, 14:40

      I will send her a text on fb now

    • Suni
      September 19, 14:43

      You should .. I won’t tell u here , she is ok , but she had to deal with something ..

    • pinku
      September 19, 15:21

      so sad, it deserves more comment and we have to place it in top 5, dtb rank

    • Suni
      September 19, 14:38

      Hi 🙂

    • AK
      September 19, 14:41

      Hi Xia

  12. AK
    September 19, 14:31 Reply

    Yes dear ,PR should also be Zee‘s concern because it is the first show on Zee to pass 1000+ Episodes

  13. Suni
    September 19, 14:17 Reply

    AK , I speak to Asya dear on fb , do you hear from her ?

    • AK
      September 19, 14:26

      I used to but not anymore, she has been quiet for months now. I will leave her a text on facebook

  14. Suni
    September 19, 14:16 Reply

    PR should be like her baby though AK , it has been on the airways so long , also the fans deserve reward for their loyalty . She should give PR more attention .. .

  15. Suni
    September 19, 14:12 Reply

    Life is life AK , one has to do what one can do most times 🙂 .. ,
    I’m in good health and spirits so I have no complaints . .
    How are you AK ?

    • AK
      September 19, 14:16

      Same here dr, am fine 🙂

  16. Suni
    September 19, 14:11 Reply

    Yeah AK , Ekta has a lot of money , but some of her plots are wacko and overworked .. .

    • AK
      September 19, 14:14

      Ekta let PR ‘s Fate on her CVs hands, she only concentrates on Jodha Akbar and her studies mostly

  17. AK
    September 19, 14:08 Reply

    Guys you left again! 🙁

    • Suni
      September 19, 14:10

      Present AK 🙂

    • AK
      September 19, 14:11

      I thought you left so tell me how’s life

  18. anonymous
    September 19, 14:02 Reply

    oh snap. this kutti mahima. cant wait to see you get bitch slapped.

  19. Suni
    September 19, 14:00 Reply

    Arti , I just went looking for you on Saras page and you have come here 🙂

  20. Amena Hasan
    September 19, 14:00 Reply

    Hi friends, Chhan Chhan show ended today. Please read the last update as well. It was a good show but ended abruptly. Thanks.

    • AK
      September 19, 14:03

      That’s the problem with Sony they end shows when they are still young. I will definitely read.

  21. arti
    September 19, 13:57 Reply

    what the what the? you guys left us!

    • AK
      September 19, 13:59

      Arti where were you left

    • pinku
      September 19, 14:46

      welcome to my world

  22. AK
    September 19, 13:55 Reply

    Kris I hope that this forum lasts longer than depressing PR

    Hi Xia I am okay, you?
    I am available to chat now. …

    • Kris
      September 19, 13:56

      Yes AK, I hope so too, I like this show so far, I really love Raghu, His relationship with his mom and half siblings are really beautiful

    • AK
      September 19, 14:01

      Kris I second you

  23. Xia
    September 19, 13:50 Reply

    Me too good kris

  24. AK
    September 19, 13:50 Reply

    I am really hoping Ekta tries to convince Sushant to play opposite Ankita in the next generation leap

    • Suni
      September 19, 13:52

      Sushant might not return though , he has made a name for himself in Bollywood .. .

    • AK
      September 19, 13:58

      I read an article at indian-forums which stated he is available for any good television projects

    • Suni
      September 19, 14:02

      AK , they will have to pay him well and offer him a very good role .. ..

    • AK
      September 19, 14:09

      Ekta had a lot of money she can pay him well

  25. Suni
    September 19, 13:50 Reply

    I was wondering that Pinku 😀 .. .
    You will be torn between the 2 . …

  26. Kris
    September 19, 13:50 Reply

    Hi AK, how are you dear, well, we have a new forum to come to other than that depressing PR,
    HOpe we are not disappointed in this show, good so far

  27. Xia
    September 19, 13:49 Reply

    Yes di u r my sis so my bro is ur bro n my ak bro is also urr bro hiii bhaijaan i knw u ll not reply n go i hope u r fine

  28. Kris
    September 19, 13:48 Reply

    Hi Xia, I’m good and you?

  29. AK
    September 19, 13:48 Reply

    Hi Pinku?

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