Ek Mutthi Aasman 16th June 2014 Written Update

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Ek Mutthi Aasman 16th June 2014 Written Update by Atiba

Ek Mutthi Aasman 16th June 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1
Raghav holds the director and says how dare you to touch kalpi. He starts hitting him si bad. Kalpi is scared. Raghav calls police there. The director begs him not to call police. He says please i have a wife and childern. Please don’t do this. Kalpi stops Raghv. he says pardon me please. Ragahv says if you care about your wife you would never have done that. He runs away. Raghav says are you getting where you were about to stuck. Why you needed to be at such a place. Why didn’t you attend my call. What if i could not come at time. Receive my call whenever i call you. Kamla comes there and asks him what are you doing there. She asks kalpi why is she crying.Ragahv say the director she was giving interview was niot a right man. He plays with girls. I called you both but you didn’t receive. So i had to come here. Kamla says stop crying kalpi it happens to poors. These people play with our respect. She says thanks Ragahv. She says kalpi don’t ever give up. God sends help like he sent Ragahv singhaniya sahib. Ragahv says let me drop you home. Kamla says now i will only sit in the car my daughter will buy.

She and kalpi go out for house. Kamla says don’t worry kalpi everything will be okay. She says i am so hungry lets go to some resturant. Kalpi says no. Kamla says no lets go. They take an auto and go to a resturant.

They waiteress serevs them the food. Kalpi recalls all that happened she is quite upset. Kamla says let me tell you something when i started working i was scared at first. I thought i will never settle but i kept on trying. I tld my self that there are both kinds of people in the world. We haev to face them all, don’t give up.
the manager of the resturant comes there and says here we have by one get one free today. Its our five years celebrations. She tells her that this is our resturant my husband died and i started working. I mingled with some other widow ladies and now we out this place. Its better to own something than to be someone’s servant. kamla says thats a good listen. It was really nice talking to you.
Kamla says did you listen kalpi. Its always better to own something of yours. I think you should start your own business. Do you remember people in your chowl made you different dishes on your birthday. How about starting something like this. Kalpi says that a good idea. She says your food is alwasy tasty. We can start a small business on that. But we need money to invest. Where will we bring it from. Kamla says lets talk to baba first and then we’ll talk to other women.

Scene 2
Kamla and kalpi come home. Pakiya says has she got the job ? Kamla says she won’t work for someone. She will start her own business. She says to Vitthal baba me and ai wanna talk about something. Vitthal sits. Kamla says tell me one thing how many houses we have in this chowl. Pakiya says 16 i guess. Pakiya says let me go and confirm. Kalpi says that means we can have 16 dishes. That is good for the beginning. We will get things on rent and then we will own our own stuff. Vitthal says are you opening a hotel. Kamla says no kalpi is. People of chowl will work there. Nettu says such an stupid idea is that. You think a hotel on paper will work. And the people of chowl are going to help you. Vitthal says thats a good idea. This is best actually. Nettu says you are not getting it. It doesn’t work like that. Vitthal says my daughter can turn coal into diamond. She can do this. Nettu says let me see who works for them.

Kalpi and kamal go downstairs. Kalpi says i wanna talk about something. Kamla says me and kalpi have thought something for all of you. We all work for someone. How about starting something of our own. We wojnt have to work for someone and we can stil earn. We should use our talent. Kalpi says i am polanning to start busines of my own. You all are invited to take part, We will distribute the profit. They decide the dishes. Everyone is so happy with the idea. one asks is that gonna happen ? Kamla says yes that will happen. Ladies say that we will ask our husbands. Kalpi says i will go and look for the place. Manda says wow kalpi you are getting so warmed. Kalpi says if you all trust me then i can do the best. Kalpi says will they come ai ? Kamla says just trust God they all will.

Scene 3
At night kamla is in balcony. she recalls when she saw Ragahv at the office. She calls Pakhi. She asks oakhi how are you ? Pakhi asks her too. Kamla says i am always worried about you. I pray for you everyday. Pakhi says the why have you to be worried ? You pray that enough. kamla asks i wanna ask what between you and Ragahv. Pakhi says he is getting humbled day by day. He will start loving me. Kamla says just trust in God and one day you will come close. No one will come between you. Pakhi says when you pray i feel that everything will be good with me. She asks how is kalpi ? Kamla says she is good. She is starting a new business with people of chowl. We just need their help. Pakhi says thats so good. I will be kalpi’s first costumer. I will have your food everyday. Kamla says should I tell her about the sindur thing. She then says no. It will just hurt her.

Precap-Ragahv says to kalpi outside chowl, you can work in my office. If you want you don’t have to work anywhere else. He says i love you kalpi. I can’t live without you. Kamla sees them..

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  1. Dil Paridhi Sen
    June 17, 10:07 Reply

    this show is full of madness…..why the hell don’t they just end this damn stupid show……it doesn’t depict any piece of the sky, there’s just crying, sorrow, and stupidity………. kalpi is so crazy, she’s waiting for a guy for a whole year, if raghav really loved her he wouldn’t have hurt her by marrying Pakhi……. you both loved each other, but what is done is done and now raghav is raghav’s wife and you’re juste the woman in the middle……….move on with your life kalpi and leave this husband and wife together……..quit trying to fight for something that doesn’t make any kind of sense……….there are many guys out there go find another one and stop crying over spoilt milk………..FYI true love doesn’t happen only once, take rachna for example, she had three guys and still she’s happy even after being rejected by some of them………..so move on and get a life

    • Dil Paridhi Sen
      June 17, 10:09

      pakhi is raghav’s wife not raghav is raghav’s wife

  2. farida uttan
    June 17, 06:52 Reply

    so true – kamla is sacrifing her own flesh and blood for the happiness of Paakhi. I only hope that Raghav and Kalpi get back together

  3. hotfingers
    June 16, 19:06 Reply

    Why is Kamala giving false hopes to Pakki, she knows Raghav only married her for revenge and not love…He loves Kalpi, why is she being so blind to this fact…Raghav’s mother needs to stop all of this trash let the law do their job, and the writers get a better story line. They need to get Kalpi and Raghav back together….this story is really going down the tubes…They are playing games with us by giving us a bit of Kalpi and Raghav hoping that they will be together soon….I just hate this show right now. that is why I only do the read up and don’t watch anymore and won’t watch until the story line leads back to Kalpi and Raghav…can’t anyone be happy in these stories…I know a bit of drama has to happen, but this is a bit too much….Kamala is no mother to Kalpi she is only doing all of this to get Raghav off her mind and hoping that Pakki will get closer to Raghav…..stupid woman…real selfish…writers get on with it.

  4. Sony
    June 16, 14:14 Reply

    Guys!!!! Forget about RaGna I bet kalpi’s character is also going to be exit!!! A restaurant what was her goal now degraded to what seriously EMA get a life!!!! We look like fools to follow your story…

  5. mujahid
    June 16, 12:19 Reply

    guys. i think that after one year kamala never allow to ragna unite becoz in todays episode kamala told that to paki no one is come between her n raghav.after one year kalpi built her own venture then kalpi wants to meet raghav. again kamala give brainwash speech to kamala n separate ragna forever.the writers clearly shows that there is no chance of ragna unite.atleast writers block the ragna moments.n pair raghav n paki,then kalpi should get out of everydays hell.how u feel this guys.

    • M@hi
      June 16, 12:22

      That’s what I see coming. Raghav needs to stop being nice towards Pakhi if his mom does’t want them to divorce now. He’s intelligent but now he looks dumb as well.

    • daisy
      June 17, 09:43

      I agree with you guys, but I think Ragav should tell pookie that he cannot live without Kalpi and she is building dreams that will never happen and he should let her know the deal with Kalpi to wait for one year, but in the mean time he is going back to America since he cant be in the same place and cannot see her. and he will be back in one year when he can unite with her. and leave her sorry ass alone with her and Kamla so called dreams. she is very selfish, only thinking about herself if she cared a little for kalpi, knowing that Ragav dont love her and He and Kalpi are in love she will remember all that Kamla have done for her and step aside and gave them a chance to unite.

  6. don
    June 16, 12:11 Reply

    I am latecomer to this show.
    Started watching this serial after hearing about Ragna chemistry.
    I do agree they have great chemistry.

    But I dont know what is the fuss all about this 1 year wait and why is this Kamla ma reacting as if the world have swolled her daughter?

    Ok Raghav has to fulfill his promise to his mom , he made a drastic decision without thinking and paying the price of being away from his lady love. So he explained to her why he did this and all he is asking is 1 year and Kalpi has agreed. This is between them. Two matured educated adults making a decision.

    Why the heck has the writers made a big huge fuss out of this issue of 1 year as if its some horrible mishap has happened and its end of the world!

    Come on.writers…people who are watching this show are educated people of new era. You should spin your tale in line of todays era. Even if relates to orthodox family who live in chowl.

    You have potraited Kalpi as an intelligent ,confident,brave, self -respected and career minded person who has a mind of her own. Remember how she was not afraid of Raghav and she told him off when he was rude to her in the jungle and Alibarg.
    Now why are you potraying her as some feeble minded female who is lost in space when Raghav has put the sindoor and declared her as his wife and god as witness!
    She should have confidence and trust in the man she loves. When you love a person , you should have the trust. Otherwise its better not to love .

    Kamla is not doing any good to her daughter. She is degrading her daughter to the lowest being and killing Kalpi’s self esteem to the maximum. What mother does this? SHe seem to be hellbent to separate them both just bcoz of this funny character called Pakhi. There is no chemistry btwn her and Raghav. They look awful together. If its going to about Raghav and Pakhi for future EMA’s future, its sure going to loose their viewers and its gonna be a sudden death for EMA for sure.

    The strength of EMA is Ragna…the producer,writers and directors and sponsor better recognize this and do not do any damage your crowd puller point.

    Well best of luck … should be following up next few series to see if the restaurant idea is working out and if Raghav will be part of Kalpi’s life.

    Anyone here go for a job interview with your mother these days? Another silly story. They could have just made it that Kamla will just come to accompany her home after Kalpi finishes all her interview for the day.

    Since this Kamla got bad reputation from all their viewers lately I think they are trying to get her into the good books of viewers by being nice to Raghav and telling he is god sent!!!

    And how is it that everytime Kalpi gets to meet Raghav , Kamla is there…stop it . Let the lovebirds meet and talk. Give them the space they need. At least let them talk and understand their situation and have some acceptance.

    Everytime this Kamla seem to interfering and not allowing any space. This writer who write this character must be a real irritating specimem.

    Well best of luck to the rest of them!

    • M@hi
      June 16, 12:20

      Hi. Most of the EMA fans want the TRP to drop because of the things you stated here. There used to be lots of intelligent comments like yours here but we have stopped. Just a few. Lets the see TRPs this week.

    • Sam
      June 16, 12:29

      well said…..bravo!!!…I guess they think their viewers live under a rock….I fine pakhi and sammy suit eachother if they give the guys proper air time…he acts way better than pakhi and is seen less….

    • don
      June 17, 00:39

      Cheers Mahi and Sam…

      Yes I read some of your past comments. Seems like EMA writers had done alot of damage.

      I dont see many comments from both of you and others like Phonenix,KRis,SKF, etc lately

      Well lets wait and watch…otherwise its sayonara EMA!

      Will miss Aishish Chaudhry and Rachana though!
      Gosh how can Aishish be so damn good looking!!!!!

  7. ISa
    June 16, 11:51 Reply

    why are all the good things happening to pakhi ..everything s indicating towards pakhi .. pls dont mke raghav look like a villian in the future tryimg to get kalpi plsssss unite ragna please doi something to make kamla eyes open let her see thAT RAGNA ARE MADE FOR EACH OTHER

  8. skd
    June 16, 11:31 Reply

    Wat it happens to poor?..?.???? Poor is not an illness damn it. Kalpi instead of crying n shout u shld have slapped that brute . take your cham pal n teach him a lesson. Writers shame man. Everybody is talking of women power in India. When u guys gonna use a bit that brain of urs.???? U want kalpi to became independent but dragging useless kamla all the way wherever she is.give us breakkkkkkkkkkkkk..

    • M@hi
      June 16, 12:21

      Exactly, being poor isn’t some sick and it isn’t a sin.

  9. hotfingers
    June 16, 10:52 Reply

    why the hell is kamala brain washing Kalpiand she is listening because she has been made to think that she is the bad person her. All she ever did was fall in love with Raghav and he with her, and because of this stupid revenge, they have to stay apart….get this story line over with….I just love to see Pakki suffer by the hands of Raghav mothr, hope she does more to her.

    • daisy
      June 17, 09:51

      Correct me if i am wrong, didnt ragav married Paki to make her suffer in order to get to the Kapoors, he claimed she was the weak link to the Kapoors, well from where I stand Kalpi is the one suffering and Paki is living it up high and more happy than all of them. This story make no sense any more.

  10. Sam
    June 16, 10:48 Reply

    what hell kamla is kalpi gps everytime she have a moment wit raghav she s there smh

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