Ek Mutthi Aasman 29th May 2014 Written Update

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Ek Mutthi Aasman 29th May 2014 Written Update by Atiba

Ek Mutthi Aasman 29th May 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1
Gauri takes out all the pictures and surround herself with them. She sets them on fire. Raghav says please don’t so this mom. Stop it. He breaks the window and jumps in. He saves Gauri and says what were you doing mom ? I go you after such a long time I can’t lose you now.
Kalpi looks at the watch then she recalls her promise with Kamla.

Raghav says to Gauri that okay mom if you want me to take take revenge only then I will do that. Your life matters more than my life and my love. I will forget her and will remember my revenge only. Gauri says i am your mom i understnad you. We have to do this. If you have to make your future life perfect then you have to clear your past. We have to get done with that first. We have suffered a lot. We have been through a lot of pain after your dad’s death. We will never be able to live in peace until we don’t destroy them. Raghav says if you want that then only this will happen. Don’t ever endanger your life again. Gauri says just for one year. When will be done with our vengeance I will do a pooja for your dad. That will be the biggest day of my life. Don’t distract till then
Raghav thinks what can i do. I don’t wanna lose mom and can’t lose kalpo for another time.

Scene 2
Pakhi is outside. SHe recalls Kamla telling her that this wedding locket is so powerful. She say I will be on her hopes. I will win hearts of Raghav and Gauri. I will show Kamla maa that her upbringing was done well. I will get my Raghav.

Scene 3
Sammy says to Kalpi look its almost 10. You know Raghav he will kill himself if you don’t go. Kalpi is so confused. Pakiya announces that my A baba will dance now. Vitthal says have you gone mad pakiya ? He takes them to the floor. Kalpi is so confused. She is looking at the watch again and again.
Vitthal and Kamla are enjoying the dance on ‘sari k fall’. Sammy says lets go kalpi. You know Raghav loves you so much and he can do anything for you.
Kalpi goes inside. Raghav is in car. He says I have to tell kalpi that she has to wait for 1 hour after that we will be one.
Sammy calls him. Ragahv says I am on the same spot again sammy. I thought i will meet and tell her that I will divorce her. Mom wants me to stay away from kalpi for a year. She doesn’t want me to divorce Pakhi. Mom tried to kill herself. I have to make kalpi agree. How will i meet kalpi and tell her that she has to wait for a whole year. I don’t know what to do. I am on the same place where i have to choose between my mom and kalpi. Sammy says decide something you don’t ahve time. Ragahv says thats the problem with me always.

Kalpi feels her conscience saying that you think about the promise you made to your mom b ut what about the one with Ragahv. He will kill himself if you don’t go to meet him. He will kill himself. Is a vow important than someone’s life. You have to go there. There were times when you could against whole world for Ragahv. You can make her agree. SHe will understand that her promise is not important than someone’s life. You know how stubborn he is. He will kill himself if you don’t go.
KAlpi says but how can i break the promise of my ai. Ragahv betrayed me and broke my trust. She is the one who trusted in me again and gave me new life. I won’t go to meet Raghav.

Scene 4
Pakhi comes home and looks for Raghav. She wonders where he is. SHe goes upstairs and knocks the door of Gauri ? Gauri says what are you here for ? Pakhi says I was looking for Raghav. Its my birthday.. GArui says so what can I do ? Its better that you stay in your limits. We have favored you by letting you live here. No one is interested in your birthday. Go alone and eat your cake. It will be better that you understand taht rest of your life will be like this, Alone and without any sweetness. You should be grateful that you are here and we didn’t throw you out. You would be in that chowl with your parents.
Pakhi goes running to mummy ji. SHe is crying so hard. Muumy asks whats wrong pakhi ? Pakhi says Ragahv has not accepted me dadi but i won’t give up. My fight is difficult but not impossible. I wished that i could marry Raghav and now i want Raghav to accept me as his wife. I know its not a piece of cake. I will wait till teh last day. I know Raghav and Gauri aunty will accept me. Mummy ji says this wedlock is so powerful. No one can take Ragahv from you. Pakhi hugs mummy ji.

Scene 5
Ragahv recahes the clif near the temple.
There is the chowl, Pakiya says we have a new performance here. Some dancers come and dance on the song ‘lungi dance’ Everyone is enjoying except for kalpi. She is so tensed. Someone goes and switches off the main switch of the chowl. Its dark everywhere. Kalpi says forgive me God I am breaking the promise i made to my mo but i can’t let Ragahv kill himself.

Precap- Kalpi goes to the temple and looks for Ragahv everywhere she can’t find him. She says you betrayed me again Raghav you didn’t come. I broke Ai’s promise to save but look you even didn’t bother to come.

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  1. sonia
    May 29, 18:04 Reply

    Hii devya can I ask why laughter

    • devya
      May 29, 19:29

      Hi Sonia,The description u give to Pakhi …it SHOWS how the word appropriately fits her character..it just bring smiles my dear…

  2. angel
    May 29, 17:21 Reply

    OMG what madness is this…what has this show turn to….somebody really needs to Straighten out this Gauri character…..she’s making this entire show crappy….not that it wasn’t before…..but she’s making it worst

    what about Raghavindra, doesn’t he have a mind of his own?…..well it sure as hell seem to me that he doesn’t….he’s just being tossed around like a helpless puppet…..he really needs to man up BIG TIME

  3. Observer
    May 29, 17:07 Reply

    Rachana Parulkar and Ashish Chowdhry are equally beautiful and handsome respectfully.

    Their acting ability is superseding hence my conclusion that they have short-changed themselves by becoming involved in this tacky show.

    And by the way……….. the only character lacking in this show is……an EXORCIST.

    He has intense work to do beginning with the writer/Director!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Kris
      May 29, 17:09

      lol, 😀

      Wait give Kamla a chance she might as well be an exorcist too lol

  4. Kris
    May 29, 16:30 Reply

    Paige don’t hurt your head over that PR crap, that show has turned into total crap gradually and getting more and more crappy and immoral, like all of Ekta Kapoor’s serials do in the end.

    It shoud have been Ovi, not Ankita, There’s no comparison with what Ankita did, why she did what she did, to Paaki’s situation.
    Not even so much Ovi, because in Ovi’s case she was inlove with Arjun who agreed to marry her because of her ridiculous behaviour. Arjun was not in love with anyone else at all, but due to his humanity and not wanting Ovi to go down the wrong path he agreed to marry her, by force I must add.
    But, Arjun left Canada, went to India, met Purvi, fell genuinely inlove with the girl, before he could get a chance to talk to Ovi and her father, they organised a surprise engagement in India and made the announcement which surprised Arjun and Purvi.
    Everyone was so in love with Arjun and Purvi, same as with Raghav and Kalpi.
    I think in the history of serials, these two pairs have the best chemistry on screen,
    Now off screen the actor and actress of Arjun and Purvi are a real life couple.

  5. sonia
    May 29, 15:51 Reply

    Hii everyone u know I think pakhi is behaving like one desperate bimbo she is trying to throw herself on raghav and saying my raghav my raghav when will she understand raghav never was never is and never will be her’s he is only and only made for kalpi.
    And this mummyji what she is saying that pakhi and raghav’s relationship is strong because of that wedding locket but mummyji is forgetting that the most strong relationship in this world is of love, marriages can be broken but love cannot and raghav and kalpi love eachother and they are meant for eachother.

    • devya
      May 29, 16:44

      Sonia,mummyji is joining her dearest granddaughter in the world of illusions…mummyji is aware of the heinous crime her son committed n yet wants the family to accept n love her granddaughter. So they can be a Royal FAMILY. Stop sleeping mummyji wake up n help your beloved pakhi face REALITY..

  6. Kris
    May 29, 15:50 Reply

    For those who want to talk about marriage is not a joke and all that supposedly morality crap like Kamla, you should also sit and think hard, is it moral or right to separate two souls who are so much in love, who deserve to be loved in this world.
    Raghav poor thing was deprived of love from both his parents from a young age cue to Paaki’s parents, now as an adult he is being deprived of have the love of his life and the love of Kalpi who herself was deprived of her motherly love and attention for Paakhi and who now also found love in the form of Raghav, who gives her attention and love, who is kind and generous. Now only to be deprived each other by some selfish people for their own vain and selfish motives.
    No no no no, this is so wrong. Kamla and Paakhi and that granny are all wrong. Gaurie is so wrong too.

    • Paige S
      May 29, 16:02

      I hear you Kris. I so agree with all that you say. Completely agree.

    • M@hi
      May 29, 16:08

      Kris, I not too long said marriage isn’t a game lol. I’d stick to my statement but my main point is Kalpi and Raghav were both deprived of love in their own way. Now they found each other and fell in love they deserve to stay together.

    • Paige S
      May 29, 16:13

      Rightly said Mahi

    • devya
      May 29, 17:07

      I agree with u Kris the whole pack if them From mummyji to pakhi is a set of cruel HEARTLESS people who don’t have no lice in THEIR HEART. They r a selfish to KEEP on punishing 2innocent soul. No good.

  7. sonia
    May 29, 15:50 Reply

    Hii everyone u know I think pakhi is behaving like one desperate bimbo she is trying to throw herself on raghav and saying my raghav my raghav when will she understand raghav never was never is and never will be her he is only and only made for kalpi.
    And this mummyji what she is saying that pakhi and raghav’s relationship is strong because of that wedding locket but mummyji is forgetting that the most strong relationship in this world is of love, marriages can be broken but love cannot and raghav and kalpi love eachother and they are meant for eachother.

    • Kris
      May 29, 15:51

      I second that

    • M@hi
      May 29, 16:02

      Hi Sonia. I agree with you. Pakhi doesn’t fail to show her possessiveness. She always gets what she wants and due to circumstances she got married to the guy she dreamt of marrying but marriage didn’t make Raghav hers.

    • devya
      May 29, 16:45

      Sonia u n Kris bring laughter

    • devya
      May 29, 17:09

      My dear PAIGE should I be the fourth on that lol. Very interesting comments..

  8. Paige S
    May 29, 15:49 Reply

    Another point:

    Canada introduced a new law that requires a non-Canadian – who marries a Canadian/resident of Canada and migrates to that country – to live at least 2 years with the “spouse”. So if I legally married a man and move to Canada, I wouldn’t get my permanent right away. I would have to live for 2 years with that person and the immigration officials will make impromptu checks at the home to see if indeed we are living together. This is one of the ways of determining the genuineness of a marriage. We see here that having that legal paper does not necessarily establish a real marriage, if it did, then why didn’t I get my papers?

    Now what would happen if I don’t know this man well, don’t love him and never had any intention of living with him? I just wanted to marry someone to get into another country. Do I have to live with this man? If you tell me that regardless, I am married to the man, then why don’t the immigration authorities accept that and give me my permanent status? I mean I have a legal paper, after all. Why wait after 2 years? And if you don’t recognise the marriage as real, then why not? I mean, I have a legal document with signatures and all to prove I married the man, right? Do you see how this can go? But we can’t leave it as that. That is why the question has been asked what constitutes a real marriage? There are other arguments. There are women who are raped in their own marriages. In more developed countries, why are such men put into jail? It shows that a legal paper doesn’t mean or entitles someone to violate another person or to force yourself upon another person or do things to them against their will. Everything must be consensual. Then that relationship becomes real.

    In Paaki’s case, what she is attempting to do (i.e lure Raghav to her) is purely her own doing and has no bearings, in this case, to that marriage paper, especially since there was no wilful intent to form a relationship that will be built on the sacred elements that truly determines a real marriage. In other words, I can’t use a piece of paper to justify my actions, when all other elements that ought to support that paper are missing. That is why I never justified Paaki’s advancement towards Raghav despite the presence of the paper. Two people must purposefully, wilfully and intentionally commit to each other, must want to be with each, and must want to love each other.

    • Kris
      May 29, 15:53

      Exactly Paige exactly, people see things only for their own convenience and cannot see the bigger picture.
      They are stuck in a wheel going round and round and round and cannot see outside of it, they only see black as black and white as white and not the colors that surrounds it.

    • Paige S
      May 29, 16:12

      Moreover Kris, if I were a woman who married for an ulterior motive (say to move to anothe country) isn’t it a bigger sin, or a dirty thing to engage intimately with a man just to satisfy authorities so I can get my paper? I mean that is badddddddd!!!!!!! Even if I have a legal paper, my intention was just to achieve an ulterior motive, not to be with him. So how can i survive in a situation like that when either has any intention of forming a relationship and being together?

      I mean that is dirty. That’s horrible and that’s not sacred. And think…how wonderful it would be for a marriage when it is built on love, trust, faith, a desire on both sides to be with each other, etc. That will make everything simply wonderful.

    • devya
      May 29, 17:02

      Very interesting comment my dear PAIGE,sorry THESE writers r not making any attempt OR effort to change THEIR scripts even u mentioned the team is having heated disagreements with VIEWERS. Why r they do bent in running around in circles like I mentioned last night.

      Pakhi, only want to prove she is innocent by apologising to kslpi..But deep within her heart she is happy she got the man of her dreams. Although she is bring treated so cheaply sHE is not giving up ,she is holding on for changes of heart from raghav n his mum…which I think will never happened.

      she also said she wants to prove that kamla MAA upbringing is GOOD. So by proving that SHE SHOULD have a serious convo WITH raghav n LEAVE him if she really loves him n was brought up with KAMLA instilled values cause according to this series kamla can sacrifices her happiness for another to be happy. That’s kamla true identity. So pakhi need to leave raghav if she really loves him n respects kamla teaching. N if he is meant to be with her it will happen if not then she will be at peace with herself.

  9. Paige S
    May 29, 14:36 Reply

    Hi AR, although I don’t look at Pavitra Ristra and don’t know what’s the story and characters are about, I will attempt to answer your question on “comparing Paaki and Ankita’s love”. From recollection, I think Ankita is the girl who married some guy of unsound mind and then he regains his memory and now he doesn’t remember her. Is this correct? And from what you are saying, this Ankita girl is trying to win him back (something like what Paaki is doing), hence you asking to compare hers and Paaki’s love, right?

    In the first instance, sometimes it is not always good giving a realistic answer to a situation portrayed in a serial. The difference is real life is more detailed than what the serials portrayed and good decision-making in matters of human interests requires as much and accurate information as possible. Because human lives are affected. Now, I want you to know what went into my supporting Raghav divorcing Paaki to marry Kalpi. My conviction is God hates divorce and marriage is established by God and out to be revered and respect. While that is understood the question is: what then constitutes a REAL marriage? For not all marriages are real. And trust me – and it may come as a surprise to some – a real marriage is not measured by the mere existence of a legal paper. Just ask the immigration officers and embassy representatives. This we dealt with in previous comments.

    To ensure I supported the right thing, I went further and sought counsel from my religious leader about the elements that constituted a real marriage, with reference to the Raghav-Paaki situation. Of course, I didn’t tell him that I was referring to a conflict in a serial because he might have told me that I am in need in counselling! Lol. Anyway, after listening to him, I realised that Raghav and Paaki doesn’t have a real marriage and the legal paper while legally shows two persons “supposedly wed”, that relationship misses everything else that makes a real marriage. A marriage of convenience is not a real marriage even though legal papers are there. The same can be said of Raghav and Paaki’s marriage. So yes, annulment is then the right decision for the sake of ensuring that each person go their separate way to find happiness and fulfilment and realise their dreams, etc,. than to “play happy” in something that is not real. Hence support for Raghav’s remedial actions freeing both parties to live their different lives.

    Therefore, if Paaki is being freed from such a relationship, she should be happy. If however, she chooses to try to “win” Raghav, knowing very well that he and Kalpi are very much in love and perhaps are planning to spend their lives together, then she is fighting a losing battle. There is a principle involved. Are you going to force someone to love you? That is no love. Even with the existence of a legal paper, there is no justification for her trying to force Raghav to love her, in the same way that no one can force Paaki to stop loving Raghav. Do you see it? If no one can’t stop her from loving Raghav, why should someone compel Raghav to love her? If we and others tell Paaki “you need to stop loving Raghav”, she won’t. She stands by her feelings. Therefore, why should we tell Raghav “you should love Paaki” and he must listen to us, when she won’t? Why is she correct to pursue him and why can’t he be correct for refusing to accept her? The answer lies in the emotions that develop from within. After all, two positives give a positive; two negatives gives a positive, but a negative and a positive (or a positive and a negative) doesn’t give a positive. It gives a negative.

    The guy who Ankita married can have his marriage annulled too, especially since it can be argued that he entered a marriage with an unsound mind. (You see I don’t know the details here but was there something about Ankita pretending to be the girl that the man of unsound mind remembered? I don’t know) Anyway, the man won’t be wrong for not wanting to be married to Ankita or accepting her love, if he doesn’t know who she is. In his mind, there was another person whom he loved and this Ankita person is not her. (I hope this is accurate ). He would not be wrong for rejecting her, her advances or her love. He doesn’t know her. If she insists on winning him, she can try. But it’s up to the guy if he wants to accept her at some future point, or not. The same can be said of Raghav. Paaki is trying her strategies because of a piece of paper. Similarly Ankita is trying her strategies because of their marriage (don’t know what form that took). In Paaki’s case, it won’t be right for her to force a man to love her when he loves someone else and wants to be that person. That would be her going between these two persons. In Ankita’s case, she can try, if the guy doesn’t have another person in his life. She may succeed. Their CIRCUMSTANCES would indicate whether their action/decision to pursue is justifiable and well worth it, or whether it is not. The thing is: one has to know when it is OK to pursue and when it is NOT OK to pursue. The circumstances in Paaki’s case indicates it is best not to pursue. Maybe, it is more conducive in Ankita’s case. ( I don’t know because I don’t watch PR)

    • Kris
      May 29, 15:44

      Paige, it is not the Ankita character in PR but previously, the Ovi character, she was in love with her best friend, he fell in love with her step sister, well they both fell in love with each other.
      The Ovi character was like Paaki, what Ovi want’s Ovi gets.
      She had proposed marriage to Arjun, he refused her because he did not love her, then she started throwing around herself fr every Tom Dick and Harry, and to save her from disgrace he agreed for marriage, but before they could set dates, engagements etc, he fell in love with the step sister, but did not knw they were related.
      This was in a different country altogether. He was supposed to marry the step sister but the witch Ovi blackmailed etc and he married her without loving her,
      It’s a whole lot of stupid drama in PR.
      So the comparison is between Paaki and Ovi, not Ankita.

    • Paige S
      May 29, 15:56

      Kris….I am totally confused with all that has happened in that PR situation. I read it but still couldn’t understand what I was reading. I tried very hard to follow Kris. I even had someone explained it to me and I stil couldn’t follow it.

      My apologies for not knowing the background of PR. I only heard of the part of a character named Ankita who married someone who lost his memory, who regained his memory, who now doesn’t recognise the wife, and which woman is trying to win him again. Again my humblest apologies to you and AR, I don’t know the background. I based my comments on what I was told about the story by someone who watches it. But anyway, at least we can take out the parts relevant to EMA! That still holds.

      And people still watch Pavitra Rishta??????????????
      Man, I’m confused!

    • Paige S
      May 29, 15:59

      Ok…I’m attempting this again. Was AR’s question to make the comparison between Paaki and Ankita? Or Paaki and Ovi? Is Ankita and Ovi the same? Or two different persons?

      You know…Kris…is it worth hurting my head to figure out PR? My head really hurts!

      I think I will stick to EMA alone. I understand EMA!!!!!

  10. Annonymos
    May 29, 14:30 Reply

    I think you guys are being a little too hard on Pakhi. She didn’t know that Raghav and Kalpi were in love and felt bad about it. She even apologized to Kalpi for it. You guys say that if she felt bad, she would have left Raghav and let him marry Kalpi. However, at the end of the day, he is her husband and she is just trying to make her marriage work. As for divorcing Raghav, you can’t expect her to just divorce Raghav a few days after they got married because he’s in love with another person. She probably respects her marriage and doesn’t want to immediately give up on it. Marriage is not a joke to marry today and divorce tommorow. She’s still holding on to her marriage because she loves Raghav and she is still newly married and thinks that in time Raghav would accept her. In time, if Raghav doesn’t accept her and is still in love with Kalpi, she would probably accept that he would never love her and actually leave Raghav to be with Kalpi just like Ovi in Pavitra Rishta divorced Arjun so he could be with Purvi whom he loved. (It took Ovi a year so Pakhi would probably take a year to realize this as well) Either way, if you guys put yourselves in Pakhi’s shoes,would you immediately decide to end your marriage the very same day that you got married just because you found out your husband is love with someone else.
    Plus, Gauri is too much. She is playing with her son’s future and happiness for her revenge. And the way she treats Pakhi is wrong as whatever Sahil and Neetu did to her and her family is not Pakhi’s fault and it is not fair for children to pay for the sins of their parents. By her doing this, she is showing that there is no difference between her and the Kapoors.

    • Kris
      May 29, 15:41

      ok but now she knows, so do something about it.
      This marriage IS A BIG JOKE of course,
      we have already discussed this marriage topic and Paige had gotten expert advice on what actually constitutes a real and sacred marriage.
      this signing of a piece of paper and everything that goes with it does not constitute the sanctity of a real marriage.

    • Kris
      May 29, 15:43

      Of course, I did it, my life is real, i went through a similar situation, circumstances were different, but marriage of convenience does not constitute the sanctity of a really marriage I must reiterate.

    • M@hi
      May 29, 15:51

      You have a point anonymous but Raghav told her that already. I guess she needs to confirm it.

    • A
      May 29, 16:23


      I totally agree with you.She’s an innocent victim.
      Marriage vows are not something to play with.
      Remember the priest would have invoked the presence
      Of the deities to bestow their blessings upon the couple.

      Within the year my friends Ragav will fall madly in love with
      Pakhi..His mother’s ill treatment towards Pakhi will be an
      advantage to the marriage..

      Not everyone is fortunate to marry the first love of their life..
      If something is not destined to be.. It will never happen..
      I am sorry for Kalpi.. But she is a smart girl.. She will soon
      rise above all this confusion and move on with her life..

      You don’t drown by falling in the water…
      You drown by staying there..

    • SKD
      May 30, 03:45

      To 2A’s

      What husband? And what marriage? If there is no love between both husband and wife, what vows??????? remember it was a court marriage, you just sign a contract, no vows were taken. It was just a ‘revenge’ contract. So where does the question of the wedg being sacred comes in this particular situation???

      A wedg is only scared when two people who are in love are joined together. Not when it is for name sake, that’s why in all cultures the word ‘divorce’ exist. You are given one life and you can’t go and doom same just bec you believe that marriage is for life when you are married to the ‘wrong’ person. It is indeed what most people wish for….but in real life there is no guarantee …..imagine one day you wake up and realize that the person u are married to is a ‘rapist’ so what do you stay with him bec you consider ‘wedg’ as being sacred?????

      Once again my friends, no intelligent person will stay in a relationship which is doomed from the very first day, unless you have very selfish reasons, i.e for material comfort, money, fame, one sided and egoistical one side love, it can’t even be called love bec love means generosity, selflessness, bec love is sacred.

      One sided love never makes a wedg successful. And remember guys Raghav only married Pakhi as he was compelled to by his mum to take revenge for his dad’s being monstrously killed by Pakhi’s mum and dad.
      Will anyone sane enough want to stay in such a relationship, where on your wedg day your ‘husband’ admits that he hates you and is in love with your friend for just the sake that u are wearing a ‘magalsutra’??????

      Let say Raghav marries Kalpi in mandir today by putg sindoor in Kapli ‘maang’, bec he loves and does not want to lose her. Can we blame him???? No we can’t.

      So what will Pakhi do, go and cry in Kamla’s lap with crocodile tears as she wants Raghav for herself???? And what will Kamla do? Ask Kalpi to sacrifice her love again for Pakhi’s sake

      No never, enough is enough , you dn’t go and sacrifice the precious love between two people which is something more scared than any bond to satisfy the ‘capricious’ WANT of somebody who is just being BLIND AND UTTER SELFISH!!!. What Pakhi wants, Pakhi can’t always get, that’s a reality that she has to accept and grow up with.!!!!

    • SKD
      May 30, 04:04

      Love is something sacred that can’t be force on anybody. It’s either you love someone or you dn’t. Lucky you if this is reciprocal and true for life…and more lucky you if you get to spend your life with that person!!! That is what we viewers feel between Raghav and Kalpi. True and innocent love free of any kind of emotional blackmail. A love which is pure and not selfish. A love worth fighting for!!! Pure love can not be and should not be sacrificed for the sake of anybody!!!

    • M@hi
      May 30, 07:59

      @SKD: I second that. It was just a court marriage. No vows and rituals. I’m so happy Raghav didn’t choose that road! Pakhi..ughhh.. I still don’t feel any sympathy for her.

    • Lima
      May 30, 10:46

      @ Annonymos Agree with you,

  11. krish
    May 29, 14:07 Reply

    it is so sad that kalpi always have to get whatever she wants after pakhi.1st kamalas love & now raghav. pakhi s whole life every thing she has got r things of stolen. her parents fulfill all her dreams gave her luxurious life from money they got by cheating singhania’s mothers love from kalpi & they gave her his dreamboy.
    just opposite raghav lost his father childhood.his mother is bake bt with a hater heart & now he is losing his love.how can pakhi even think he will love her.i hop raghav will now more angrily take his revenge and more rood with pakhi.

    • Kris
      May 29, 14:12

      Just want that divorce to happen, that will shatter the selfish Paakhi, if Gaurie wants to hurt the weakest link in the Kapoors, is for Raghav to Divorce Paakhi now.

    • M@hi
      May 29, 15:59

      Good point Krish. It is very true. I really hope a divorce happens soon as Kris is saying. Marriage isn’t a game however its time Kalpi gets what she deserves.

  12. Paige S
    May 29, 13:51 Reply

    Hi AR, I thought about your question on similiarities between Paaki and the character from PR. Just give me a few minutes and I will share my thoughts. I was thinking about it and I am trying to recall what I have heard about the PR character. Bear with me.

    • Kris
      May 29, 14:10

      Paige, it is not the Ankita character in PR but previously, the Ovi character, she was in love with her best friend, he fell in love with her step sister, well they both fell in love with each other.
      The Ovi character was like Paaki, what Ovi want’s Ovi gets.
      She had proposed marriage to Arjun, he refused her because he did not love her, then she started throwing around herself fr every Tom Dick and Harry, and to save her from disgrace he agreed for marriage, but before they could set dates, engagements etc, he fell in love with the step sister, but did not knw they were related.
      This was in a different country altogether. He was supposed to marry the step sister but the witch Ovi blackmailed etc and he married her without loving her,
      It’s a whole lot of stupid drama in PR.
      So the comparison is between Paaki and Ovi, not Ankita.

  13. Paige S
    May 29, 13:09 Reply

    Raghav looked so so handsome in that 1st May episode! Ashish is one heck of a handsome man! Very, very handsome. I just love how he dresses. i really love and admire a well dressed man. As they say “this man has it locked”

    May 29, 12:46 Reply

    “Your life matters more than my life and my love”. What an amazing son Raghav is to put his mother before himself. He’s prepare to give up his happiness for his mothers. Why can’t Gauri look at that tortured soul caught between a rock and a hard place for whatever decision he takes he’s going to displeased someone he loves very much.
    Gauri – no matter what you do now you cannot regain the lost years so why ruin your childs happiness. Whatever you do now can and will define his future. He has lost just as much as you have, maybe even more as he was so very young and alone. Do you want him to lose his future too, living out the rest of his life in regret. What is his sin that he has to pay the ultimate price. Your threat of suicide is just as good as you holding a gun to his head and giving him an ultimatum. A good mother will never put her child through this.

    3 families,3 mothers, so different but yet the same. 2 from rich homes and one from a poor one but all 3 so used to having their own way. Playing on the emotions of their loved ones in order to get what they want.

    I started to feel sorry for Gauri and all she went thru as well but couldn’t. A mother, having found her son after so many years should try to bond with him, catch up on lost time etc and not use him as her “weapon of destruction”.

    • Kris
      May 29, 14:05

      Any mother in their right sense would have thought about her child’s future firs and foremost before continuing on the road to revenge.
      Revenge can always come later and more powerful.

    • M@hi
      May 29, 16:12

      Both of you are correct. These mothers have placed their children’s happiness in the back seat and their own desires whether wealth or revenge comes first.

  15. Paige S
    May 29, 12:20 Reply

    I was looking at 1st May episode where Raghav and Kalpi danced at her success party. They both looked so gorgeous together, dressed similarly in white. During the dance Kapli told Raghav that she loved him (something he wanted to hear so long). I was just looking at what was playing out there. Great chemistry, deep romance, lovely dance….THERE IS DEEP LOVE. The girl loves him and he loves her. Their body language, eyes communication, movements….everything! I’m surely expecting something good tomorrow. This love will conquer.

    Paaki, you need to open your eyes and see what love is. Love is not forcing someone to like you. Are you crazy? It is willingly done and it just happens and it develops thereafter. You can’t make it or buy it like candies. I hate to see a woman forcing herself onto a man who wants nothing to do with her. The more I observe Raghav, the more I like him. Although he has her in the house, he never “put the moves on her”, you know. He kept her at a distance, ensure there is no physical contact, no lovey-dovey stuff. Not even lovey-dovey words. I respect that. But that girl, trying to put the moves on him. Shameful!
    True love starts inside of us. In our minds and heart we must accept the other person before anything physical like dating, and holding hands, etc can occur. She is trying all the physical moves knowing that heart and mind do not accept her. no matter how much i love someone, there is no way I am doing anything like what Paaki is doing, especially when I know the other person does not like me. I have to be a low person to throw myself at a man who doesn’t like me. It doesn’t matter how much I love him, i am not doing anything like that to him. Paaki is forceful. Even Genie in Alladin knows that love cannot be forced. He did tell Alladin that when he told the boy he will grant him 3 wishes for anything he wants. EXCEPT, says the Genie, I can’t make someone fall in love with you. The Genie was darn right. Love cannot be wished for, manufactured or forced. It must come naturally because it must comes from the heart and from a free will. That Genie is smart!

    • AR
      May 29, 12:46

      How do you compare Pakhi’s love with Ankita’s (PR) love.?

    • Paige S
      May 29, 13:12

      Sorry, I can’t say. I don’t look at Pavitra Rishta. I manage to get the PR name right because I heard people mention the name in connection with Pavitra Rishta. EMA is the only serial i watch. I don’t know anything about Pavitra apart from bits I hear from those who watch it. Don’t know anything about the characters either.

  16. abc
    May 29, 11:50 Reply

    i don’t understand the story line of this
    it is very complicated and boring too

  17. devya
    May 29, 11:49 Reply

    Hi friends good morning/evening. Trust all is good with all of you..u know regarding these scripts it left me to smile n THINK WHAT r these writers up to.

    Can anyone say where DID gouri get the estimated time limit of a year raghav Will be victorious over the kapoors……n she WILL celebrate THE victory by DOING pooja…DID she set the time frame by endangering her son’s life…..don’t she realized he HAVE to deal WITH criminals,murderer to accomplish HIS mission…..suppose raghav can’t complete his mission in the time frame of a year. What WILL be gouri next move…..So raghav life presently is revolve only on revenge. There’s is no room for his personal happiness……

    Gouri don’t HAVE a disciplined mind n such her priorities r disarranged n she is dragging raghav into the same….I think these characters have no belief in God. They wants to do God WORK. Gouri fail to realized WHAT man proposed God can dispose. I’m sorry for poor raghav. He is crying out in pain n his HEARTLESS mother is not observing…she is playing dumb n blind to see her son agony….I can’t see why THESE MOTHERS r imposing laws on their grown up kids. They r not leaving them to MAKE decisions n choices on their own. They r just implementing THEIR OWN laws. N making their kids life so miserable n unhappy
    Their cruelties r just beyond imagination. Insane mother gouri.

    I’ll be back later. After seeing the SHOW.

  18. krish
    May 29, 11:17 Reply

    neetu did the same thing for kalpi that kamala did for raghav when he wanted to get out from kapoors.raghav was right now clock will turn in reverse direction.bt it will definately make raghav & kalpi reunioun tough.there is no hop that pakhi that spoil brat will devorse raghav. kamala will support her too. it may happen this time neetu will support kalpi or do right thing 1st time in her life.if its going to be like purvi ovi & arjun pavitra rishta i am not going to watch.eager to see raghav & kalpi tomorrow.i hop they don’t drag anymore to monday.pakhi is making mistake 2nd time.raghav is not a pen she can take away from kalpi.on more important no one knows about court marriage. kamala has seen god is with kalpi.still every one don’t know neetu make kalpi fail.

  19. priyanka
    May 29, 10:51 Reply

    guys!paaki is also not wrong and she is trying her best to respect her marriage.she has every right to get happiness.her dialogues in the episode seems that she will be getting love from raghav and gauri but what about kalpana??
    i think after raghav will secretly marry kalpana…kalpi will try to remove all the hatred from gauri and raghav’s mind for paaki.then i think there will be another drama in the show that gauri will be in dilemma whom to choose as her bride kalpi or paki!!!!!!!!
    ema is such unpredictable!!!!!!!
    whatever may be the matter! guys we want raghav and kalpi to be united….also no chemistry can be built between raghav and paaki…..

    • Kris
      May 29, 11:47

      I strongly feel that will happen too,
      That is why Raghav should divorce Paakhi now and get rid of her
      Don’t think I could take the drama of Raghav being married to Paakhi and not Kalpi, and all that love triangle shit that Ekta has in her serials.
      This is supposed to be different.
      I disagree with you on Paakhi, though, she is wrong, she knows why Raghav got married to her, she knows Raghav and Kalpi are in love with each other, but Paakhi is selfish and Paakhi gets what Paakhi wants regardless of the consequences.
      That marriage is not a “marriage” but revenge and Paakhi know it very well.
      If she truly loves Raghav, she would help him in his revenge, ste him free to be with Kalpi and still help with his revenge.

    • Paige S
      May 29, 12:02

      Agree with you there Kris.

    • skd
      May 29, 12:03

      nt wrng. That was before she was aware of Rags n Kalpi being in luv. Why wil a supposedly inteligent girl want 2 stay in a fake wdg?.bec she is as selfish as hell. She needs 2 cme back 2 reality . Understand once 4 all that Rags luv Kalpi n that 4 life. She can go n live with Kamla n get n nt thk of trapg rags

  20. sdf
    May 29, 10:46 Reply

    So sad to see Raghav. Miss seeing Raghav and Kalpi together. Please let them meet at the temple.. dont let them miss each other.

    When I see the precap…Kamla looking for Kalpi getting so irritated. Why cant she just leave Kalpi alone. Does she have to be on her Kalpi ‘s back like a shadow all the time. Kalpi is grown up she can make her own decision …

  21. Miss Unbelievable
    May 29, 10:40 Reply

    im tense but i will relax

    pakhi never cease to amaze me. She surely does have Kamla’s teachings and values for sure. But im really glad that this birthday of Kalpi is spent with her family despite the disturbance of rhagav

    and to ask someone to wait for you for a year i think its ridiculous and selfish. It’s not like he had to go to another country for various reasons that would benefit both. Poor Kalpi being tortured to see rhagav and pakhi married in the same city as herself. Poor Kalpi will have to bare this pain and at the same time Rhagav will send her love notes.

    And knowing Pakhi the kamlaa maa card will be played as she will tell Kamla that Kalpi is shameless in stealing her husband. Plus the revenge clause to make Pakhi suffer will Kalpi even agree to this. Im not gonna lie Pakhi deserves this for her selfishness but this torture of both girls will tear them both apart.

    If Kalpi decides to wait I prefer she does it another city where she can concentrate on her life and not see the image of Rhagki. That burns trust me on that.

    Gaurie and Kamla are competing for the worst mother award.

    • Kris
      May 29, 11:48

      I agree MU

  22. Anonymous
    May 29, 10:37 Reply

    heh, heh, go Pakhi go , he is your husband go and claim him.

    • Paige S
      May 29, 12:23

      ( i fainted at the thought) lol….

    • Kris
      May 29, 12:28


    • AR
      May 29, 12:52

      Anonymous, I am right there with you. I support Pahki, she is married legally, despite the conditions under which the marriage took place and I agree .
      Pakhi, u fight for ur husband girl.

      Take a page from Ankita’s PR. don’t give up.

    • devya
      May 29, 17:37

      U guys r do HUMOROUS. Bring laughter with your COMMENTS.Lol. very interesting to READ. Yes pakhi demands your rights girl lol. legal marriage have more power than the ceremonial ones in REALITY.

      Advice to pakhi for being a nice n good girl n a real image as that of kamla maa daughter n to closed gouri mouth for the torturing she is giving YOU….have a convo WITH raghav on an amicable way no haste or anger n give raghav a divorce n demand the share of a legal wife n moved on nice n happily ever AFTER n let gouri figures out how SHE WILL avenge her husband death.


  23. skd
    May 29, 10:33 Reply

    Raghav is there guys. He n kalpi sld get marrid n run away frm their crazy mums n capricious n selfish n dumbo Paki. They can cme back after a yr after bcg parent of a lovely baby.

    • Kris
      May 29, 10:37

      I second that,

    • Miss Unbelievable
      May 29, 10:42

      then that would be bigammy.

      and he would be charged for that. He would then have to divorce both wives and then marry Kalpi again

      plus Kalpi;s thinking and dignity would not make her run off with a married man. Society will burn her more for that than being left at the altar

    • Kris
      May 29, 12:28

      Oh, I’d think by now he should have annulled that damn sham of a marriage.

    • M@hi
      May 29, 12:33

      MU, I don’t think they check on bigamy lol. If Raghav rubs sindoor on Kalpi is has to be unexpectedly because knowing Kalpi she would want to keep her promise to Kamla.

    • devya
      May 29, 17:42

      Nice one Skd,nice fairy tale. Pakhi should be a good girl n SHOW the good values kamla maa instilled in her n give raghav a divorce n amicably ask for her share as a legal wife n moved on happily n leave gouri to figure out how she WILL avenge het husband death. Lol. In our dreams pakhi WILL do THST. Lol

    • angel
      May 29, 17:51

      That would just make Kalpi Raghav’s Mistress

  24. Kris
    May 29, 10:27 Reply

    Somebody knock some damn sense into Paakhi’s head, oh, bother, she has Kamla’s upbringing after all. She can’t think for herself, oh nooo, she is thinking, regardles the situation she has Raghav and that is all that matters.
    Why cna’t Gaurie see that the being married to that damn girl will not ruin the Kapoors but make things worse for Raghav.
    hope tomorrow brings some hope to us for the weekend, hope Raghav show up in the nick of time and Kalpi don’t lose her truest in him again. Please Raghav please show

    • Kris
      May 29, 10:32

      I just looked at the video, Raghav is there people, he is around,
      hope he did not jump, but he is there.

    • Kris
      May 29, 10:32

      oh another thing, i really don’t like that song and the dance they doing in the last scene. Yuck

    • Kris
      May 29, 10:37

      It looks like it’s Neetu who took off the lights.

    • devya
      May 29, 17:53

      Kris,I think if Pakhi wants to prove she value kamla maa upbringing n instilled values. All she needs to do have an amicable convo WITH raghav n have her share as a legal wife and move on leaving gouri to figure out how she will avenge her husband death.

      And by DOING that she WILL definitely prove to be kamla daughter cause she give up her so call happiness for raghav n kalpi to be happy. In this series kamla is making such sacrifices to see others happy. So I think if Pakhi do THAT then she really respects KAMLA MAA teaching lol.

    • devya
      May 29, 17:56

      Kris , i forget the main part pakhi give rags a divorce TAKE her share n move out from Gouri torturing n go live happily ever AFTER..

  25. Sakthi
    May 29, 10:22 Reply

    This pakhi s waste ….. Always irritating me by saying wedlock is powerful…… Oh god she is annoying

    • iCandy
      May 29, 10:25

      She is STUPID!

  26. Paige S
    May 29, 10:18 Reply

    Paaki!!!!! Grrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!
    Shoo! Go away. Imagine only on the birthday itself this girl tells Kalpi that if they had known about Kalpi’s and Raghav’s love, she won’t come between and goes home to win the man and romance him. She has no shame! I am not sorry for her still. See, how her actions betrays what she says. She is still self-centred. Always out to get what she wants and don’t care for anyone. She took away Kamla from Kalpi and did so very aggressively like not letting Kamla spend Kalpi’s birthday with her when they were little, etc and now with the same self-centreness she’s going after Raghav. Why is this girl like this? Gosh…spare a thought for people other than yourself , Pakki!!!

    Shoo… go away!

    • devya
      May 29, 20:08

      PAIGE,where r u sending pakhi to go do charitable work with her beloved kamla MAA lol…they’re causing so MUCH chaos..n gouri is like another hurricane come to destroy. She should do the destruction herself n left out cutie raghav. Instead she is using him as destructive weapon. Poor boy.

  27. iCandy
    May 29, 10:15 Reply

    What I don’t get is Pakhi…..yeaterday she went to kalpis home an apologised to kalpi for not knowing about her and raghav’s love. In today’s episode, now she knows about their love but she says to herself “I WILL GET MY RAGHAV.” What the hell?

    As for Raghav, he disappoints Kalpi again as seen in the precap. Now he will lose her for good.

    It’s time a dashing new male enters the show and falls in love with Kalpi. Due to Kalpi’s heart being broken twice by Raghav, she will have issues trusting other guys. Raghav should see the guy pursuing Kalpi and be angered by it…

    • Paige S
      May 29, 10:20

      Agree with your thoughts in Paaki.

      But no, no …no knew male lead for Kalpo. Raghav is meant for her. He will turn up. He is probably behind the temple and Kalpi didn’t see him yet! Now I am tensed as though I am there and hiding from Kamla, lol

    • iCandy
      May 29, 10:24

      lol @ you being tensed…I know how you feel.

      I always wanted to see Kalpi and raghav together but now it’s becoming almost ridiculous…

    • M@hi
      May 29, 10:26

      Kamla and Pakhi are the two biggest obstacles in their lives. Both Kamla and Pakhi are selfish. Kamla is using Kalpi to fulfil her goal of keeping Pakhi happy. I wonder is Kalpi really Kamla’s daughter..I don’t think she is.

    • iCandy
      May 29, 10:33

      M@hi I totally agree. Seems like pakhi is the biological daughter of Kamla. If i were kalpi I would have given kamla a piece of mind and then tell her to choose, either Pakhi or me. I think she would have chosen Pakhi though lol…

  28. Paige S
    May 29, 10:14 Reply

    I know Raghav will go and meet her. My gosh…my heart was racing with excitement and suspense as I read this write up. I can’t wait to see this tonight. Hope is surging through me. He will go. Well done Kalpi for going. I like the way you were thinking. Straight and independent. Nice. Go go go girl.
    Raghav get your tail quickly to the temple. Hurry!!!! Time is off the essence because if Kamla realises Kalpi missing, she will surely head for the temple. HURRY PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!

    • M@hi
      May 29, 10:22

      Hi Paige. They made us wait until tomorrow lol. So many people are excited to see when those two will finally see each other again.

    • Paige S
      May 29, 13:15

      Tell me about it. And of all day, today the hours are crawling. I want them to fly so we get to tomorrow to see this meeting.

    • devya
      May 29, 18:01

      PAIGE,my dear we r too anxious for that meeting between raghav n kalpi lol. So THESE writers r playing with our emotions n KEEP us suspended lol. THEY know how to do it unto US. Have patience my dear its comin tomorrow. So after seeing that I’ll be more energized to begin the new week lol.

  29. ahana
    May 29, 10:07 Reply

    Pakhi.. go to hell… if writers unite pakhi and raghav.. i will hate dis showwwe

    • M@hi
      May 29, 10:09

      I know right. She’s so possessive “My Raghav”. She has Mummy Ji’s support as well.

  30. M@hi
    May 29, 09:56 Reply

    Exactly Raghav your are in the same scenario as you were on the wedding day. You broke Kalpi’s heart once you should not do it again.

    • M@hi
      May 29, 10:08

      I think Raghav will go. Maybe when Kalpi would think of leaving just then Raghav will reach there.

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