Gustakh Dil 11th December 2013 Written Update

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Gustakh Dil 11th December 2013 Written Update by Amena Hasan

Gustakh Dil 11th December 2013 Written Episode

The Episode starts with barkha thinking about Shaila’s words. Shaila told her that Nikhil was very angry and he loves only Ishaana, not Lajjo. Inder asks Barkha what are you thinking and smiling. He jokes. Barkha says I m happy not about the stock market. He looks on. Nikhil does not talk to Lajjo and she feels bad. Ayesha comes to talk to Inder. Inder asks her did you think about that course. Ayesha says dad. I did not decide anything. He says its fine, take your time. Barkha asks where is Nani. Ayesha says she slept. Lajjo was massaging her knee and she slept. Barkha says maybe it will work.

Inder says can we go for knee replacement surgery as nothing is working on her. Barkha says I will talk to Ravi. Inder asks Ayesha to come to her. Barkha talks to Ayesha and says Neelam aunty brought a proposal for you, it’s a good family and its their only son with good property. Ayesha says I request you I don’t want to marry, I m not yet ready. She says I will take the decision after much thinking, not like this. Inder says its ok with us. She should decide it.

Inder says we should not hurry about her marriage. See Nikhil for example, take your time Ayesha. Ayesha leaves from their room. Its morning, Nani gets up and smells bad. Barkha comes to her and asks about the foul smell. Nani says maybe some rat died in this room. Shaila also come holding her nose. All of them look around to find the rat. Lajjo also come to them and covers her nose. Lajjo comes and asks did any rat die. Nani says we want to ask you what was in the oil that’s smelling like this. Lajjo asks her about the pain. Barkha scolds Lajjo and says this smell has to go else we won’t leave you.

Samrat comes to Aparna and talks to her. He says Lajjo brought an oil and applied to Nani, and it smells hell. Aparna laughs. He says I brought lunch for you. They have a light talk and Aparna says after my mum died, I became very lonely, I miss her a lot, so I thought to paint the house to pass time. Samrat says I can understand whats loneliness. He gets upset. Aparna looks at him. He says so you stay alone, I m sorry I was not with you that time.

He says you always helped me and supported me, and I was not with you. She says its ok. Gunjan calls Samrat and asks him to come home. Samrat says I need to go but will come again. Barkha asks Lajjo to call her home and ask her mum about the oil. Lajjo says we can find out about the smell. Everyone are irritated by the bad smell. Lajjo calls someone and asks about her mum, but her mum is not at home.

Barkha says so we need to smell this till evening. Everyone are worried and try to find some solution to get rid of the smell. Nikhil meets Ishaana and says I got angry on Lajjo as she has thrown the souvenirs. She did not know about it and I scolded her badly. Ishaana thinks Nikhil is upset with Lajjo and she do not need to do anything with Lajjo now. She says I m not angry on you and Lajjo, I m still with you, you should not have been angry on her.

Nikhil says so you did not feel bad right. Ishaana says yes, she did not do this purposely, it was a mistake so forget it. Nikhil says I can’t believe you are saying this, I was upset to lose those things. I was tensed thinking what would you react when I tell you, but you are understanding, caring and mature. I love you. She wears a broken bracelet which he gave her. She says its priceless for me as you gave me this, I fixed it as you gave it. He says you value it right. She says yes, more than before.

Ravi’s wife Meera comes and gives some solution. Barkha says mum you are stinking. Nani shouts on Lajjo and says I m smelling like a dead rat because of Lajjo, now she won’t stay here, I will kick her out of the house and will listen to Nikhil too. She asks Lajjo to get out of the house. Meera says did you notice, you are walking fine. Nani is happy and says I can jump, it’s a miracle. Meera says it happened because of Lajjo’s oil. Nani says Lajjo will be punished for this and leaves with Meera.

Lajjo comes to Nikhil’s room and thinks how Nikhil scolded her. Nikhil comes to his room and asks what are you doing here, I told you not to come here. She says I came to apologize, I did not know those things were valuable to you, I m sorry, I won’t do this again. Nikhil looks at Lajjo and asks whats in this packet. He sees that she brought those souvenirs back and asks where did you get this, you had thrown it, then how did you get it back. Lajjo looks on.

Lajjo is afraid of the lightning. Ishaana tells Nikhil that some people are afraid of lightning. Nikhil thinks of Lajjo’s mum words that Lajjo is afraid of lightning.

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    • nathy
      December 12, 03:09

      You were very good, also drew the name suits you … sheneneh 😀 😀 😀

      and lucy?? wow … keylolo?? wow 🙁 also perfect for you but as often occurred when during that period,
      9you went out of your top .. So when Gerard had sent me a text message. I had boss agreed to allowed me to go alone. 😛 but apparently you found out where I was 😀
      you angels are good 😉

    • Phoeñix
      December 12, 07:20

      Hmmm , I’m wondering , what did you slip into Boss’s drink to be allowed to go on that mission alone 😐
      ( please tell me , I gotta get some of that stuff for m collection 😀 ) . ..

      You see , the Boss , gave me flowers at the end awwwwwwww so sweet Boss , MWAH , MWAH . . .!!!
      Lucy was there thinking they were hers , nuh uh , no way girl :/ 😀 . . .go by some by the corner store , I earned these 😀 . .

      You’re really lucky we saved you Cam . .:| 😐
      You epentered a Talent show without talent 😛 . .:P
      You thought your thrift shop clothes would help you sail by 😀 😛 . .
      Like we say in Trini , me and Lucy Lu “” MASH UP THE PLACE ” it’s our way if saying that we BROUGHT THE HOUSE DOWN !!! yo . . yo !!

      Lucy come here sweetie . . I’ll give you a flower from m bouquet 😀 . ..

    • Aaliyah
      December 12, 10:39

      don’t you just love sheneneh, 😀 😀 😀 she is tha best
      cam still I don’t know why you wanted to go to that mission alone,

      ( I recall you mention having a meeting with doofensmirtz for a vibratorisator 😀 or was it the vibrating bra 🙁 )

      I mean who was telling here one for all and all for one :-(.

    • Aaliyah
      December 12, 10:40

      YES that was a night huh drew 😀 … i mean the crowd was fantastic… did you drew saw something that cam should be embarrass for, I mean my name is there “keylolo” 🙁

      you didn’t had to be ashamed to know us cam … 😀 😀 we love it when people know that WE know who YOU are 😛

    • Aaliyah
      December 12, 10:43

      drew the best part was strike a pose 😀 😀 😀

      and cam went to the restaurant and there we gave her the vibration… what comes around goes around… i’ll tell you later why we did this…do you remember drew 🙁
      what cam did to us in a party 🙁

      (drew if you can find somethng so we can let her see anything 😉 she has a past before becoming Charlie’s angels 😉 )

    • Aaliyah
      December 12, 10:44

      and why did boss gave only you all those flowers 🙁 😥

    • Phoeñix
      December 12, 10:50

      Hahah 😀 . . Lucy Lu , you know Boss can’t lie . .
      Boss appreciates good talent 😛 . .not , singing that makes one want to pull their ear drums out 😛 😛 . .
      Here , just take your flower and chill ok 😛 . . 😛 . .,

      ( Really ?? I’m glad you told me Lucy 😀 . . . I’ll do some investigating 😀 )

    • Phoeñix
      December 12, 11:23

      Hahaha 😀 . .
      So Doofenshmirtz hooked her up with those huh 😉

    • Aaliyah
      December 11, 16:58

      hahahahah…omg 😀 😀 😀
      cam was that you… i mean was that you..I was sitting there with someone and I saw you and… I ordered the same drink but nothing I understand 😉

    • Phoeñix
      December 11, 16:59

      Hahah 😀
      Lucy Lu ” who the heck give a damn ” ?? about the difference . .
      It’s not Makha . . Makha is Vodka with Mayonaise . . Only a genius like Rainbow guy would think of it 😀 . .

    • Aaliyah
      December 11, 17:05

      actually were there at that restaurant,me and drew you because you did not want us to go with you on a mission 🙁 and when we get that out of your bag …the rest you know yourself

    • Phoeñix
      December 11, 17:08

      Hmmm , Cam 😀 . . I didn’t know that you were that much into technology 😀 . . ..

    • Phoeñix
      December 11, 17:14

      Thank you Lucy dear . .
      Sweet dreams . .L❤️VE YA !!
      Have a great day tomorrow 🙂 . .,

    • Aaliyah
      December 11, 17:15

      drew look at the one i posted maybe you can see it
      but its from the ugly truth restaurant scene 😉
      check it out.

      cam you do not need to be ashamed that it happened. such things happen, 🙁 just look at all those politicians and presidents 😀

    • Phoeñix
      December 11, 17:20

      Ohhhhh Soo true 😀 . . .
      I do laught like that when I’m with you guyz 😀 . .,❤️❤️

    • Phoeñix
      December 11, 17:24

      I’ll check it Lucy Lu 🙂 .. .

      Cam good night , sleep tight . .
      May your dreams stay bright
      Even after you turn off the light ❤️❤️

    • nathy
      December 12, 02:58

      Good morning Angels… hey DREW thxs for the vid they were hilarious. 😀

    • Aaliyah
      December 11, 16:18

      YEAH CAM, it was nasty like you said 😀

    • nathy
      December 11, 16:20


      OMG LUCY… yes yes ur ryt this is what i felt

      hahahahahahaha omg i need to go to peee


    • Phoeñix
      December 11, 16:22

      Btw , Cam , he’s the guy who invented Makha . .
      He needed it to help him get over the Rainbow 😀 . ..
      So we must honour the guy 😀

    • nathy
      December 11, 16:22

      omg.. hahahahahaha that looks like a whale out of water

    • Aaliyah
      December 11, 16:23

      but you know, I did not know he was so fat, 😛

    • Aaliyah
      December 11, 16:24

      yes but who had found him, ???

    • Phoeñix
      December 11, 16:24

      Cam , she told him to do these exercises . .
      But he did his own thing 😀

      Aaliyah December 10, 2013 at 5:49 pm HAHAHAHAHAHA….HE NEED TO DO SOME GYM HERE A EXAMPLE FOR HIM

    • nathy
      December 11, 16:26

      oh no he if he is the inventor of the Makha then we should honor him… 😀 😀

      credit where credit is due.. 😛 😛

    • Aaliyah
      December 11, 16:28

      what…a wale…if the man stands on a bathroom scale, you know what’s on display

      To be continues

    • nathy
      December 11, 16:31






    • Phoeñix
      December 11, 16:31

      Well , I was flying by Hawaii . .Makha is from Hawaii you know , it sounds Hawaiian 🙂 . .
      And I heard this lovely song about rainbows . . Then I saw what I thought was a huge bird . Just float across the sky . . And I needed to know . , I just needed to know what could make a whale fly like that without any wings . . .
      And , my dearest Lucy , because of my curiosity and total shock and bewilderment . .
      I discovered Makha’s inventor 😀

    • Phoeñix
      December 11, 16:35

      Hahahaha !!! Good one Lucy . .
      But you know , poor guy ended up in the hospital after he tried to make his back bone slip like the little girl 😐 . .
      It took 20 men – 7 are still in hospital also – to lift him . . 😐
      They couldn’t fit him in the ambulance , so they got a fire truck. . .
      Man oh man . . I felt the earth move under my feet when he fell :/ . ..

    • Phoeñix
      December 11, 16:37

      I gotta give the guy credit Cam . . He’s graceful when jumping over rainbows . .
      Not so much when he’s exercising though 😀

    • Aaliyah
      December 11, 16:40

      DREW something you’ve seen, passing waw men 🙁
      fireman.. fireman sam maybe 🙁

      but is it, I mean Europe is far from hawaii and I think the Carib it feels much earlier, how are you now dear, still shaking huh 😉

    • nathy
      December 11, 16:44

      When did that happened, was it when Haiti had an earthquake? 🙁

    • Phoeñix
      December 11, 16:47

      Haiti , Hawaii . .. Same H 😀 . . Ok . Ok you got me . .its from Haiti . .
      It’s got something special in it Cam 😉 . .

      Lucy dear . . I’m still SHAKEN UP and Shocked like you dear 😐

      ► 0:31► 0:31

    • nathy
      December 11, 16:47

      how are you now drew is it well with you. I mean that was an experience…boy oh boy, maybe you should go to umai/shaza’s practice, to talk about that trauma 😀

    • Phoeñix
      December 11, 16:50

      Yeah , I really could use a psychologist 😐 . .

      Btw Cam , did you try on your vibrating bra ??

    • Phoeñix
      December 11, 16:11

      🙁 . .just one plays

    • nathy
      December 11, 16:14

      omg where did you get this from, I think they had an earthquake there 🙁

      that was really yak to see it was just gelatin 🙁 Damn that was something very very nasty o god i now need a makha

    • nathy
      December 11, 16:14

      give me a liter gallon pint plz

    • nathy
      December 11, 16:15

      hahahahah cute cat he was stunned

      now me too after seeing such a terrible thing

    • Phoeñix
      December 11, 16:18

      Sure Cam 🙂 . .do you want that Makha with or without the purple ?? 😀

  1. Phoeñix
    December 11, 15:56 Reply

    Cam , Lucy almost killed me again this morning with that shocked cat and those other videos 😀 . .
    Seriously Lucy , people thought I was mad 2day , I was laughing ever time I remembered those video clips 😀 . ..

    • nathy
      December 11, 15:57

      what vid..the yaba daba doo ???

    • nathy
      December 11, 16:00

      hey boss is still in her battle suit

      J LO … has really paid huge money for those clothes

      it was love at first sight 😀 😀

    • Phoeñix
      December 11, 16:01

      Nooo . .the one with shocked cat and two others . .
      Did you see the rainbow guy working out . .
      Poor Lucy needed therapy from Umai after . .
      Btw Lucy Lu , howz your eyes dear 🙂

    • Phoeñix
      December 11, 16:03

      Hahahaha 🙂 . . Yeah right Cam 😐 . .
      I’m thinking that you let Jlo bite some bed bugs too 😛 😛 . .
      What happened to the rest of her clothes , was it like Aladin and his lamp with JLo ??
      Old clothes for new clothes ?? You took her new clothes and gave her old clothes 😐 . .
      I’m on to this one Cam 😛

    • nathy
      December 11, 16:08

      you see…i knew u would understand… good!! 😉

      i mean the woman is rich and she wanna buy in a thrift shop

      we were alarmed that she was in town I just switched the

      name of the shop and put a classy one and she bought it,


    • nathy
      December 11, 16:11

      and from his side the british part huh
      me to love the lyrical

  2. Aaliyah
    December 11, 15:35 Reply

    Okay, CAM …CAAM is there a hidden message in that clip … or I’m still tipsy…from the 7up you gave me 😕

    • Aaliyah
      December 11, 15:37

      and you blushing?????it just does not suit you 🙁

    • Boss
      December 11, 15:39



    • Phoeñix
      December 11, 15:40

      Didn’t you notice Lucy 🙂 ???
      JLo was wearing a coat from Cam’s store 🙂 .. .
      It looks just like the one Macklemore wore when he sang at her thrift shop store 😀 … .
      Hmmmmmm . . she told us to not be fooled by the rocks that she’s got 😐 . .
      That’s code Lucy , I’m sure of it 😀

    • Boss
      December 11, 15:42




    • Phoeñix
      December 11, 15:43

      Hahahaha !!!
      Hi , Hello !! My dearest Boss 😀 😀 . . MWAH . .
      Boss is here !!
      Lucy , another’s Yaba Daba Doo please 😀

      Yeah , yeah I warned her about the bed bugs 😀 ..
      .so that’s why she’s purple huh 🙂 . .

      ( I’m glad that it has nothing to do with what we put in her drink
      😉 😉 Lucy Lu 😀 )

    • Phoeñix
      December 11, 15:45

      You come and go like the wind boss :,,,,,( and leave me all poetic and sad 🙁 . . .
      Love you and best of luck with those assignments ❤️❤️. .

    • Aaliyah
      December 11, 15:45

      me too :-(…but hey…sssshhhhhhh

      boss thanks.( I think she believed you, that you came especially for her) 😉

    • Phoeñix
      December 11, 15:47

      You’ll always be the Boss, Boss 🙂

    • Boss
      December 11, 15:49


      love you angelssssss

    • nathy
      December 11, 15:50

      hey boss, thxs for such lovely words 😀

      sorry I just went to take a shower, ok lets chat for a 30 min ..then I have a special mission to attend( no boss I wont say a thing, I let them believe that they are on the ryt track 😉 , and that I didn;t know they put smthing in my drink wich i switched and lucy drank sshh 😉 )

    • Aaliyah
      December 11, 15:51


    • Phoeñix
      December 11, 15:51

      Boss . . I know that you’ll do just great at those assignments 🙂

    • Aaliyah
      December 11, 15:52

      yes, boss is ryt CAM nothing is personal here

    • Phoeñix
      December 11, 15:53

      ( Hmmmm , Lucy . . I just read something from Cam’s mind 😐 . .
      It would explain why she remained totally unfazed after the purple stuff 😐 . .
      But , how do I tell you this dear 😐 . .?? ) . .

    • nathy
      December 11, 15:54

      best of luck, dear boss, 😉

      and you 2 make us angels proud on whatever your doing

    • Aaliyah
      December 11, 15:55

      oh gosh , I’m not good in reading minds thats indeed your deprtment.(.but send it in code-mode but use your country english.. 😀 )

    • Aaliyah
      December 11, 15:56

      oh that failed youtube is yaba dabba dooooo 🙁

    • Phoeñix
      December 11, 15:58

      I never mentioned b4 , but true talk . . I’m half British really , my father is from England . .
      But I’ve never net his sorry a_ to this day 😐 . .

    • Phoeñix
      December 11, 15:59

      I’m thinking that the country English is probably genetics 😀

    • Aaliyah
      December 11, 16:04

      HHMMMM…net his sorry ass ???
      I than think that this “net”is need in over the world english 🙁 last you posted a lyrical something were the english was… 🙁 also for me quite difficult..but the BEAT was awesome 😛 😀

    • Phoeñix
      December 11, 16:07

      Hahah .” .net “problems dear Lucy 😀 . . Get it 😉
      I meant met . .
      Ya , Trinis have a distinctive way of speaking 😀 . .

    • Phoeñix
      December 11, 15:15

      Hiiiiiiiiii !!!!
      MWAH !!!!

    • Aaliyah
      December 11, 15:21

      aawww….you make me cry.. this is sooooo sweet of you
      come cam ,,, aaahhhhhh …love you two too 😀

    • nathy
      December 11, 15:26

      this is nice…I feel like blushing


    • nathy
      December 11, 15:26

      yabba daba doo…lucy lu were r you 😛

    • Phoeñix
      December 11, 15:26

      She disappeared I think . . 😐 . . .

    • nathy
      December 11, 15:27

      no I’m on the purple wine….and this dres of yours is hot

      from my store 🙁

    • Aaliyah
      December 11, 15:28

      hey girl, purple rain got you in España ???

    • Phoeñix
      December 11, 15:29

      Cam , I have to ask . . 😐 😐 . .
      What’s it with you and the colour purple ( I mean I love purple , but damn , Purple rain :/ *~* ) and short loud , happy ( gay ) , men . .
      who sang songs from b4 our time 😛 😛 . ..

    • Aaliyah
      December 11, 15:29

      do you have such things at your store..the thrift shop around the corner?? 🙁

    • Aaliyah
      December 11, 15:30

      (I think its the purple stuff you put in her 7up last friday) 😀

    • Phoeñix
      December 11, 15:32


      ( shhhhhhhhhhh Lucy Lu 😀 )

    • Aaliyah
      December 11, 15:34

      okay… 😀 ….yeah cam, whats the problem

  3. Phoeñix
    December 11, 15:08 Reply

    Angels !!!!! MWAH , MWAH ,MWAH , MWAH .. .

    • Aaliyah
      December 11, 15:10

      hey sweety…mwah back to you 😀

    • Aaliyah
      December 11, 15:12

      What happened did you get power from above 🙁

    • Phoeñix
      December 11, 15:13

      Hahahaha 🙂 . . I’m trying to get better net connexion 😀

    • nathy
      December 11, 15:17

      loved ur red dress more…I’m not at home you were ryt Lucy I’m at Barcelona… but I couldn’t stop myself to check 2day…. OMG…I didn’t know u angels like me 😥 😥

    • Phoeñix
      December 11, 15:20

      You didn’t know ????
      Do you know someone less with a memory eraser stick , neutraliser thingy ??
      How did you forget that we love you ???

    • nathy
      December 11, 15:25

      don’t know I see many things purple

  4. Aaliyah
    December 11, 14:56 Reply

    it’s just a shame that many only read and not give comments

    silent readers… real viewers…etc etc etc 😀 …..
    I hope … that you now …. Also leave a comment.
    Amena is worth a comment from you for doing such a amazing job

    you have read how she praised me….. a foreigner.. don’t you just love her 😛

    and I’m not selfish, I would definitely share this award with

    you. 😉

    So let’s all Value amena back with a comment.

    do it in Hindi, she must understand it… 😀

    • nathy
      December 11, 15:19

      This is typical lucy, but you’re right, you’re not selfish and love to share 😉

  5. Aaliyah
    December 11, 14:42 Reply

    @ Amena, 😀 thank you very much, but actually you have not answered my question, but never mind. the person in question is not here. yes I like it, I agree with CAM Tumhari Pakhi is also a nice serie than this but we are used to coming here.

    I wish you great pleasure in the writing of these updates … 😀

    • Phoeñix
      December 11, 15:12

      I’m so happy that you’re being appreciated for appreciating Lucy Lu 🙂 . ..
      It’s really great that you guyz always take time to appreciate Ameena . ..

    • nathy
      December 11, 15:22

      ya, me 2

  6. Shaza
    December 11, 12:37 Reply

    @asya-its for you..

    Nikhil plans to celebrate his birthday in Sohanbarsa where Nikhil’s Grandfather lives. He plans to go with Ishana but she refuses, eventually Nikhil’s friends go with him to sohanbarsa. There he meets a challenging but simple girl named Laajo who lives with her mother and sisters. Nikhil is about to dash Laajo’s Cow but stops. Laajo angrily says that now her cow won’t be giving milk for days and asks him to give the money. But the next morning Nikhil finds out Lajo was lying to him and asks his money back. Then the friends go out for having fun and one of Nikhil’s friends sees a lake and dives into it. His body starts itching and the naughty Laajo sees this. Nikhil notices Laajo and is angry with her. Laajo then challenges Nikhil to fly a kite with her, when Laajo is about to win her mother interrupts and Nikhil wins. Nikhil’s friends think that Laajo is too young for marriage.

    A man comes to see Laajo for marriage. He accepts but Laajo’s mother is worried about the dowry to be given, but somehow manages to bring a bike which Laajo messes up. Her mother gets angry and scolds her. Laajo continues her naughtiness with Nikhil and his friends. Laajo’s parents decide to get Laajo married but they don’t have enough money, Nikhil gives money to Laajo’s father. On the day of the marriage, Laajo has to put a garland on the new bike but instead she puts it on a bike which is not in a good state and says “I’ll marry this bike”. Laajo’s marriage was called off.Nikhil’s grandfather asks him to marry her.

    So after that Nikhil gets married to lajjo and takes her to his house.none accepts her.they scold Nikhil for his act.They plan to send lajjo back.Nikhil’s sister Ayesha is engaged to a boy named sid..he tries to flirt with lajjo but speaks the opposite when lajjo shouts and everyone comes there.their marriage is called off too.the only people who are good with lajjo is gunjan and rishi.they are samrat’s kids..he is nikhil’s uncle .ayesha starts to meet sid secretly..sid is under some plan.sid plans to take her out and ruin her..just in time lajjo gets to know it and informs Nikhil..nikhil saves Ayesha and thereafter Ayesha is not rude to lajjo..but that doesn’t mean that she is friendly with her.

    Nikhil continues his affair with ishaana..lajjo gets to know it but she doesn’t react to it.lajjo falls in love with Nikhil.kunal is one of nikhil’s friend..he loves ishaana one headed.their other friends understand about it and are pissed with kunal for using ishaana to make her fall in love with him when she is weak..ishaana’s mum prohibits ishaana to meet Nikhil but they yet meet secretly.nikhil’s family wants to send lajjo away from the now they are taking the help of ishaana to chase lajjo.ishaana too agrees.

    That is what is happening now.even I joined the show I had to read all the updates in a day…so I have given you everything I could remember and seemed important..any free to ask from any of us..hope this helped you.

    • Aaliyah
      December 11, 14:43

      Hey angel…I thought asya was asking about last 6-7 weeks 🙁

  7. Shaza
    December 11, 12:36 Reply

    @angels-hi everyone…hope all of you are doing good and cAm comes back fast…hey im UMAI with a new name…bye.take care.good night/good morning.sweet dreams/have a nice day ahead.

    • nathy
      December 11, 15:22

      love you dear thxs

  8. Shaza
    December 11, 12:31 Reply

    @amena hasan-have to say do a wonderful job..i read your updates on gustak dil and tumhari realy do a good job.thanks again and again for it.

  9. Shaza
    December 11, 12:28 Reply

    episode was lakhil scenes..hope we get to see some good lakhil scenes tomorrow..maybe nikhil would leave ishaana and go soon saying that he wants to be with lajjo now…WOW..WOW..hope we could see some romance there.

  10. Shaza
    December 11, 12:27 Reply

    @CAM-its also for was a message i left for you on 9th WU..i guess you didnt get here im copy pasting it again.

    December 9, 2013 at 8:22 pm

    @angels-Good is for me now…6.30 am

    @CAM-ooooh my gosh..angel…whats up with you???the comments are off for all of us on tp..then why are you thinking like must be some problem with the system.thats it…this is the third time its happening..i know it since the first day of the show im there…just because you chat on a different way doesnt mean that you are harsh or a bad influence..OMG..dear how can you think like that..i do read all the comments on that page…(actually the timing of the update is a bit late for either i read it only on mornings nor sometimes keep awake to chat with my friends on that page..but we never meet at the same time on that page too…so never got the chance to reply you.)

    but i promise that i read out all the comments that includes yours never were why worry???so if you say that they do it purposely…then im THE ONE TO BE BLOCKED…since i use to chat there whenever possible..i mean all my friends(@saadia,@angel manu,@noor,@arti,@zaara,@munaa) any of them turn up…why dear look at that matter on a negative angel…

    btw i also dont reply you there..since it would be after a very long time that you posted it and never thought you would check the comments out there..thats why i always leave messages for you here…but have to must be fate..wanted leave you a post today on that page about the comparison i did on gd and tp..but my bad luck and here youare upset.please dear…be chill..nothing to worry.

    hope this message reaches all of you.

    December 9, 2013 at 8:31 pm

    @cam-i love your friends are vanished these days…@noor..that sweet girl you were speaking about(btw thanks for it..i was wondering whom you were speaking about and found that its her… sweet of her.if only i could reply her..seems she left the message on didnt know it)too only chats with us sometimes since she feels..that if she chats daily she would be under she too never comes and others are busy with exams and new year season your comments made me feel free to come there since i had some person on that page who visits the page just like me.

    • nathy
      December 11, 15:24

      okay….. i guesssss i should say now such crap as

      thxs…btw i already say thxs above 🙁 … 😥 😥

      nothing nothing i’m fine (blow nose)

  11. Shaza
    December 11, 12:20 Reply

    @CAM-its for you…

    Hello admin ji..i would like to know why the comments are off on the tumhari pakhi page…it happened last week too.Please try to avoid it..Thanks.Hope you have a nice day ahead.

    DesiTV Box

    Dec 10 (1 day ago)

    to me
    Hi, sometimes while editing, comments get turned off. We can only notice that when we visit that page (which doesn’t happen often) or someone let us know like you did now.
    I have turned them on now 🙂


    • Shaza
      December 11, 12:22

      @CAM-mizng you loadzzz…maybe you are busy..but try to give us one single comment on this page..we would be happy…you are not a weak person to leave your friends just because you couldnt comment on a page…dont say me that you are weak..i know you well now.waiting for you to reply me.

    • Phoeñix
      December 11, 15:10

      Thank you dear , for getting this info.

  12. Shaza
    December 11, 12:18 Reply

    @amena hasan-thanks for the update.

  13. amena hasan
    December 11, 10:56 Reply

    Hi Aaliyah…. Thanks for your comments. I see that you are a frequent reader of this page. Leave your feedback about the update. Its great to have readers like you. I read comments when I get free form my work. Yes its true that I write for many shows. Its the encouragement of the readers like you that makes me take up more work.

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