Jeannie Aur Juju 28th December 2012 Written Update

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Jeannie Aur Juju 28th December 2012 Written Update by Saisuni139

The scene begins with Vicky and Vela arguing about the expensive gifts Vela gave it to Sheila and Vicky saying this will cost the company a lot.Vela does’nt like what Vicky said.He asks J send Vicky to REGISTHAN(desert).Vicky says don’t do this to me and J says Veluuu Pl don’t do this to Vicky.Vela says before anatartica now it is registhan,cold and hot it will balance.J sends Vicky to registhan for an hour as Vela wishes.Vicky in Registhan thinks it was beach and then realizes that and accepts the reality.At Shelia’s place,Shelia says she is very happy and will sign the contract.She asks abt Vicky and Vela says he sent him home.Sheila gets upset and asks why he did that?Jeanine says he lost is mind and Sheila says Vicky is handsome.J gets upset and teases Sheila and they leave.In the Ganguly’s house,Chaturji thinks about the ghost and says I haven’t seen the ghost for very longtime.He takes his Dorbin( binocular ) and tries to look for ghost.Here,Sumeet realizes he is looking for Jeanine didi.In the meantime Duraji calls him to help him with her work.Sumeet takes the Dorbin and using a black marker he covers the whole glass thru which we see.Chathurji comes happily saying Durga will not call me for another 3 hrs.Now I can do my work.He takes the Dorbin and says why everything is dark.Durgaji see’s this and becomes upset saying u started this again.

Here,Durgaji says look at urself and she gets a mirror and looking at his face in the mirror with black rings around his eye’s . Durgaji says what r u doing? Show me what u have in ur hands and Chaturji says I don’t have any thing and durgaji asks to turn around and she takes the Dorbin angrily says see what I will do?Sumeet is enjoying all this and Chaturji asks him,who did this?Sumeet pretend’s he is innocent.Durgaji calls him and he leaves.Here,chapri(peon) comes to give tea to the boss,where he will be showing of his expensive watch.Priya’s dad says I got the message and the chapri asks abt increasing his salary.Boss says if u can effort an expensive watch ,I don’t think I need to raise ur salary.Chapri says,the gift was given by Vela,he can reduce his salary becz he won a lottery.Priya the whole time with her dad in his cabin,listening to this they both r surprised.Priya’s dad says’s I never saw Vela giving any gift to any one.He asks priya when his the last time she gave gift to Vicky,she says,she nevr did and it is vicky who gifts her.Dad advices to gift Vicky that brings sweetness to their relationship.Priya asks dad his credit card and dad thinks why did I advice her?Here,Vicky in desert is very thirsty,miserable and suffering from all the heat.In Vela’s office,Vela was upset with J and asks J why r u looking at me with so much love. J says this is not love ,Vela says what were u saying at Sheila ‘s place that my character is not good?J says I didn’t say anything wrong.Pl respect me I am ur master,u r my master not my friend.It is time to call ur friend and J brings Vicky back to the office.Vicky realizes he is in office and drinks water,tries to turn on the Ac.It doesn’t work and between all this tiki mirchi comes to Vickys cabin.Vicki is surprised to see her and Priya says she has forgiven him.What says Vicky? He is suprised with Priya saying all this.Priya see’s Vicky behaving weirdly and asks what was he doing?He says he is working out.Priya says she got a gift and she gives him the sweater.looking at it Vicky screams and PRiya questions him.He says ,he is overexcited and can not hold is happiness.Priya forces him to wear the sweater and She says u look very cute and handsome.Vicky tries to remove the sweater and Priya says don’t remove it.Vickys says I don’t want the sweater to be damaged,he will keep it under the pillow so that he can get sweet dreams abt her.Priya asks Vicky to go for dinner.Vicky says give me five minutes,I have to talk to Vela.Priya leavesv and Vicky takes of the sweater and goes to Vela’s cabin.Where they scream at each other and Vela asks J to make him statue,just is mouth should be open.J obeys him and chapri in Vela’s cabin and Vicky handles the situation.where chapri gets scared and leaves.Priya says five minutes is over and can we go.

PRecap:Vela begging Vicky at his house ,I don’t want to go to Jail Pl help me.Vicky asks Vela to give J back to him.Vicky says Jail or Jeanine .

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1 Comment

  1. Harshitha
    December 29, 08:18 Reply

    This serial is gud………….but not popular.I love giaa

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