Jeet Gayi Toh Piya Morey 29th January 2018 Written Update

Jeet Gayi Toh Piya Morey 29th January 2018 Written Update by Atiba

Jeet Gayi Toh Piya Morey 29th January 2018 Written Episode

Scene 1
Adhi says he has disgusted my family. He doesn’t deserve to be called my brother. Devi tries to sit. He helps her. The song bolna plays. Devi says family is one that respects each other. If he loves a man then whats wrong. He says what about this society? She says what society? That only molds people? he holds her hand and makes her lay on bed. Adhi says please rest. Devi says your brother fights this society every day. You have to own him with his identity. And kesar.. She had been waiting for him three years. Someone who was never hers. I want to do something that will make her and Mukun’s life better. Will you help me? He leaves.

Mukun says to Karan why did you shoot? I wanted to talk to Adhi. He would have understood. Masa loves me she would have

accepted me one day or other. Masa is out with gun. She says my son can never do this. Mukun says we will talk to Masa. Karan says no.. Masas comes with a gun.
Ambika comes to Devi. She is worried. Devi says what happened? She says Masa is very angry. she wants to kill her son. Devi is dazed. She says I have to go. Ambika says you have to rest. Devi says I can’t let this sin happen.
Mukun says to Masa I really love you. I didn’t want to hurt you. This is my truth and identity. This is why I left. Please let me go Masa. I will go abroad. No one will understand me here. Masa says you want to live with a man? I set you free. You are right. You have to go. Mukun hugs her and says thank you Masa. I knew you would understand me. He says Kiran I told you Masa loves me. Masa says I can never tolerate this. Masa picks her gun. Adhi says masa stop he is your son. Masa shoots Kiran. Mujun is dazed. Adhi says what did you do Masa. Mukun says masa you killed Kiran. Masa says world will spit on us because of you. I can’t let you insult us. You are a stain on our name. I will wash this stain forever. Adhi says masa please stop. He is your son. Masa recalls when he came back and she hugged him. Masa shoots him. everyone screams. Mukun dies as well. Adhi says I am sorry brother.. Nothing will happen to you. Mukun says please take care of Kesar. Don’t let her pay for my mistakes. He dies. Masa sits and screams. Adi says what did you do. Devo says what you did is a sin only.

Scene 2
Its Mukun’s funeral. Masa looks at Kesar and says you are responsible for all this. You were Mukun’s wife and he had to go to a man. You are the one who has shortcomings. Mukun has died. There is no place for you in this house. Get out. Devi says enough. This is your fault only. This wasn’t Kesar or Mukun’s fault. You are at fault.

Precap-Masa is about to cut Kesar’s hair. devi says stop. If you cut a single hair of her I will tell the world you killed Mukun.

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